Qualitative Annotated Bibliography

Paper Instructions

For this assignment you will continue to review current research and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and analysis of the journal article reviewed. For more information on annotated bibliographies please visit Purdue  OWL Purdue Online

Writing Lab

A total of two annotated bibliographies are to be submitted (not to exceed one page each). The articles must come from nursing scholarly literature and may not be older than 5 years since publication. Please note that the articles must be research based and reflect a qualitative methodology (review our reading assignments). Web pages, magazines, textbooks, and other books are not acceptable.

Each annotation must address the following critical elements

  • Explanation of the main purpose and scope of the cited work
  • Brief description of the research conducted
  •  Value and significance of the work (e.g., study findings, scope of the research project) as a contribution to the subject under consideration
  • Possible shortcomings or bias in the work
  • Conclusions or observations reached by the author
  • Summary as to why this research lends evidence to support the potential problem identified specific to your role specialization.


  1. Required Content “Articles selected are appropriate to role option and support the potential problem identified. \”
  2. “Articles address required elements for each of the 4 nursing research articles that provide supportive evidence for the problem identified.\”
  3. Articles selected meet guidelines (Quantitative methodology, nursing scholarly literature, no older than 5 years since publication.
  4. Academic Writing Expectations (incudes APA) \”Displays sentence and paragraph skills Constructs simple, complex and compound sentences. Writes without spelling, grammatical or syntax errors. Writes without sentence fragments or run on sentences.

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Penilla, C., Tschann, J. M., Sanchez-Vaznaugh, E. V., Flores, E., & Ozer, E. J. (2017). Obstacles to preventing obesity in children aged 2 to 5 years Latino mothers’ and fathers’ experiences and perceptions of their urban environments. international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 14(1), 1-12.

Purpose and Scope Of The Article

Authored by Penilla et al. (2017), the article aimed to use qualitative methods to evaluate the experiences when offering opportunities to play and meals to their young ones aged between two to five years. The scope of this research covered up to familial behaviours’ perceptions among both the fathers and mothers.

Description of The Research Conducted

This research used a purposive approach in sampling with forty-nine Latino parents recruited in the study; among them were twenty-two fathers and twenty-seven mothers who were divided into six focus groups. All the parents were residents of San Francisco, focusing on the Mission District.

In addition, knowledgeable bilingual research assistants helped in screening the potential participants. The eligible participants had to be a guardian or parent of a child between the ages two to five, Salvadoran, Guatemalan or Mexican, and can speak either Spanish or English.

Value and Significance of the Work

This research reported some interesting findings that are significant in obesity management. One of the findings is that social and demographic characteristics and community influence the kind of food that guardians and parents give their children as well as chances for physical activity.

An ecological framework is thus important for guiding the research with the fathers and mothers. Among the Latino parents, factors that inform their decision on what to feed their children include the absence of safe and clean recreational areas, processed food overabundance, and lacking fresh food options. Indeed, other research has shown that factors such as overuse of fresh food may lead to obesity (Monteiro et al., 2018).

These findings are significant in that the general public can easily know what to avoid giving their children as food to avoid obesity and how to deal with obstacles to preventing obesity. Sufficient knowledge on obesity prevention and management is important in fighting obesity (Rice et al., 2016)

Shortcomings of the Research

Even though this research has interesting findings, it also has some shortcomings. For instance, the researchers failed to obtain the consent of the study subjects. Hence, they were not able to evaluate whether the themes that they identified resonated with the participating focus groups.

Conclusion and How the Research Lends Support

While mothers noted neighborhood surrounding and daycare as the major obstacles to obesity prevention, fathers pointed to community relationships and employment. The findings lend support to research in that it provides a framework to build new research on obesity and explains major obstacles that should be overcome to prevent obesity.

Øen, G., Kvilhaugsvik, B., Eldal, K., & Halding, A. G. (2018). Adolescents’ perspectives on everyday life with obesity a qualitative study. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being, 13(1), 1479581.

Purpose of The Article

This research on adolescent obesity was done with an aim to have a deeper understanding of the life experiences and perspectives of adolescents suffering from obesity. The scope of this study covered the perspectives of adolescents using repeated interviews, where the qualitative content was then analyzed.

Description of The Research Conducted

The study design involved the use of a qualitative approach where individual qualitative interviews were done, and content analyzed. The participants included were teenagers between 12-15 years old with BMI higher than 30 and who had consulted with providers regarding their obesity.

The researchers did ten individual interviews with five teenagers, three girls, and two boys, with all the participants living with their parent(s).

Value and Significance of the Work

Compared to the first research, this research similarly has important findings. The adolescents interviewed perceived their day-to-day life as difficult to solve and interpret. They differently perceived obesity causes.

In efforts to change their lifestyles, the participants pointed obstacles such as self-blame, guilt, shame, bullying, and lack of support from health-care providers, friends, and parents. Perceptions play a role in individuals’ efforts to fight obesity (Pont et al., 2017). The study is significant in that it shows that it is vital to take into account the individual needs, experiences, and perspectives of adolescents when trying to help them manage it.

Shortcomings of the Research

One of the shortcomings of this was lack of transferability since the study subjects were drawn from a small geographic area, and their number was low. It is, therefore, difficult to transfer these findings to other contexts.

Conclusion and How The Research Lends Support

The researchers concluded that health care providers play a significant role in obesity management, and therefore, they should not request too quick and too many behavioural changes in helping the teenagers. This research also lends support in that it outlines the roles that should be played by various stakeholders such as parents, friends, and health care professionals in fighting obesity.


  • Monteiro, C. A., Moubarac, J. C., Levy, R. B., Canella, D. S., da Costa Louzada, M. L., & Cannon, G. (2018). Household availability of ultra-processed foods and obesity in nineteen European countries. Public health nutrition, 21(1), 18-26. doi 10.1017/S1368980017001379
  • Penilla, C., Tschann, J. M., Sanchez-Vaznaugh, E. V., Flores, E., & Ozer, E. J. (2017). Obstacles to preventing obesity in children aged 2 to 5 years Latino mothers’ and fathers’ experiences and perceptions of their urban environments. international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 14(1), 1-12. DOI 10.1186/s12966-017-0605-9
  • Pont, S. J., Puhl, R., Cook, S. R., & Slusser, W. (2017). Stigma experienced by children and adolescents with obesity. Pediatrics, 140(6). DOI 10.1542/peds.2017-3034
    Øen, G., Kvilhaugsvik, B., Eldal, K., & Halding, A. G. (2018). Adolescents’ perspectives on
    everyday life with obesity a qualitative study. International journal of qualitative
    studies on health and well-being, 13(1), 1479581. 10.1080/17482631.2018.1479581.
  • Rice, K., Te Hiwi, B., Zwarenstein, M., Lavallee, B., Barre, D. E., & Harris, S. B. (2016). Best practices for the prevention and management of diabetes and obesity-related chronic disease among Indigenous peoples in Canada a review. Canadian journal of diabetes, 40(3), 216-225. DOI 10.1016/j.jcjd.2015.10.007

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