NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 3 Evaluation of an Information System Change

Paper Instructions

Write a 3-4 page evaluation report analyzing the frameworks for evaluating the impact of an information system and system change. Create an Excel or Word table evaluation plan for the project. Record an audio memo of three minutes or fewer to explain your plan to stakeholders.


Note Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

With any new or changed system, you should be working to ensure that the information system has functionality in the form of interoperability and integration of information. As part of the evaluation process, you should assess the interoperability and integration of system information. You will present these findings for the stakeholders to acknowledge and confirm.

As part of your work as the nursing informatics specialist, you have developed and implemented an information system change in your organization. Now it is time to design an evaluation report about the change and to put into place a consistent method for a system evaluation plan.

Note Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


Your submission will include three parts. The first part will be a written 3-4 page evaluation report, in which you will analyze the frameworks for evaluating the impact of an information system and system change. The second part will be a single page evaluation plan table. The third part will be a recorded audio or video overview discussion for stakeholders. The recording must be 3 minutes in duration or fewer. You can submit Parts 1 and 2 together as one document with the table listed as an appendix.

Part 1 Evaluation Report

For this part of your submission, you will define the three types of framework components. One is related to quality of information that is generated by the information system change, the second relates to the effects on outcomes of quality care due to the system change, and the third is the structural quality of the system with the change (Garcia-Dia, 2019, p. 376).

One way to organize this report is as follows:

When defining the quality of information framework include:

  • The development of completeness or correctness of data.
  • User satisfaction with the system.
  • Patient privacy that is incorporated into the system’s information.
  • Patient satisfaction with the system.

When defining outcomes of quality care framework include:

  • Efficiency with the use of the system.
  • Appropriateness of care with the use of the system.

When defining the structural quality framework include:

  • Organizational support given to the system.
  • Effectiveness of hardware for the use of the system.
  • Effectiveness of software when using the system.
  • Overall functionality of the system.

Part 2 Evaluation Plan Table

For this part of your submission, you will design an evaluation plan to monitor the system changes (Garcia-Dia, 2019, p. 379). You will use the goals that you defined as part of your implementation plan as a starting point for constructing your table.

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Evaluation Plan Table

Goals Framework Component Measurements Frequency of Measurement


Reasons for Choosing the Measures

  • To have an efficient system, highly interoperable, facilitating data capture and data transmission in real-time.

Quality of information framework
Outcomes of quality care framework

Number and types of data files fed into the system.

  • Evaluating the number and types of data files will help to determine whether the system is consuming data in multiple formats as envisioned.

The average time used in serving patients

  • Three months

Changes in the average time used in serving patients will reliably indicate whether the system has improved efficiency, removed delays, and promoted interprofessional collaboration.

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