Week 7 Midweek Assignment Proposal research Draft

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Research Proposal Draft

By the due date assigned, write a 2 page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.


Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).

Instruments Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s).

Description of the Intervention

Data Collection Procedures

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Research Proposal Draft

The opioid overdose epidemic increased due to measures to control the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. As frontline healthcare providers and workers, nurses experienced the devastation caused by the opioid epidemic on those addicted due to restriction of movement and other measures like isolation and social distancing practices.

The opioid epidemic is a relevant issue of its effects on health and individuals. These include increased cost of care due to numerous visits by the addicts to emergency department, accidental deaths due to overdose and dependence on the drugs (Ghose et al., 2022).

Individuals get addicted making it difficult to control the urge for drug consumption to maintain their expected functionality. Impaired control is a common aspect among those addicted to opioids. The purpose of this discussion paper is present and explore different aspects of methodology for the proposed research project. The project’s main intervention is administration of Naloxone to lower the overall effects of opioid addiction among individuals.


Extraneous Variables

Extraneous variables denote any variable that is not under investigation but has the ability to influence or affect the results or findings of a research study. Extraneous variable emerges when conducting research after identification of the independent and dependent variables (Fowler et al., 2021).

In this case, the study focuses on use of fast administration of medications to counteract to counteract the effects of opioid overdose. The extraneous variables would include income levels that determine one’s ability to use opioids, existing history of substance use disorder, and overall social determinants of health (SDOH). The plan for control of these variables entails reducing their effects on the participants’ perception of the opioid crisis. Ensuring that addicted individuals have sufficient levels of drugs during the trial is also an essential aspect of controlling these variables.

Instruments Validity & Reliability

The selected instrument in this case is questionnaire. The instrument is effective because it is participant-based. Questionnaires allow participants to answer questions without any predetermined answers or way of offering feedback. Validity is the level to which an instrument measures what they it is supposed to measure and perform as designed to perform. Reliability is consistency that a research instrument sets and performs in research study (Chetwynd, 2022). The validity of questionnaire is high since they are prevalent and provide original views or input from participants. Questionnaires are also consistent based on the set questions for participants. For instance, questionnaires consistently measure what they intend to measure based on the research issue.

Testing validity and reliability is essential to ensuring that the intervention works as expected and leads to better management of the opioid epidemic. The project will entail getting opinions and views from participants and this means effective approaches to attaining validity and reliability. To test validity, the study will use content validity approach as it measures the level of accuracy of the data given by participants. The study will test reliability using the test-retest approach.

Description of the Intervention

The appropriate intervention for this research study is fast administration of medications to ensure that the opioid individuals do not relapse or fail to counteract the effects of overdose. This means that having the intervention would improve the overall efforts to address the current issue (Gill, 2020). The intervention will also entail having sufficient information for nurses to administer medications as required for the affected population.

Data Collection Procedures

The study will collect data using questionnaires. The questionnaire will entail open-ended and closed-ended questions to collect qualitative data from the participants and even healthcare providers. The questionnaires will be sent to participants using different approaches based on their convenience and situations. The researchers will not influence the subjects as they will fill the questionnaires independently.


Understanding the research methodology and its components is essential in conducting studies and attaining expected outcomes. The discussion paper demonstrates that having effective and reliable data is essential for better outcomes from research study. Validity and reliability are essential components of having better findings from research.


  • Chetwynd, E. (2022). Critical analysis of reliability and validity in literature reviews. Journal of
    Human Lactation, 38(3), 392-396. DOI 10.1177/08903344221100201.
    Fowler, J., Jarvis, P., & Chevannes, M. (2021). Practical statistics for nursing and health care.
  • John Wiley & Sons.
    Ghose, R., Forati, A. M., & Mantsch, J. R. (2022). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Opioid
    Overdose Deaths A Spatiotemporal Analysis. Journal of Urban Health Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 99(2), 316–327. https //doi.org/10.1007/s11524-022-00610-0
  • Gill, S. L. (2020). Qualitative sampling methods. Journal of Human Lactation, 36(4), 579-581.
    DOI 10.1177/0890334420949218.

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