Postconference Evaluation Individual Success Plan (ISP)

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment in this course requires your collaboration with the course faculty early on to establish a plan for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed-upon specific deliverables for your programmatic requirements. Programmatic requirements are:(

  • Completion of required practice immersion hours
  • Completion of work associated with program competencies
  • Work associated with completion of your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.

A postconference evaluation is mandatory and will occur at the end of this course and every subsequent course using the ISP form. This is intended for the learner and preceptor/mentor to review and evaluate the completion of the ISP. The faculty will validate that all areas are at “Meets Expectations” on the preceptor/mentor evaluation form, located in Typhon or Lopes Activity Tracker, prior to progression.

The learner will upload the ISP and preceptor/mentor evaluations and proof of entered and approved practice immersion hours into the digital classroom by Topic 8 with the other required deliverables. Faculty will review this before filling out the faculty evaluation of the learner in Typhon or Lopes Activity Tracker, which the learner will also upload in Topic 8.

The course faculty will complete a separate evaluation of the learner’s performance in the digital classroom. The faculty is responsible for any course grading, final course grade, and validation of the learner’s’ completed practice immersion hours.

General Requirements

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment as it pertains to deliverables due in this course.

Use the Individual Success Plan (ISP) developed in Topic 1 as a personal plan for completing your practice immersion hours and how competencies will be met. All of the major milestones and deliverables should be indicated in the timeline.

Conferences may be conducted face-to-face or via technology. A copy of the signed document will be uploaded into the digital classroom no later than the end of Topic 8.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition, learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later use.

Identify the specific deliverables you will complete throughout this course from those defined above with your faculty. Update your faculty/chair with any revisions or changes to the ISP.

List the challenges you expect to encounter as you continue the practice immersion hour and competency requirements throughout this course. How might you overcome these challenges?

Complete the Contact Information table at the beginning of the ISP resource, and type in your signature (learner only) and the date on which you completed the table. Read the information in the ISP document, including the following Learner Expectations, Derivation of the ISP, and Instructions for Completing the ISP.

Follow the instructions and complete the ISP.

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The table below should address the following programmatic requirements:(

  • Completion of required practice immersion hours
  • Completion of work associated with all DNP and GCU program competencies,
  • Successful defense, and completion of your Direct Practice Improvement Project, if applicable to the current course.
Application Based Learning Course Assignments, Independent Study, Project Site Visits Date


Review Course Objectives and GCU DNP Domains & Competencies. Self-Assessed GCU DNP Domains & Competencies (see appendix) Actual Practice Immersion Hours Completed Associated with each assignment (blank until end-of-course) Date Complete

Preconference Evaluation Individual Success Plan (ISP)

Date Complete
Challenges (list under assignment) Number of Planned Immersion Hours Associated with each Assignment/Project Site Date Create a plan for the practice experiences you plan to seek in order to address each course objective. Consider how each assignment may relate back to your current project concept.


The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment required collaboration with the course faculty to establish a plan for the successful completion of mutually identified and agreed-upon specific deliverables for my programmatic requirements.

They (programmatic requirements) include:

  • Completion of required practice immersion hours
  • Completion of work associated with program competencies
  • Work associated with completion of your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project. N/A 6 Nov 2, 2022

Topic 1 DQ 1 3 Oct 29, 2022 This discussion involved identifying a population-based problem of interest in my community and relevant outcomes from mitigating the problem’s scope and effects.

It further explored the role of public health in addressing the social issue, importance of public health to the health and well-being of my community, and the connection between public health and population-based nursing.

Domain 4 Population management

Competency 4.2 Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2022). 3 Oct 29, 2022

Topic 1 DQ 2 3 Oct 31, 2022 This discussion involved describing the purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the types of IRB determinations. It also required providing a scenario in which a quality improvement project would require IRB approval.

Domain 1 Scientific underpinnings for practice

Competency 1.1

Integrate nursing science with knowledge from ethics, the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sciences as the basis for the highest level of nursing practice.

3 Oct 29, 2022

Clinical Site QI-IRB Report

5 Nov 9, 2022

The purpose of the assignment was to create a mock GCU Quality Improvement (QI) IRB submission. The directions for submission involved creating a Clinical/Practicum Site IRB QI-IRB Report outlining the steps in the DPI Project approval process for IRB and QI projects at my clinical site.

Competency 1.1

Integrate nursing science with knowledge from ethics, the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sciences as the basis for the highest level of nursing practice 5 Nov 7, 2022

Topic 2 DQ

1 3 Nov 5, 2022

It involved describing how I could better implement descriptive epidemiological methods in my current or future practice. An example of an instance when I might use descriptive epidemiology to improve care was also provided. Population management

Competency 4.5

Develop and evaluate care delivery models and/or strategies for improved individual, aggregate, and population health management. 3 Nov 5, 2022

Topic 2 DQ 2

3 Nov 7, 2022

It required describing the epidemiological study design that I would use to evaluate an intervention in my current or future practice. The discussion further described the population the intervention would affect, the intervention in detail, and why the chosen design is the best option and its strengths and weaknesses. Domain 5 Analytic Foundations for Practice

Competency 5.2

Design and implement processes/strategies that evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care for an individual, aggregate, and populations against national benchmarks.

3 Nov 5, 2022

Topic 3 Assignment

Population Health- Part 1 10 Nov 16, 2022 The purpose of this assignment was to identify an at-risk population, disparities contributing to their health issue, and propose an intervention to improve health for that community. The first part of the assignment was to evaluate the at-risk population in a 750-1,000-word paper.

4.2 Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management. 8 Nov 16, 2022

Topic 3 DQ

1 3 Nov 12, 2022

It involved explaining how large aggregated databases can be used to improve population health. The other part was describing a current disease affecting my population of interest, appropriate health promotion or evidence-based strategies, and how related data could improve my strategies to promote health and prevent disease.

4.1 Analyze epidemiological, biostatistical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health.

3 Nov 12, 2022

Topic 3 DQ 2 3 Nov 14, 2022

It involved describing a scenario in which a patient’s culture might impact health literacy and the measures I would employ to address the heath literacy barrier. Other discussion areas included exploring the kinds of quality improvements my institution could make to reduce similar health literacy barriers and how health literacy contribute to better health outcomes for individuals in particular cultural groups.

Competency 4.2

Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management. 3 Nov 12, 2022

Topic 4 DQ

1 3 Nov 19, 2022

It involved evaluating how social factors, such as personal or professional values, influence both individual and population health. The discussion further highlighted how my worldview influences how I provide health care at both the individual and population level.

Competency 4.2

Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management.

3 Nov 19, 2022

Topic 4 DQ 2 3

Nov 21, 2022

The discussion evaluated the current political climate as it relates to health care and how politics influence health for individuals and populations. The other part was explaining the types of positive impact the DNP can create through policy or advocacy.

4.2 Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management.

3 Nov 19, 2022

Topic 5 DQ

1 4 Nov 26, 2022

This discussion explored the program development model I would use in creating a new community-based health program and the reasons for my choice. It also discussed the nurse’s recommendations to make the program successful and sustainable.

Competency 4.2

Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management.

3 Nov 26, 2022

Topic 5 DQ 2

4 Nov 28, 2022

This discussion examined the potential effects of having the option for insurance coverage in both the private and public sectors through reviewing the Affordable Care Act. It further discussed the impact of the review on the discussion about population-based nursing.

Competency 4.2

Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management.

3 Nov 26, 2022

Topic 6 Assignment

Benchmark- Population Health Part II 8 Dec 7, 2022 This paper was Part II of the Population Health assignment proposing an intervention to address the health issue for the selected at-risk population. The 1,250-1,500-word paper proposed an evidence-based intervention relevant to the population-based health issue that can be implemented to improve health outcomes, a plan for implementing the intervention, potential implementation challenges, health promotion theory expected outcomes, and factors contributing to the pervasiveness of the health issue for the at-risk group.

Competency 4.5

Develop and evaluate care delivery models and/or strategies for improved individual, aggregate, and population health management.

7 Dec 7, 2022

Topic 6 DQ 1

4 Dec 3, 2022

This discussion provided an overview of the health promotion theory and program evaluation model I will use in my DPI project and the rational for my choices.

Competency 1.3

Employ science-based theories and concepts to describe the actions and advanced strategies to enhance, alleviate, and ameliorate health and health care delivery phenomena as appropriate. 3.5

Dec 3, 2022

Topic 6 DQ 2 4

Dec 5, 2022

This discussion explored a health-related need present in my community, the health improvement program or methodology I would use to solve this problem, and reasonable timeline for implementation. It also provided examples of measures that APNs might use when collaborating with direct care nurses to implement evidence-based changes based on community health improvement programs.

4.2 Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management. 4 Dec 3, 2022

Topic 7 Assignment Emergency Response Presentation

7 Dec 14, 2022

This assignment evaluated the effectiveness of an emergency response for a local or national disaster that has occurred within the last 5 years. The 8-10-slide PowerPoint presentation discussed the disaster and evaluated the emergency response. Key parts included how the emergency response plan included marginalized communities, application of a Christian worldview, what could have been done differently, and the role of a DNP-prepared nurse when responding to such a crisis.

4.5 Develop and evaluate care delivery models and/or strategies for improved individual, aggregate, and population health management.

6 Dec 14, 2022

Topic 7 DQ 1 4

Dec 10, 2022

It involved completing the “Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Checklist” and discussing what it revealed to me about me and where I see opportunities for further personal growth and application in practice. It further discussed my worldview in regard to health-related values and beliefs towards the underserved populations in my community.

Competency 4.2

Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management.

3 Dec 10, 2022

Topic 7 DQ 2

4 Dec 12, 2022

The discussion explored how health literacy is entwined with health promotion and disease prevention strategies and how the factors relate to general population health. It also explained the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in improving health literacy within the health care system with examples and relevant literature.

4.2 Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management.

Dec 10, 2022

Post-conference Evaluation Individual Success Plan 6 Dec 21, 2022 Early in the course, the student completes the Individual Success Plan (ISP) for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed-upon deliverables for the programmatic requirements. A postconference evaluation allows the learner and preceptor/mentor to review and evaluate the completion of the ISP. N/A 8 Dec 19, 2022

Topic 8 Reflective Journal

4 Dec 21, 2022

The journal integrated self-reflection and inquiry demonstrated in the current Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) course. 1.1 Integrate nursing science with knowledge from ethics, the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical, and organizational sciences as the basis for the highest level of nursing practice.

3 Dec 19, 2022

Topic 8 DQ

1 3 Dec 17, 2022

It involved comparing prominent health concerns in developed countries with similar concerns in underdeveloped countries. Besides, the student explained how factors such as the economy, politics, and natural resources contribute to global health disparities and the NDP-educated nurse’s role in reducing these disparities.

Competency 4.2

Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management (American

Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2022).

3.5 Dec 16, 2022

Topic 8 DQ 2 3

Dec 19, 2022

It involved visiting the World Health Organization (WHO) website and locating an article that related to research on the global health crisis. After selecting the article, the student should summarize it and propose two realistic and achievable initiatives within the scope of nursing science to help mitigate this crisis.

I chose an article on mental health (mental health-burden) as a global health crisis. The article provides statistics on the escalating rates of mental health and the affected populations (World Health Organization, 2022).

Competency 4.2

Synthesize concepts to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve individual, aggregate, and population health management (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2022). 3 Dec 16, 2022


  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2022). DNP Essentials. https //
    World Health Organization. (2022). Mental health-burden. https //

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