Week 1 Discussion Topic 1 Community-Based Nursing

Paper Instructions


Post your initial response to one of the two topics below.

Topic 1 Community-Based Nursing

Nursing services play an important role in caring for patients and families in the community and providing them the support they need. For patients with problems ranging from chronic health conditions to need of elder care, nursing has proved itself an important part of the healthcare team. In fact, many people now prefer sending their elderly parents to a daycare for nursing, rather than to a long-term care facility.

For this topic, interview a community-based nurse or nurse practitioner who sees individuals in the home setting. Describe the nurse’s responses to the following questions

  • What are your job responsibilities?
  • Does a correlation exist between your job description and your practice?
  • Are you involved in policy formulation that affects client services?
  • Do you belong to a professional organization related to your current job position?

Topic 2 Economics of Health Care

The cost of healthcare in the U.S. is often discussed by the press. Trends in healthcare spending are determined by public and private decisions about health care delivery and reflect the values and beliefs of society and policy makers.

Compare the distribution of healthcare expenses for 2017.
https //www.cms.gov/research-statistics-data-and-systems/statistics-trends-and-reports/nationalhealthexpenddata/nationalhealthaccountshistorical (Nation’s health dollar where it came from and where it went with those of 2011 [see textbook]).

Write a summary of your findings and their meaning in terms of health care spending.

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Topic 1 Community-Based Nursing

Nurses play an integral part in the health care and positively impact individuals and communities. Community-based nursing serves the need of individuals who may have limited access to health care. Community-based nursing enables medical professional to tackle needs of individual members of a community (Flaherty & Bartels, 2019). Based on an interview with a community-based nurse, this essay describes the role of community-based nursing.

Job Responsibilities

The purpose of community-based nursing is to serve as the initial point of contact between individuals and families and the larger healthcare system. The responsibilities of a community-based nurse include promotion of health and prevention of disease.

Community-based nurses offer care to individuals of all ages, in most cases individuals with a host of medical conditions (Dickson et al., 2018). Nurses in community-based nursing centers implement a host of proactive programs in areas like health education and restorative care to lead healthier communities.

Correlation between Job Description and Practice

Asked about the correlation between her job description and practice, the community-based nurse was categorical that a link exists as the practitioner deals with individuals in home settings, especially those with limited access to healthcare resources (Flaherty & Bartels, 2019). As an advanced practice registered nurse, the practitioner asserts that her role id to share information with patients which assist them attain and maintain optimal health through mental and physical wellness.

Involvement in Policy Formulation Affecting Patients

Involvement in policy formulation is a critical aspect of enhancing advocacy efforts for nurses dealing with community-based practice. The community-based nurse was categorical that at the moment, she is not involved in formulating policies. However, she acknowledged the critical role of nurse practitioners in policy development and implementation for patients’ benefits.

Belonging to a Professional Organization

Asked about being a member of a professional organization, the nurse said that she is a member of the American Nurses Association (ANA) which is one of the largest labor unions not just in the United States but in the world. She was categorical that such associations are essential for career growth and development as well as acquisition of new skills by nurses.


  • Dickson, C. A., McVittie, C., & Kapilashrami, A. (2018). Expertise in action Insights into the dynamic nature of expertise in community‐based nursing. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(3-4), e451-e462. DOI 10.1111/jocn.13950.
  • Flaherty, E., & Bartels, S. J. (2019). Addressing the community‐based geriatric healthcare workforce shortage by leveraging the potential of inter-professional teams. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(S2), S400-S408.DOI 10.1111/jgs.15924.

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