Postconference Evaluation Individual Success Plan (ISP)

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment in this course requires your collaboration with the course faculty early on to establish a plan for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed-upon specific deliverables for your programmatic requirements. Programmatic requirements are:

  • Completion of required practice immersion hours
  • Completion of work associated with program competencies
  • Work associated with completion of your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.

A postconference evaluation is mandatory and will occur at the end of this course and every subsequent course using the ISP form. This is intended for the learner and preceptor/mentor to review and evaluate the completion of the ISP.

The faculty will validate that all areas are at “Meets Expectations” on the preceptor/mentor evaluation form, located in Typhon or Lopes Activity Tracker, prior to progression. The learner will upload the ISP and preceptor/mentor evaluations and proof of entered and approved practice immersion hours into the digital classroom by Topic 8 with the other required deliverables.

Faculty will review this before filling out the faculty evaluation of the learner in Typhon or Lopes Activity Tracker, which the learner will also upload in Topic 8. The course faculty will complete a separate evaluation of the learner’s performance in the digital classroom. The faculty is responsible for any course grading, final course grade, and validation of the learner’s completed practice immersion hours.

General Requirements

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment as it pertains to deliverables due in this course.

Use the Individual Success Plan (ISP) developed in Topic 1 as a personal plan for completing your practice immersion hours and how competencies will be met. All of the major milestones and deliverables should be indicated in the timeline.

Conferences may be conducted face-to-face or via technology. A copy of the signed document will be uploaded into the digital classroom no later than the end of Topic 8.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition, learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later use.


Identify the specific deliverables you will complete throughout this course from those defined above with your faculty. Update your faculty/chair with any revisions or changes to the ISP.

List the challenges you expect to encounter as you continue the practice immersion hour and competency requirements throughout this course. How might you overcome these challenges?

Complete the Contact Information table at the beginning of the ISP resource, and type in your signature (learner only) and the date on which you completed the table. Read the information in the ISP document, including the following Learner Expectations, Derivation of the ISP, and Instructions for Completing the ISP.

Follow the instructions and complete the ISP.

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Health organizations exist to deliver quality, safe, and efficient outcomes to their populations. In this view, they have the obligation of using all possible means to ensure that patients outcomes becomes positive. Thus, various evidence-based interventions are adopted by various stakeholders in healthcare institutions to achieve these outcomes (Tucker & Gallagher-Ford, 2019).

In doing so, healthcare providers should be able to propose, implement, monitor, and evaluate measures to inform the effectiveness of quality improvement initiatives adopted in their organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this presentation is to present a sustainability plan for the identified health issue of CAUTI rates within healthcare setting.
Identified Issue

CAUTI is a common healthcare issue that many healthcare providers have been fighting in the past. They form part of the nosocomial infections in healthcare settings which have been associated with various adverse impacts, such as enhanced rates of mortality and morbidity in the US.

The majority of urinary tract infections are related to catheter use which further increases in case of prolonged use of urinary catheters (Lavallée et al. 2019). CAUTIs have been connected with higher healthcare costs and prolonged hospitalizations, hence a need to control them.

Reduction of CAUTI rates are important in reducing cost of treatment and meeting the desired patient outcome. It is from this argument that this presentation would focus on the ways of reducing CAUTI rates in healthcare setting.


The adverse outcomes of CAUTI have led to sustained research on finding strategies that can be implemented to improve quality. One of the current EBP-based strategies is the use of nurse-driven protocols for removing indwelling urinary catheters. Such interventions involve data collection regarding catheter use, which then informs the nurses to immediately remove the urinary catheters when they are no longer needed by the patients (Lavallée et al. 2019).

Therefore, the use of pressure ulcers in determining the extent of success of the intervention will be significant supporting or stopping the intervention. A reduction in pressure ulcers among patients is a positive outcome.

Measures to Eliminate

One of the aspects of the project I will stop measuring is the rate of acceptability of the proposed plan of action. This is because by then, their buy-in shall have been achieved, and probably every nurse will be applying the intervention on admitted patients.

The willingness to apply the intervention after the intervention is already incorporated in the healthcare system would be insignificant because the nurses are already using the system to dispense their roles (Carrigan & Livesay, 2018).

The measure would not also be important because then nurses will have already interacted the system and any barrier that could have affected the system in then implementation stage.

Measurement Threshold that Trigger Investigation

An increasing rate of the pressure ulcers after the implementation of the intervention the system is an adverse outcome. Negative effects can sometimes be observed when implementing a quality improvement project. Therefore, it is important to have plans for such unexpected negative effects (Marć et al., 2019).

If the aspects are adversely affecting the patients, then the project can be stopped. Otherwise, other approaches will be used to eliminate the negative impacts. Such measures would imply that the pressure ulcers rate is not significant in reducing CAUTI rates in an organization. In such cases, the implementation process could be stopped and more reviews to be done on the intervention.


The new process will be implemented at the facility. As such, while the project is owned by the investigator, it will be owned by the facility upon implementation. The organization’s leaders will see to it that the project’s aspects are accurately used to ensure that the benefits are optimized. Onboarding and engagement with the project are key to the project’s chances of success (Carrigan et al.,2018).

As such, it is important to explore if individuals are engaged and on board with the improvement process. Therefore, the people’s commitment and willingness to participate in every step of implementation will be observed.


Communicating the change intentions is important to enhance the chances of buy-in and project success. Therefore, various strategies will be used to communicate about the change, including official channels of communication such as email. Another aspect will be face-to-face meetings.

The emails will be sent through the organization’s official communication channels. While the first communication will take place at the begging of the project, it is important to ensure that there is constant communication throughout the project to ensure that people remain focused on the project’s aim, objectives, and focus (Palinkas et al.,2018).

Support to individuals is key to ensuring focus and commitment to the project’s goals and objectives. Individuals will be supported through training, especially the aspects of the new bundle care.

Training Plan

Offering training is key. Hence, it will also be offered even after the project’s completion. One such training will take the form of refreshing the memory and knowledge of the nursing team regarding the use of the new bundle. Training will also be offered to new nurses who will join the facility after implementation.

This will ensure that they have a grasp of how to use the new pressure ulcer bundle. The training will also be offered by the senior nursing staff who have experience with pressure ulcer control as well as skills in training and educating staff (Palinkas et al., 2018).

Change Management

Resistance to change management can derail the chances of the project succeeding. Therefore, it is important to put in place appropriate measures for responding to such resistance or barriers (Tucker & Gallagher-Ford, 2019). One aspect is to use timeous communication to let individuals know of the planned change, which will reduce the chances of resistance.

The other strategy is to offer training and increase the individual’s knowledge regarding the use of pressure bundles. The next strategy is to approach the individuals and discuss with them why they are resisting the proposed change and help them understand the project’s intention. Evidence-based change models are key in ensuring adoption and sustainability.

Lewin’s change stages will be key. The third phase will particularly be used to enhance adoption and sustainability, where the staff will be supported to use the new system and rewarded for excellent execution (Hussain et al.,2018).

Staff workload

The proposed change will not increase the workload since it will just involve the use of a bundle care approach to reduce the rates and incidences of pressure ulcers. The approach would ensure that nurses have reduced roes in terms of observing the patients.

This approach is less strenuous and would allow many nurses to reduce cases of fatigue at work (Marć et al., 2019). In case the plan fails, such an aspect will be communicated officially to the nursing staff. Apart from paper documentation, such communication will also be accomplished through emails so that the individuals know what is changing and what is not changing.


  • Carrigan, T. M., & Livesay, S. (2018). Mapping a Strategy for Success A Case Study in Nursing Engagement as a Strategic Imperative at a Comprehensive Stroke Center. Nurse Leader, 16(2), 112-117. https //
  • Hussain, S. T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M. J., Hussain, S. H., & Ali, M. (2018). Kurt Lewin’s change model A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), 123-127. https //
  • Lavallée, J. F., Gray, T. A., Dumville, J., & Cullum, N. (2019). Preventing pressure ulcers in nursing homes using a care bundle a feasibility study. Health & Social Care In the Community, 27(4), e417-e427. https //
  • McShane, B. B., Gal, D., Gelman, A., Robert, C., & Tackett, J. L. (2019). Abandon statistical significance. The American Statistician, 73(sup1), 235-245. https //
  • Palinkas, L. A., Garcia, A., Aarons, G., Finno-Velasquez, M., Fuentes, D., Holloway, I., & Chamberlain, P. (2018). Measuring collaboration and communication to increase implementation of evidence-based practices the cultural exchange inventory. Evidence & Policy, 14(1), 35-61. https //
  • Tucker, S. J., & Gallagher-Ford, L. (2019). EBP 2.0 From strategy to implementation. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 119(4), 50-52. 10.1097/
  • Marć, M., Bartosiewicz, A., Burzyńska, J., Chmiel, Z., & Januszewicz, P. (2019). A nursing shortage – a prospect of global and local policies. International Nursing Review, 66(1), 9–16. https //

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