Traits of a healthy family

Paper Instructions


For this discussion, consider a family you have encountered in your nursing practice. Discuss from page 6 Box 1-1 in the textbook, what traits of a healthy family they exhibited and what roles you used as a family nurse caring for the patient and family.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic.

The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.


  • Differentiate roles within a family
  • Discuss the role of the family healthcare nurse


  • Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco & Harmon Hanson 2018 Family Health Care Nursing Theory, Practice and Research *978-0803661660F. A. Davis Company, 2015,6th edition

  • Initial Post Minimum of two (2) total references one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.

Words Limits

Initial Post Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page)

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Discussion Post Traits of a Healthy Family

I encountered a family of three a husband, wife and one son. The family had accompanied their 15-year-old son to the pediatric psychology clinic due to his unusual behavior. The boy’s mother reported that she was worried about her son’s behavior at home since he avoided interacting with the rest of the family members.

When the mother inquired if he had any concerns, he would evade the discussion and also reply rudely. The mother also stated that there were reports from his son’s school that he was withdrawn and had minimal interactions with his peers and teachers. She stated that they trained the son to be responsible by allocating him duties and roles in the house and taught him to respect others.

The boy’s father stated that he had tried to have a conversation with the son as he always encouraged communication and discussions, especially during dinner time. He also reported that they often went for leisure activities on weekends and attended church services as a family to strengthen the family bond.

The family exhibited various traits of a healthy family such as, communicating and listening to each other and fostering table time and conversation (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele & Robinson, 2018). They also taught respect for others, including a sense of right and wrong and shared leisure time and a religious core (Kaakinen et al., 2018). Besides, the family demonstrated the trait of affirming and supporting each other and admitting to problems and seeking help.

I adopted various family nursing roles when caring for this family, such as being a counselor, where I helped and guided the teenage boy to change behavior (Kaakinen et al., 2018). I also acted as a health educator and consultant when educating the parents on the possible causes of the change in behavior and the approaches they can use at home to encourage positive behavior (Voltelen, Konradsen & Østergaard, 2018).

In addition, I acted as a liaison and coordinated with the pediatric psychologist for the boy to be started on counseling sessions and be followed up to promote desired behavior.


  • Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., & Robinson, M. (2018). Family health care nursing Theory, practice, and research. FA Davis.
  • Voltelen, B., Konradsen, H., & Østergaard, B. (2018). Family Nursing Therapeutic Conversations Family Reorganization Processes After Diagnosis. Family Relations, 67(5), 600-614.

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