Professional Presence

Paper Instructions

Analyze how professional presence, appearance, constructive behavior, and positive attitude influence healthcare outcomes for individuals, populations, and systems. Provide three specific examples to back your response. Use current evidence-based resources to support your answer.

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Professional Presence

Professionalism is one of the significant concepts in nursing as it defines the outcome of the interaction of the nurses with the environment and others. This implies that nursing professionalism and the quality of care are related in one way or another. The presence, appearance, and constructive behaviour change the patient’s perception of a healthcare professional. A modest dressing code coupled with better communication with the patient affects a patient’s healing process (Poorchangizi et al., 2019). For example, the patient would be free to share important health information to assist nurses in offering quality care.

However, the perception will change when a healthcare professional is not modest and needs better communication skills that allow patients to open up. Constructive behaviour among healthcare workers is also significant in reducing conflict among employees. These behaviours help in reducing tension and resolving conflicts among colleagues. Good relationship among employees in a healthcare setting promote information sharing that further affect the outcome of patient care. For example, nurses showing constructive behaviour can form a team that collaborates to meet the desired outcome (Hosseinabadi et al., 2020). On the other hand, nurses exhibiting positive attitudes always influence the outcome.

Such nurses are skilled in understanding emotions of each other. They would always be able to solve any issue that might affect workflow or collaboration among the team. They also understand the best language to approach patients in times of need. Various examples support the importance of professional presence in influencing care outcomes. For example, a nurse’s appearance improves a patient’s confidence. Secondly, the way of communicating affects the patient-nurse relationship (Oshodi et al., 2019). Lastly, nurses’ consistency and complementary nature improves the healing process among admitted patients. These examples explain the effect of professional presence in defining the desired quality of care offered to patients.


  • Hosseinabadi, R., Hasanvand, S., Almasian, M., & Mirzayee-Sharifi, S. (2020). The role of students with practical nursing diplomas in the process of undergraduate nursing education A qualitative study. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 25(1), 76. https //
  • Oshodi, T. O., Bruneau, B., Crockett, R., Kinchington, F., Nayar, S., & West, E. (2019). The nursing work environment and quality of care Content analysis of comments made by registered nurses responding to the Essentials of Magnetism II scale. Nursing Open, 6(3), 878-888. https //
  • Poorchangizi, B., Borhani, F., Abbaszadeh, A., Mirzaee, M., & Farokhzadian, J. (2019). The importance of professional values from nursing students’ perspective. BMC Nursing, 18, 1-7. https //

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