Summative Assessment Analysis of Research and Gap Analysis

Paper Instructions


Now that you have completed your patient population research and Interprofessional Collaborative Care Team member research on the identified need, issue, or problem identified in Summative Assessment 1 Current Situation Analysis, it is time to summarize and analyze the results. These results will assist you in conducting a gap analysis between the current state of the patient population with regard to your identified need, issue, or problem, and the future state you want to achieve.

The outcome of this assignment is to summarize and analyze the results of the direct patient population interview research along with direct interviews or surveys with the Interprofessional Collaborative Care Team in relation to the identified need, issue, or problem. It also presents an analysis of both of these research efforts. It contains a gap analysis, which stems from the analysis of this research and determines gaps that exist between research results and the proposed educational recommendation.


  • To summarize and analyze the results of the patient population research
  • To summarize and analyze the results of the Interprofessional Collaborative Care Team research
  • To determine the current gap in knowledge, skills, or practices based on your research
  • To determine the underlying cause for the gap
  • To provide justification for addressing the topic based on the results of your research.

Task 1

  • Analysis of Research in Relation to Educational Need

Write a 2-page summary and analysis of the patient population interviews.

Analyze the results of the patient population interviews:

  • Are there any patterns or common themes in the patients/caregivers answers?
  • Were you able to identify barriers to learning?
  • What cultural or diversity issues of the patient population impact their learning and/or need or issue?
  • What challenges are patients experiencing with the current educational material?

Write a 2-page summary and analysis of the patient-caregiver and interprofessional team interviews.

Analyze the results of the Interprofessional Collaborative Care Team interviews

  • What are their (the pharmacist, dietitian, case manager, etc.) top priorities for patient education for the identified population and recommended solution?
  • What does the facility offer as educational materials for patients and families with this condition?
  • Review the current education materials with those you are collaborating with and get their opinion on what is missing from it and how to improve it.
  • How is the information delivered to the patient?
  • What information/education is not currently utilized/available that would be valuable for this population?
  • What differences did you find among your collaborations with the different specialists?
  • What are key issues addressed by the Interprofessional Collaborative Care Team?

Task 2

  • Gap Analysis

Conduct a gap analysis.

The purpose of the gap analysis is to provide you with a format in which to do the following

  • Determine the current gap in knowledge, skills, or practices based on your research.
  • Determine the underlying cause for the gap.
  • Provide justification for addressing the topic based on the results of your research.

Complete the Gap Analysis worksheet from the AHRQ.

Create a workflow diagram depicting the current state of the process that you are conducting your needs assessment on. Show every step leading up to the gap in the flow. (See pp. 40-41 of Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse accessed through the University Library.) You can reference the IHI Flowchart to assist you with this assignment.

To access the Flowchart, go to the IHI website and do the following:

  • Use the search box to find the Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit.
  • Select the Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit search result. The first search result should be the toolkit.
  • Download and review the Flowchart.

Create a second workflow diagram depicting the future state (the ideal state that follows best practices) of the process.

Summarize the differences between current knowledge (current state) and best practices (ideal state) and provide an assessment of the barriers that need to be addressed before successful implementation of best practices can occur. Utilize the workflow diagrams to enhance the relevance of your summary.

Note: All tools may not fit every project exactly. You can modify the tools so that they function better for your project. Inform your instructor of any modifications you make so that they can provide appropriate feedback (remember to cite the original source).

Upon completion of the gap analysis and workflow diagrams you will have the following:

  • An understanding of the differences between the current state of patient education on the topic and the desired state
  • An assessment of the barriers that need to be addressed in order to remove the gap

Write a 1-page word summary of your gap analysis and of the two workflow diagrams.


Ensure your document includes:

  • 2-page summary analysis of direct patient interviews with the identified patient population to confirm the key need, issue, or problem and potential for success of the proposed solution
  • 2-page summary analysis of research with the Interprofessional Collaborative Care Team regarding the same
  • 1-page summary of your gap analysis to determine gaps between research results and proposed educational recommendations based on the analysis of your research

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In this 21st Century information-based age, both internal and external stakeholders in an organization can research healthcare issues, symptoms, pathologies and treatments (pharmacological, surgical, or even homeopathic) with the click of a mouse or a request to Siri®. A key issue facing nursing professionals and patient populations in this age is how to educate patients in these populations efficiently and appropriately in relation to a specific issue or problem.

Key questions might include:

  • What symptoms are important for individual patient recognition?
  • How and where should patients obtain physical assessment?
  • What physiological and/or pathophysiological issues are important for patient assessment?
  • What are appropriate pharmacological treatments?
  • Are there cultural considerations during the assessment of the patient?
  • What is the anticipated demographic data for this population (e.g. gender, ethnicity, age, and socioeconomic)?

In order to answer these questions, nursing professionals must undertake a population-focused healthcare needs assessment to identify and address a problem. Such an undertaking should assess the current needs of the identified patient population, as well as the organization.

  • What type of educational intervention program will meet the needs of both?
  • What type of literature review or research must be undertaken in order to accurately identify the current situation and support the outcomes for such a program?
  • What role do physical assessment, patho/physiological assessment, and pharmacology play in such patient education programs?

The outcome of this assignment is the creation of the Summary Introduction, which will feed into the Project Proposal Plan. This introduction explains the key patient population, why you chose this group, the key need, issue, or problem facing this group and why you chose this particular need, the current method of educating this group, and a synthesis of current literature. It also includes a first draft of a recommended educational solution to meet the need, issue, or problem faced by the identified patient population.


  • To conduct a Current Situation Analysis as part of the Design Phase for your patient education project.
  • To select and describe one key patient population.
  • To select and describe one key need, issue, or problem faced by this population based on a needs assessment.
  • To conduct a current literature synthesis on the selected key need, issue, or problem faced by this patient population.
  • To create a recommended solution to address the key need, issue, or problem faced by the identified patient population, including SMART objectives for the same
  • To prepare the introduction for your proposed educational intervention proposal and project

Task 1

  • Conduct a Current Situation Analysis

As part of the design phase for a project that will develop an appropriate patient education program that meets an identified need, issue, or problem for an identified patient population, a Current Situation Analysis must be conducted.

As a part of this analysis, examine your organization, the patient population(s) it serves; the need(s), issue(s), or problem(s) currently faced by the key population(s); and how the organization currently directly educates or addresses these patient populations regarding this current need(s), issue(s), or problem(s).

Utilize the Current Situation Analysis document to prepare this analysis.

Create a 300- to 500-word summary of this document.

Task 2

  • Identify One Key Patient Population Served by Your Organization.

Identify the most important or key patient population served by your organization for this proposal and project.

Describe your selected patient population in detail. Your description should contain the following elements:

  • Key demographics of the identified patient population (including, age, income, race, education, housing, etc.)
  • Key cultural and/or lifestyle aspects of the identified patient population (including living conditions, beliefs, religion, values, attitudes, lifestyles, etc.)
  • Key health identifiers of the identified patient population (including genetic health trends, tendencies toward obesity, etc.)

Prepare a 250-word summary of your key patient population you have chosen. Be sure to include the items noted above.

Task 3

  • Conduct a Needs Assessment of Your Identified Patient Population to Determine the Most Pressing Need/Issue/Problem Facing the Identified Group.

Several key questions can be used to guide the needs assessment process. They include:

  • What is the “desired outcome we want to achieve,” and why? “What is the problem or opportunity to be addressed?” (Dickerson)
  • For the intended patient population, what is the potential difference “between where they are now and where they need to be” to achieve the outcome? (Dickerson)
  • What is the specific need for the patient population to eliminate the difference?
  • What evidence “demonstrates the knowledge, skill, or ability needed” to eliminate the difference? (Dickerson)
  • How might we better educate the patient population to address their need, issue, or problem?


  • Dickerson, Pamela S, PhD,R.N.-B.C., F.A.A.N. (2014). Needs assessment Collecting the evidence. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(3), 104-5. doi http //

Identify the most important issue or problem that impacts this identified patient population based on your Needs Assessment. Also consider the answers to the questions listed above.

Write a 250-word summary of this identified most important need, issue, or problem impacting your identified patient population.

Task 4

  • Conduct a Synthesis of Current Literature on the Primary Issue or Problem Facing Your Identified Patient Population.

Use the University Library to research current information on the physical assessment, physiology/pathophysiology, pharmacology, current treatment guidelines, and education priorities related to your patient population and your identified issue.

Examples of information that you will want to extract from your literature review are:

  • Evidence-based best practices
  • Quality indicators
  • A means for validating assumptions
  • Successful interventions

Review 15 academic, peer-reviewed sources. Sources should be no more than 5 years old.

Create a literature synthesis, including a discussion on these topics:


  • Provide the typical age of onset, early warning signs, and patient populations most often affected.

Risk factors

  • List conditions, behaviors, family history, genetic, environmental factors, and so on.


  • Include physical assessment, physiology/pathophysiology, recommended labs and testing, and pharmacology used to diagnose the disease along with the expected findings.


Review current evidence-based treatment guidelines.

  • What medications are available to treat the primary diagnosis?
  • Why would one medication be chosen over another?

Include the following class, mechanism of action/effect on the disease, and cost.


  • Identify the patient education priorities for this diagnosis based on current guidelines.


  • Synthesize the overall reported social and medical history, clinical symptomology, clinical finding, etiology of the problems, pathophysiology, physical assessment, and pharmacology related to the identified need/issue/problem of the identified population.

Task 5

  • Develop a Recommended Educational Solution

In your recommendation:

Answer the question, “Where do we want to go?”

  • State your recommended solution as an objective that achieves a specific goal to address the difference noted in your Current Situation Analysis.
  • Base your recommended patient education solution on your chosen patient population and identified need, issue, or problem facing that population.
  • List SMART objectives for your new education program to address the identified need, issue, or problem.

Write a 500-word recommended solution for your identified patient population that addresses the key need, issue, or problem facing this group.

Be sure to include SMART objectives that are time bound and measurable for reaching your goal.


Ensure your document includes:

  • A 300- to 500-word summary of the Current Situation Analysis worksheet
  • A 250-word summary of the key identified patient population and why it was selected
  • A 250-word summary of the key identified need/issue/problem and why it was selected
  • 5-page literature synthesis and discussion of the physical assessment, pathophysiology, and pharmacology relating to the identified need/issue/problem of the identified patient population
  • A bibliography including a minimum of 15 journal articles published within the past 5 years
  • A 500-word summary of your recommended solution including SMART objectives (Be sure to include reasons why you recommend this solution.)

Format all citations according to APA guidelines.

Summative Assessment 1: Current Situation Analysis

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Summative Assessment 1: Current Situation Analysis

As agents of social change, health care and social organizations should regularly examine people’s needs and develop creative ways of addressing such needs. The same case applies to Orlando Filipino Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Founded on Christian values, the organization serves adults and children to be an instrumental entity in families and communities’ growth. It is among the organizations committed to promoting fairness in service provision as people seek help to improve their lives and live productively.

Problem Currently Faced by the Key Populations

Orlando is inhabited by different populations, with majority and minority populations being fairly represented. Due to risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, a significant portion of the adult population is at risk of stroke. Accordingly, the number of patients with stroke visiting the organization has surged, which is increasingly worrying. Other risk factors for stroke include physical inactivity, obesity, and excessive alcohol use (Ng et al., 2020). Due to stroke, the Orlando community’s productivity is reduced, and the organization should implement its social mandate of promoting healthy living in the populace by engaging in stroke prevention.

Stroke Prevention Education

Health literacy is critical in promoting healthy living. For a long time, patient education has been instrumental in helping people make healthy choices and live more productive lives (Hickey et al., 2018). Orlando Filipino Seventh-Day Adventist Church is engaged in education for stroke patients to enable them to understand the risk factors and effective stroke prevention strategies. Patients are also educated on rehabilitation procedures and how to improve recovery. The organization usually relies on educational materials from digital technologies to paper handouts. The patients are also closely monitored to ensure that they stick to the recommended routine to prevent another stroke and enable quick recovery.

Desired Outcomes

Although education on stroke prevention is instrumental in creating informed communities, the method used creates a huge difference in the outcomes. The patient population may be taught prevention strategies, but the desired results may not be achieved if the right approach is not applied. The desired situation is a scenario where the target population captures information, and the retention rate is high to facilitate practical application of knowledge. As a result, the teach-back method should be used in the education process to improve information retention and knowledge application. Through the teach-back method, the patient population synthesizes information and repeats it, helping determine comprehension of the health information (Anderson et al., 2020). New approaches are used if the assessment shows a lack of understanding.

In conclusion, creating informed communities is vital in illness prevention. The target population should be identified and the appropriate educational methods identified depending on the population’s needs. Although technology is effective, health care providers should always rely on educational strategies that enable patients to retain and apply content practically as much as possible. As a result, using the teach-back method is expected to make a difference in outcomes, whether engaging the patient population physically or electronically.


  • Anderson, K. M., Leister, S., & De Rego, R. (2020). The 5Ts for teach back An operational definition for teach-back training. HLRP Health Literacy Research and Practice, 4(2), e94-e103. https //
  • Hickey, K. T., Masterson Creber, R. M., Reading, M., Sciacca, R. R., Riga, T. C., Frulla, A. P., & Casida, J. M. (2018). Low health literacy Implications for managing cardiac patients in practice. The Nurse Practitioner, 43(8), 49–55. https //
  • Ng, R., Sutradhar, R., Yao, Z., Wodchis, W. P., & Rosella, L. C. (2020). Smoking, drinking, diet and physical activity—modifiable lifestyle risk factors and their associations with age to first chronic disease. International Journal of Epidemiology, 49(1), 113-130. https //

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