Week 6 – Drop box Assignment – Organizational Systems Comparison

Paper Instructions

Background Information

Companies generally organize themselves into tall (vertical), flat (horizontal), or wide organizational structures. When you picture an organizational chart, the CEO of the tall organization generally leads from the top and leads from a distance.

There are typically lots of spaces steps between leaders and employees with a well-defined chain of command. In flat organizations, there are fewer levels of management and employees have more autonomy; the CEO may be more knowledgeable about the daily activities in the organization and are more connected with employees.

On the other hand, wide organizations are generally more “loosely coupled”. In the loosely coupled organization, like a franchise operation, people work for the same organization but may be disconnected daily. They may come together for training, but generally, there are separate cultures for each of the organizations.

Nursing Turnover

Nursing turnover is one of the biggest issues impacting profitability and performance in healthcare organizations. Healthcare organizations require a highly trained, fully engaged, and stable workforce. Losing critical employees impacts healthcare in many ways including a) Decreased quality of patient care, b) Loss of patience, c) Increased accident and absenteeism rates, and d) Increase staffing costs.

It could be argued that “employees quit managers, not businesses.” Depending on the organizational type, it may be easier for some nurses to quit. Here are a few factors that drive turnover in nursing

  • Feeling disrespected in the workplace
  • Poor communication among team members
  • Lack of trust
  • Ineffective collaboration with others
  • Submission Instructions
  • Address the following components for the assignment submission

Considering the additional information related to organizational structure, discuss the organizational structure that best describes the type(s) of organization(s) you work for now or in the past.

Provide an explanation with examples on how the organizational structure aligned with the organizational leadership strategy.

Reflecting on nursing turnover, discuss if your selected organizational structure and leadership style is a good fit to prevent nursing turnover. Provide at least one scholarly source within five (5) years to support your discussion.

Identify and discuss an additional driver (outside of the four described above) from your personal work experience or from the literature.

As a healthcare leader, what recommendations would you make to alleviate or minimize the impact the additional driver you selected?

Provide a brief description of the type of organizational structure you would prefer to work and explain why.

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Organizational systems describe the structure of an organization. An organizational structure comprises functions, relationships, responsibilities, authorities, and communication of employees within each part of an organization. There are two types of organizational structures formal and informal.

The formal structure is generally highly planned and publicized, while the informal structure is unplanned and often concealed. The purpose of this paper is to describe the organizational structure in our organization and leadership style and their relationship with nursing turnover.

Organizational Structure

Our organization has a functional organizational structure. Employees are grouped into departments by specialty, with similar tasks performed by the same group and reporting to the same manager. The various departments include medical-surgical, reproductive health, pediatrics, psychiatry, specialty clinics, pathology, radiology, finance, procurement, informatics, biomedical engineering, and marketing.

Each department has staff trained to carry out specialized tasks and report to the same leader. For instance, the reproductive health department has employees trained in that specialty, like midwives, obstetricians, gynecologists, and certified nurse midwives, while the finance department has employees trained in finance and accounting.

Organizational Leadership Strategy

The organization applies Transactional leadership, which is sometimes referred to as managerial leadership. The transactional leadership behaviors employed in our organization are targeted to monitor and control employees through rational and economic means.

The functional organization structure aligns with the Transactional leadership strategy since the structure entails the head of the department setting objectives, assigning tasks, and clarifying expectations so that employees can achieve the organization’s desired outcomes.

The leaders use contingent rewards to focus on exchange and trade relationships, providing tangible or intangible support and resources to employees in exchange for their efforts and performance, and sanctioning unattained performance levels (Mekonnen & Bayissa, 2023). To deal with surprises or non-routine events, the leaders sometimes rely on management by exception, revising and updating standards, and monitoring deviations from these standards.

Nursing Turnover

Some disadvantages of the functional organization structure include limited decision-making among employees, narrow scope, and the lack of a common organizational purpose. The head of the department is usually responsible for making decisions, and the employees do not have much say, which lowers their morale and demotivates them, leading to high turnovers.

Fattah et al. (2022) explain that employees appreciate participative decision-making through collaboration and commitment to the organization, which reduces their intention to leave. Moreover, narrow scope and a lack of a common organizational purpose affect employee morale and performance, which increases the intention to leave and nursing turnover.

On the other hand, transactional leadership is insufficient when creating significant change in an organization or inspiring followers to achieve at higher levels. Mekonnen and Bayissa (2023) explain that the leadership strategy is premised on compliance by the followers, and the leader uses rewards and punishments to ensure compliance. This lowers nurses’ morale and motivation towards their jobs, leading to turnover.

Additional Driver

Workplace Violence (WPV) is one of the factors associated with nursing turnover. Kafle et al. (2022) explain that WPV is directly linked to high job stress, reduced job satisfaction, absenteeism, burnout, fatigue, sleep disorder, PTSD, fear, suicide, and increased staff turnover. More than 70% of nurses are persistently worried about being victims of WPV.

These stresses reduce job satisfaction and increase psychological stress, adversely affecting their work and personal life (Kafle et al., 2022). Violence results in psychological distress, which increases nurses’ intention to leave and contributes to high turnover rates in organizations.

Healthcare Leader Recommendations

The primary contributors to WPV are increased stress among nurses, understaffing, the demanding nature of the nursing job, and prolonged waiting periods. These factors contribute to dissatisfied patients and relatives, who react by causing physical and psychological violence to healthcare providers.

For instance, most reported causes of WPV occur in the waiting rooms of emergency departments and are attributed to prolonged waiting periods (Wirth et al., 2021). As a healthcare leader, I would recommend preventive measures at the administrative level.

The management and leadership teams of healthcare organizations should manage the understaffing by implementing measures that promote safe nurse-to-patient ratios (Kafle et al., 2022).  This would reduce the job demand and high stress levels among nurses and ensure patients do not wait for prolonged periods before being attended to.

In addition, I would recommend that the management of hospitals improve the working environment and ensure the organization implements a zero-tolerance policy against WPV. Furthermore, I would recommend regular staff training on enhancing patient-nurse relationships, communication skills, stress and anger-control management, and de-escalation skills.

Organizational Structure Preference

I would prefer to work in an organization with a horizontal organizational structure, also known as a flat structure. This type of structure has few hierarchical layers and a wide range of control. I prefer it because it stresses an employee-centered approach and fosters teamwork and collaboration. The structure has the advantage of employee autonomy.

The leaders give employees the flexibility to organize and control their work, which gives them freedom and independence to perform their roles and responsibilities (Heeringa et al., 2020). A sense of autonomy is associated with reduced staff turnover as it increases employee motivation.

Furthermore, top managers in the horizontal organizational structure empower employees to participate in decision-making, increasing job motivation and innovation among employees (Heeringa et al., 2020). Employing the horizontal organizational structure can significantly reduce the nurse turnover rate in our organization.


Our organization has a functional organizational structure and applies the Transactional leadership strategy. The organizational structure and leadership style are unsuitable for preventing nursing turnover as they do not foster participative decision-making.

Workplace violence is also a contributor to nursing turnover and generally affects nurses’ work life, contributing to reduced productivity and quality of care. This can be addressed by implementing safe nurse-to-patient ratios, a zero-tolerance policy against WPV, and regular staff training.


  • Fattah, J., Yesiltas, M., & Atan, T. (2022). The Impact of Knowledge Sharing and Participative Decision-Making on Employee Turnover Intention The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support. SAGE Open, 12(4), 21582440221130294. https //doi.org/10.1177/21582440221130294
  • Heeringa, J., Mutti, A., Furukawa, M. F., Lechner, A., Maurer, K. A., & Rich, E. (2020). Horizontal and vertical integration of health care providers a framework for understanding various provider organizational structures. International journal of integrated care, 20(1). https //doi.org/10.5334/ijic.4635
  • Kafle, S., Paudel, S., Thapaliya, A., & Acharya, R. (2022). Workplace violence against nurses a narrative review. Journal of clinical and translational research, 8(5), 421–424.
  • Mekonnen, M., & Bayissa, Z. (2023). The Effect of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles on Organizational Readiness for Change Among Health Professionals. SAGE open nursing, 9, 23779608231185923. https //doi.org/10.1177/23779608231185923
  • Wirth, T., Peters, C., Nienhaus, A., & Schablon, A. (2021). Interventions for workplace violence prevention in emergency departments a systematic review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(16), 8459. https //doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18168459

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