Planning for a Smulated Learning Environment

Paper Instructions

Nurse educators often work in teams to decide on technologies and resources to use in curriculum, and instructors may use the technology across multiple courses. As you work on your individual project in this course, consider how you can use simulation, whether for didactic or clinical hours.

  • Review current simulation technology available on the market.
  • Conduct an internet search for information from the Limbs and Things website.

Consider this scenario:

As a team, create a proposal on simulation equipment describing how and where you might implement simulation and task trainers within a nursing curriculum.

  • Analyze the items or technologies your team wishes to use.
  • Analyze the approximate cost per year, including maintenance and replacement costs.
  • Evaluate the placement and amount of predicted usage within a curriculum.
    Determine the advantages and challenges for each item your team is proposing to use.

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In the delivery of the nursing content to students, the instructors have a variety of teaching methods to help the students in understanding of the content and mastery of the skills. One such method is the use of simulations. It is no longer an add on but an important component that has been integrated in the entire nursing curriculum (Aebersold, 2018). This paper aims at planning for simulated learning environment of IV insertion. It will evaluate the placement and the amount of predicted usage within the curriculum. Additionally, the advantages and the challenges faced by the team in using the proposed items will also be discussed.

In the IV insertion simulation, the tools to be used are; IV catheter, scissors, two IV extension sets, one injection pot, clear IV site dressing, tape, gravity IV tubing and empty IV bag. The cost of setting up a full simulation center is high and that is why most institutions prefer to rent already existing centers at a discounted cost. It is estimated that the minimum initial coat of setting up such centers is approximately $200,000 with an annual maintenance cost of $15,000 (Simulation Center Finances Calculating Fees and Costs, 2017). The usage of the simulation varies from time to time depending on the nursing classes and the sessions available per week. In institutions where the hours for clinical practice have been replaced with simulations, there are additional hours dedicated to the simulation sessions.

It is reported that many practicing nurses lack PIVC procedural confidence due to limited education during orientation, which results in the reduced nurse’s efficiency and poor patient care that puts the patient’s life at risk (Glover et al., 2017). This is what prompted many nursing educators to emphasize on the IV insertion simulation. It is advantageous to the nursing students as they get the skill and the confidence to work on the PIVC procedures during the nursing practice. When the simulations are well incorporated in the curriculum, patient’s safety and nurse job satisfaction is guaranteed. The main challenge facing the implementation of this simulation in the curriculum is cost and limited time to balance both the lecture and the clinical practice hours. For a student to have a successful simulation session, one must have enough scientific knowledge, which means there is need to have adequate lecture sessions and reading before working on the simulation (Ravik et al., 2017).


  • Aebersold, M. (2018, May). Simulation-Based Learning No Longer a Novelty in Undergraduate Education. https //
  • Glover, K. R., Stahl, B. R., Murray, C., LeClair, M., Gallucci, S., King, M. A., Labrozzi, L. J., Schuster, C., & Keleekai, N. L. (2017). A Simulation-Based Blended Curriculum for Short Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Insertion An Industry–Practice Collaboration. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48(9), 397–406. https //
  • Ravik, M., Havnes, A., & Bjørk, I. T. (2017, November 7). Conditions Affecting the Performance of Peripheral Vein Cannulation during Hospital Placement A Case Study. Nursing Research and Practice. https //
  • Simulation Center Finances Calculating Fees and Costs. (2017, May 8). NLN Nursing EDge. https //

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