Program Level Bachelor’s Degree Course NRS 104S Emerging Health Care Technologies

Paper Instructions

Nurse educators work hard to organize, plan, develop, and implement curriculum. With draft ideas in place for curriculum, and using any feedback or input gathered from different stakeholders, nurse educators continue to develop courses with the details while considering best practices to engage students in the content or subject and support faculty members to facilitate engaged learning.

Using the draft course syllabus, Fill in the activity and assignment details by integrating the below questions and statements.

Develop the details and instructions for activities.

  • Which technologies will you use?
  • What types of materials and resources will you create?
  • What types of materials and resources will you procure from vendors?
  • Write introductions to each activity, which lets students and faculty members know the purpose of the activity and how it relates to engaged learning.

Develop the details and instructions for assignments.

Develop a case study, with follow-up questions, that aligns to at least one course objective. Incorporate an educational technology/tool into the case study in a manner that will add value to the assignment. For example, you could use Articulate 360 to create a storyline for the case study, although it is not required to use this particular program for the assignment.

Incorporate the simulation you updated for your course.

Write introductions to each assignment, which lets students and faculty members know the purpose of the activity and how it relates to engaged learning.

Create the information that faculty members would use to teach the course. Include grading rubrics for each of the assignments.

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Nurse educators often undertake different roles in ensuring that nursing students acquire the best skills to enhance efficiency in the actual operational processes. To facilitate educational processes and assessment of the learning processes, nurse educators often perform excellent jobs of gathering and planning data to evaluate the educational programs. Nursing institutions often apply data to determine the best educational processes that can be adopted to ensure quality outcomes in learning.

Today, most nursing education centers are in need of improving the quality of education. As a result, undertaking research is necessary to identify areas of need that require improvement. Nurse educators can tutor technical schools, universities, as well as hospital-based nursing programs. Nurse educators can also operate as consultants, administrators, as well as independent contractors in different education-focused occupations. The purpose of this assignment is to assess the importance of assessment and evaluation in nursing education.

Importance of Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education

Assessment and evaluation are a critical part of the nursing educational processes. Assessment or evaluation is essential in judging the achievement and efforts of the learners. Assessment and evaluation are essential in identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the learners. Assessment of the learners also allows nursing educators to prepare adequately in an attempt to ensure effective educational processes (Glasgow et al., 2019). With the emerging issues in the healthcare system, nursing educators often want to achieve effective educational processes.

Through assessment and evaluation, they will be able to understand and address the requirements. Assessment in nursing education is essential in allowing educators to determine what the students are learning. The assessment also allows faculty members to understand ways of promoting learning and increasing the instructor’s capability to help students become self-directed learners and more effective in developing critical skills in the nursing practices. Assessments, therefore, empower both the teachers and students in improving quality classroom learning.

Assessment Reporting Best Practices

While reporting the outcomes of the assessment, it is necessary for the researchers or nursing educators to adhere to the standards of reporting. There is a need for the nurse educators involved in the research process to provide accurate information that will inform accurate decision-making processes. In other words, establishing accurate information will ensure the formulation of the best strategies required in enhancing the educational processes. While reporting the outcomes of the assessment, there is a need for nurse educators to consider highlighting important or useful information that can be applied in transforming the educational processes in nursing schools.

How Nursing Process Aligns to the Development and Improvement of Nursing Education Programs

Nursing processes function in line with the systematic guide to client-centered care, considering five major sequential steps, including diagnosis, assessment, planning, evaluation, and implementation. Nursing educational processes ought to be aligned to the nursing processes to ensure that learners develop the competency required to enhance healthcare delivery quality in the different healthcare systems (Tiwari et al., 2018). For the nursing training institutions, educators or policymakers often identify weaknesses in the nursing processes to make informed decisions in incorporating best practices in the educational programs to transform the future healthcare delivery processes. Educational programs are therefore developed based on the weaknesses that exist in the nursing processes.

How Nurse Educator Use Assessment Results To Make Decisions About Individual Learner Outcomes

The assessments result often reveals the strengths and weaknesses in the educational processes. Nurse educators can use the assessment result to address some of the areas that require improvement in the learning process. Also, the assessment results can be used to identify the best learning approaches to employ in an attempt to address some of the needs in the healthcare system (Helminen et al., 2016). In nursing education, every learner is expected to acquire knowledge and skills that will ensure their competency in the actual medical practice. Assessment results can therefore be used to transform learning processes towards ensuring effective outcomes.

Use Assessment Results for Faculty Development

The assessment results can be applied in the transformation of educational processes. In other words, the assessment results can be applied in the development of quality learning processes that address the needs of the healthcare processes. The nursing students’ evaluation is necessary for ensuring that appropriate educational approaches are incorporated into the educational processes. The evaluation processes should always rely on data to determine the best strategies to improve nursing educational processes. Constant evaluation of the educational processes is necessary for ensuring that the best practices are developed and incorporated in both the practicum and theoretical activities.

Evaluation of how Assessment Results are used to plan for Pragmatic Improvements

Assessment results can be applied in planning for practical improvements in the educational processes. The result of assessment processes can be used to adjust both the theoretical and learning processes in nursing schools. The assessment results can also be applied in the policy-making processes to transform teaching and learning procedures.

Importance of Nursing Theories in Assessing and Evaluating Nursing Programs

Nursing theories often aim at describing, predicting, and explaining the phenomenon of nursing. Nursing theories provide the foundation for different nursing practices. Additionally, nursing theories aids in generating further knowledge and indicate the direction in which nursing should develop in the future. Therefore, nursing theories are important when it comes to the assessment and evaluation of trends in the nursing educational processes. Self-care nursing theory is one of the nursing theories that align with the assessment and evaluation.

Self-care theory teaches nurses to adhere to the approaches of allowing nurses to engage patients in the healthcare processes. The assessment results should always align with the reporting requirements of the accrediting and regulatory agencies. Regulatory bodies often require continuous assessments to identify weaknesses that require adjustments. The regularity agencies often aims at establishing the best practices in both the nursing education and nursing processes to ensure quality healthcare delivery processes.


The position of nurse educators is going to become increasingly essential as healthcare in the United States evolve. The demand for skilled professionals in the healthcare system is on the rise due to the aging United States population and the retiring nurses that leave the workforce. Nurse educators now have the responsibility of ensuring that skilled healthcare professionals are capable of handling the emerging issues in the healthcare system.

Report Template to Use To Share Assessment Results

Importance of Assessment result:


Assessment outcomes

Positive Outcomes:


Negative Assessment Outcomes:


Forms of qualitative assessment used:


Forms of quantitative assessment used:



  • Glasgow, M. E. S., Dreher, H. M., & Schreiber, J. (2019). Standardized testing in nursing education Preparing students for NCLEX-RN® and practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35(6), 440-446. Retrieved from https //
  • Helminen, K., Coco, K., Johnson, M., Turunen, H., & Tossavainen, K. (2016). Summative assessment of the clinical practice of student nurses A review of the literature. International journal of nursing studies, 53, 308-319. Retrieved from https //
  • Tiwari, A., Lam, D., Yuen, K. H., Chan, R., Fung, T., & Chan, S. (2018). Student learning in clinical nursing education Perceptions of the relationship between assessment and learning. Nurse education today, 25(4), 299-308. Retrieved from https //

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