Signature Assignment Rubrics in Nursing Education

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Nurse educators decide on the types of grading guides to use based on the type of assignment. Sometimes, checklists and Likert scales work, and other times, a rubric is best.

Research the different types of evaluation tools, including checklists, Likert scales, and rubrics.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word APA-formatted paper in which you:

  • Differentiate between the varying types of educational evaluation tools.
  • Differentiate between analytic and holistic rubrics. When would you use each type?
  • Evaluate the advantages and challenges of using rubrics for evaluation.
  • Evaluate how rubrics and assignments measure learning.
  • Analyze the value of calibrating raters on the use of rubrics to grade student work.
  • Analyze why piloting is an important step when preparing to implement a rubric.
  • Determine the advantages and challenges of providing an evaluation tool to students before an assignment is due.

Create one SMART objective using Bloom\’s taxonomy, one assignment that will measure the objective, and a rubric an instructor or rater would use to evaluate the student deliverable of the assignment.

The rubric should be on a 4- or 5-level scale, and provide rationale for the team\’s choice of scale.

  • Indicate if the assignment is formative or summative.

Place the objective, assignment, and rubric as an appendix to the paper.

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Practical assessment in higher education is dependent on the interpretation and demonstration of learning outcomes by students and educators/academics. Rubrics can effectively communicate unit learning outcomes to students and contribute to nursing courses’ academic rigor when assessment criteria are articulated clearly and consistently to both students and educators/academics.

This paper aims to differentiate between the varying types of educational evaluation tools. It will seek to distinguish between analytic and holistic rubrics and when each is to be used. Similarly, it evaluates the advantages and challenges of using rubrics for evaluation, how rubrics measure learning. It also seeks to analyze the value of calibrating raters on rubrics to grade student work and why piloting is crucial when preparing to implement a rubric.

Differences Between the Various Types of Educational Evaluation Tools

Educational evaluation can be considered the process of determining the extent to which educational objectives are being achieved and the effectiveness of the classroom situation’s teaching-learning experiences. Educators use different evaluation tools to know all the changes in the learners as a result of teaching. The various tools and techniques are classified into two categories quantitative and qualitative (Finn et al. 2020)

Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation Tools

Quantitative evaluation tool includes written evaluation tests which may the form of essay, Oral test, written short answers or objective type. Qualitative evaluation tools include checklists, questioners, records, rating scales, observations, and interviews (Finn et al. 2020).

Analytic and Holistic Rubrics

There are various definitions of the term rubric tools. Generally, a rubric is a scoring tool that explicitly represents the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work.

Analytic Rubrics

This is a grid of criteria (columns) and “levels” of achievement (rows) used by the instructor to allot grades in tandem with the performance. Besides, analytic rubrics are keen in giving panacea for impasses of tasks’ complexities. For example, a research paper’s rubric could consist of categories for the organization, writing, argument, sources cited, depth of content knowledge, and more. Analytic Rubrics evaluation is used when the educator needs to assign points based on achievement level for several criteria. Analytic rubrics utilize a grid to provide specific levels of achievement, including providing points for each criteria (Prins et al., 2017).

Holistic Rubrics

Unlike Analytical rubrics, holistic rubrics describe each level of performance for an assignment or activity overall (e.g., attributes of an excellent research paper). Holistic rubrics are best used when there is no single correct answer or response and the focus is on overall quality, proficiency, or understanding of specific content or skills. The aforementioned evaluation is used when the educator needs to assign a score based on an overall judgment of the students’ work. Holistic Rubrics provides feedback for an overall appraisal of student work (Prins et al., 2017)

Merits and Challenges of Using Rubrics for Evaluation

In the case of Analytic rubrics, the merit is that it provides useful feedback on the learner’s strengths and weaknesses. Also, the criterion can be weighted to reflect the relative importance of each dimension (Finn et al., 2020). Similarly, on the other hand, the demerit is that it takes more time to create. Again, unless each point for each criterion is well-defined, raters may not arrive at the same score. The advantage of the holistic rubric is that it emphasizes what the learner can demonstrate, rather than what s/he cannot do.

Additionally, it saves time by minimizing the number of decisions raters make. Also, it can be applied consistently by trained raters increasing reliability. The challenge of this evaluation tool is that it does not provide specific feedback for improvement. Also, when student work is at varying levels spanning the criteria points, it can be difficult to select the single best description. Moreover, the criteria cannot be weighted (Finn et al., 2020).

How Rubrics and Assignments Measure Learning

In the case of the analytical rubric, it is capable of assessing a signature assignment that to gauge level of competence or mastery over a number of performance objectives by the learner. It also to able measures learning by giving feedback on areas of strength and weakness of the learner. Whereas in a holistic rubric, it is able to measure learning by providing feedbacks for an overall judgment of student work (Finn et al., 2020).

Analysis of The Value of Calibrating Raters On the Use of Rubrics To Grade Student Work

The value of calibrating raters on the use of rubrics to grade student work is that the rater is able to measure skills and knowledge. Besides, it demystifies grades by clearly stating appropriate expectations for the project (Finn et al., 2020). Also, raters in the rubrics help students see that learning is about gaining specific skills.

Analysis of Piloting as an Important Step When Preparing To Implement A Rubric.

The piloting provides a unique opportunity to identify and prepare for the challenges of evaluating an intervention. Ultimately, it will enhance the scientific rigor and value of the full-scale implementation of the rubric. Similarly, it helps reduce mistakes in the main rubric evaluation tool for accuracy and validity. Additionally, through the piloting phase, learning that may prove invaluable for the later research process is likely to take place.

And the learning from and of flaws and imperfections that are discovered in the piloting stages of the rubric equally important for the research and for the actual participants in the research or learning process. Moreover, through piloting, the data gathered through critical interrogation acts as a guide during the implementation of the rubric (Tremblay et al., 2017).

The Advantages and Challenges of Providing an Evaluation Tool to Students Before an Assignment Is Due

Providing rubrics to students before an assignment have value and advantage to students since they shall have known beforehand the criteria of the assessment and what is expected of them. Besides, the students will be able to accurately assess their work (Finn et al., 2020). Having known what is required of them, they focus. The challenge it poses is that it denies the student to think outside the box.

In conclusion, rubrics play an important role in the lives of students. The two types of rubrics also ensure that students are graded based on their strengths and weaknesses. The provision of evaluation is fundamental in ensuring that students understand their level of education and knowing what they are required to do in assessments.


  • Finn, B., Arslan, B., & Walsh, M. (2020). Applying cognitive theory to the human essay rating process. Applied Measurement in Education, 33(3), 223-233.
  • Mariani, B., Fey, M. K., & Gloe, D. (2018). The simulation research rubric a pilot study is evaluating published simulation studies. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 22, 1-4.
  • Prins, F. J., de Kleijn, R., & Tartwijk, J. V. (2017). Students’ use of a rubric for research theses. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(1), 128-150.
  • Tremblay, G. H., Bertrand, F., & Fraser, M. (2017). Using rubrics for an evaluation A national research council pilot. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 32(2).

The Appendix

Signature Assignment Rubrics in Nursing Education

Smart Objectives

  • The assessment’s main objective is to evaluate the student’s overall performance for the first semester of learning in 2021 and evaluate the acquired knowledge measured on the scale 5 grade at 50%.


  • What is the difference between quasi-experimental and experimental designs related to nursing research?

The rationale for the choice of the scale.

  • A scale of five(5) has been chosen for the rubric rater to measure the student’s assessment’s accumulative performance. The assignment is summative.

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