Success Planning – Future Nurse Leaders

Paper Instructions

In any industry, any time a senior employee in a leadership position retires, resigns, or leaves the organization for any other reason, the consequences can be severe. In health care, a senior leader often spends years fulfilling the duties of the position, and during that time acquire extensive knowledge about the area they oversee and the goals of the organization.

If that person leaves the organization abruptly, the position must be backfilled by someone who will have to learn the ins and outs of the position over time, often resulting in anything but a seamless transition in leadership. The purpose of a succession plan is to create appropriate training for employees that will prepare them to step into these positions and perform the leadership responsibilities with minimal disruption to the organization. This will ensure stability and efficiency during times of stress.

You reviewed the various competencies required of a manager and of a leader throughout this course, and you should now be able to identify which proficiencies will be needed for future nurse leaders entering the field.

Consider the following scenario:

You have been promoted to a new position and will be relocating. Your last responsibility in your current position is to develop a job posting for your replacement.

Develop a 525-word job description for the prospective employee who will replace you. Consider the following:

  • What are at least four competencies (managerial and leadership) a nurse should possess that would be needed for future success in the health care industry?
  • Which leadership theories, styles, and approaches would a nurse leader need to employ to achieve each competency?
  • Looking back at your personal SWOT analysis from Week 1, which competencies would you consider skills that should be included as qualifications the candidate should possess?

The greater the depth of diversity in your organization will benefit the organization proportionately.

  • Considering the cultural diversity of those entering the field now, how will you attract these candidates to your organization and retain them?

Remember that what appeals to someone of one culture may not have any drawing power to someone from another culture.

  • What changes in nursing can broaden the appeal of new nurses entering the field or the organization? Consider differences in generations, culture, and skills.
  • Are there policies or regulations that keep people from even considering a career in nursing? For example, in today\’s society it is common and increasingly acceptable for people to have tattoos, but there are regulations that bar a bedside nurse from having visible tattoos.
  • How can these types of policies and regulations be addressed to achieve compromise?

Provide APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources cited.

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Succession planning helps in developing and identifying new leaders who can replace the leaders retiring, leaving, or the ones that are dead. Planning prepares available employees to assume new roles as they become available (Schlichting, 2020). In effecting succession planning, this paper will develop a job post to replace a nurse manager recently promoted. The paper will outline four competencies, leadership theories, styles and approaches, and skills needed from the new entrant. The paper will also handle cultural diversity, outline changes needed to make nursing appealing, and pinpoint policies and regulations that keep people from pursuing a career in nursing.

Key Competencies

The position in question is that of a nurse administrator. The competencies expected for the position are communication, professionalism, knowledge, and leadership. Communication and relationship management are essential in handling industry leaders, fellow administrators, investors, vendors, physicians, and patients. The incumbent should demonstrate oral skills and the ability to listen, write, and effectively present information (Shomura et al., 2019). Leadership is necessary to ensure that the nurse recognizes the personal needs and priorities of the staff.

Leadership will also help in fostering teamwork and facilitating change in the organization. In terms of professionalism, the office holder should maintain steady composure when handling adversity and model an ethical and accountable demeanor within the workforce. Knowledge on business end matters is essential in addition to an understanding of patient rights and laws, organizational policies and risk management, staff roles, and human resource operations (Kukkonen et al., 2020).

Leadership Approaches

To fulfill the competencies, the nurse administrator has to be conversant with the Deming management method. The office holder should be able to use the Plan-Do-Check-Act approach to analyze and improve processes. They should also use the kaizen model to improve productivity, safety, effectiveness, and reduce waste (Krehbiel & Miller, 2018). Additionally, they should adopt a flexible leadership approach to balance between directing, supporting, and challenging staff members (Sow, 2017).

The nurse should apply servant leadership to foster teamwork, authoritative direction when giving direction to save lives and transactional leadership when defining daily work responsibilities. Transformational leadership is also essential to encourage and inspire teams. The officeholder should exhibit knowledge and experience from varying sources and should have diverse mentors and professional associates. The knowledge will aid in flexibility and will help in building successful working relationships with peers and producing positive outcomes for patients.

Required Skills

Personal SWOT analysis revealed the critical skills needed for the current position. First emotional intelligence is necessary to help peers cope with stressors as wells as prevent emotional exhaustion and poor team collaboration. Integrity is also essential to help the leader adopt ethically viable practices as well as make safe and effective care decisions (Bertram et al., 2018). They should also be critical thinkers to help during multidisciplinary collaboration and enhance autonomy. Dedication to excellence is required to deliver top-notch services and communication skills for handling various medical professionals and patients.

The selected candidate should foster professional socialization by coming up with opportunities to develop new organizational leaders. They should inspire change in others to win their trust and respect and become mentors to others to help them understand their roles and create learning opportunities. Lastly, professionalism is expected since the leader will be representing the nursing field at almost all professional point of contact within the organization.

Enhancing Cultural Diversity

The position requires diverse candidates. The healthcare organization has to come up with a way of attracting and retaining diverse candidates. A strategic plan on diversity and inclusion should in place and its input should come from individuals at all levels of the organization. The strategy will help in attracting top talent and retaining high-potential employees (Hernandez & Kumar, 2018). Secondly, the current opening should be advertised in a way that attracts diversity. The job description should state that candidate commitment to and experience with inclusion and diversity is an added advantage.

Third, the recruitment panel should be properly trained on diversity and inclusion. The committee should understand the importance of valuing diversity, understating the effect of unconscious bias during candidate selection, and developing culturally competent skills. Lastly, once the candidates have been selected, an official retention plan should be in place. The candidate should be offered sound onboarding process clear policies and procedures, regular feedback, and opportunities for ongoing development.

Changes in Nursing

The new nurses joining the nursing profession will be millennials. There is a need to change the nursing field to appeal to the millennials. The first change is moving the aging RNs from physically demanding bedside work and transforms them into outstanding mentors for the millennials. The education system will also have to change to offer robust clinical experiences that match the working conditions. The change will help the new nurses acclimatize to their professional roles (Cameron, 2017).

The education system should adopt master teachers and skills labs to create more slots for nurses and provide a more realistic preview of the nursing work. Students have to be exposed to clinical settings through collaboration, shadowing, and conversations with practitioners at the bedside. Technology should also be adapted into the average clinical settings and residential programs offered to graduates to make their transition easy.

Reducing Hindrances to a Career in Nursing

The organization has to deal with policies and regulations that limit candidates who would join the nursing career. Currently, there is a ban on nail polish and gel as well as long fingernails and artificial nails. Nail polish is banned because it can chip and lodge infections in the crevices. Unusual hairstyles like dreadlocks, Mohawks, and long spiked hair are not acceptable too. Tattoos, body piercings, and earlobe gauges are also prohibited.

The new generation has diverse views with at least 30% having a tattoo, body piercing, or trendy hairstyles (Pawłowski et al., 2019). The policies and regulations should be aligned to balance the conflicting demands of employee satisfaction, patient satisfaction, and patient safety. Polish should be banned due to safety issues however tattoos can be covered when working as well as ear gauges. Rules should prohibit the explicit display of tattoos and piercings to achieve an equitable approach to the conflicting issues.


  • Bertram, J., L’Ecuyer, K., Shatto, B., Marquard, S., & Carril, K. (2018). Advancing Soft Skills Leadership Seminars for Clinical Nurse Leader Students. Creative Nursing, 24(2), 110-115.
  • Cameron, V. (2017). Millennials in the Association for Nursing Professional Development Out of Place or the Perfect Fit?. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 33(4), 209-210.
  • Hernandez, J., & Kumar, A. (2018). A Preliminary Review of Diversity in the Healthcare Workplace. Asian Journal of Medicine and Health, 1-6.
  • Krehbiel, T. C., & Miller, D. P. (2018). Should Agile be Part of Your Quality Management System? Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 27(1), 2-28.
  • Kukkonen, P., Leino‐Kilpi, H., Koskinen, S., Salminen, L., & Strandell‐Laine, C. (2020). Nurse Managers’ perceptions of the competence of newly graduated nurses A scoping review. Journal of nursing management, 28(1), 4-16.
  • Pawłowski, P., Mazurek, P., Zych, M., Zuń, K., & Dobrowolska, B. (2019). Nursing dress code and perception of a nurse by patients. Pielegniarstwo XXI wieku/Nursing in the 21st Century, 18(1), 60-67.
  • Schlichting, N. M. (2020). Succession Planning in Healthcare Myths, Realities, and Practical Advice. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 36(4), 21-30.
  • Shomura, M., Okabe, H., Tejima, Y., Yaguchi, N., Iwamoto, S., & Sakurai, D. (2019). Nurse Managers’ self-evaluations of their management competencies and factors associated with their ability to develop staff. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 9(8).
  • Sow, M. (2017). The relationship between leadership style, organizational culture, and job satisfaction in the US healthcare industry. Manag Econ Res J, 3(2017), 1332.

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