RELI 448N Week 1 Discussion The Study of Religion

Paper Instructions

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, respond to only one of the following options;

Option 1

Choose one (1) of the following psychological views on the origin of religion:

  • Freud
  • James
  • Jung

Then, address the following;

a. Briefly describe your chosen theory as believed by the theorist.
b. Defend your choice by discussing why this theory is the best explanation as to the origin of religions.

Option 2

Choose two (2) of the ten reasons to study religion listed in your text and address the following;

a. Explain each reason.
b. Describe why each of your chosen reasons is important to your personal worldview.
c. Apply at least one of your chosen reasons to your profession and its standards of care.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Respond to a peer who chose an option different from the one you chose. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

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There are many reasons to study religion, however I chose two reasons which are Insight into people and Insight into family traditions. In the text, Insight into people defines “Understanding a person’s religious background tells you more about that person’s attitudes and values” (Molloy, 2020 p. 25). It is an important reason of choice because this is how you understand a person’s belief system and their values; it is also how you relate to a person or identify why the person responded the way they do or handle situations in life the way they do.

When relating to my current role as a RN field base case manager, it is imperative for me to know as a nurse the cultural beliefs of the patient so I can understand how to apply goals or understand the patient’s belief system which will allow me to share with the medical team so next steps of treatment can be in place for care of the patient. Smith (2017) emphasizes that “Nurses should have knowledge of cultural beliefs, attitudes, and traditions of the patients and families they serve so that they can communicate effectively and plan and provide appropriate, individualized patient care.”

The 2nd reason I chose is Insight into family traditions which are influences and values upheld by your family from childhood (Molloy, 2020 p. 25). When referring to family traditions, it affects the choices made in life as you progress through your adulthood. It is important from a personal worldview perspective to understand a person’s upbringing which can affect how people see things. For instance, my children have all endured celebrating Christmas at school, especially in the younger years of life.

The discretion was up to the parent if a child can celebrate Christmas and the belief system behind Christmas. Some children are conditioned to believe there is a Santa Claus while other children are privy that Santa Claus is not real, and their belief system understands that Christmas day is the day that Jesus was born. So, while my children are allowed to celebrate Christmas as a holiday; they understand that we celebrate the day Jesus is born.


Fatimah Williams-Terry


  • Molloy, M. (2020). Experiencing the world’s religions Tradition, challenge, and change (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill
  • Smith N; Pravikoff D; CINAHL Nursing Guide, EBSCO Publishing, 2017 Sep 15 (Nursing Practice and Skill – CEU, cultural competency), Database Nursing Reference Center Plus

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