NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 2 Technology Needs Assessment Summary and Implementation Plan

Paper Instructions

Write a two page executive summary of the findings and recommendations related to your organizational information system change project. Create an Excel or Word table that outlines a project management implementation plan and an audio memo of three minutes or fewer to explain your plan to stakeholders.


Note Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Now that you have completed a needs assessment, it is time to create an implementation plan for the organizational information system change. This plan should leverage the discoveries and feedback that came out of the stakeholder needs assessment meeting. The strategies you define for the interprofessional team with the implementation and go live of the information system will help to guide their successful use, and provide sustainability of the system change.

Having successfully completed your needs assessment meeting, you have gathered the necessary stakeholder information for your information systems change project. For the next step in your project, you have been asked to submit a written summary of the findings and recommendations from your needs assessment meeting. Additionally, you have been asked to create an implementation plan outline and an audio memo to help explain the plan to relevant stakeholders in the organization.

Note Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


For this assessment, you will prepare two parts. Part 1 will be a written executive summary. Part 2 will be a project management implementation plan outline and an audio memo.

Part 1 Executive Summary

Your executive summary should be a Word document of no longer than 2 pages. The content of your executive summary should include:

  • The current informatics structure in the organization.
  • What you recommend moving forward to complete the project related to informatics roles, project champions, and support for the implementation plan.
  • The current clinical information system and what you recommend as the change to the system.
  • Define what you anticipate to be improvements for patient safety and health care outcomes with the system change and implementation.

Part 2 Project Management Implementation Plan Document and Audio Memo

Create your project management implementation plan document in Excel, a Word table, or other program of your choice. Include the following components:

  • The overall goal or goals for the project. Include 1-2 goals.
  • The major milestones that need to be completed to achieve the goals. Include 2-3 milestones for each goal.
  • The processes that will be developed and completed to achieve the milestones. Include 2-3 processes for each milestone.
  • The steps you will need to complete each process. Include 2-3 steps for each process.
  • The timeline for project completion. Include one timeline showing the goals, milestones, processes, and steps.
  • Responsible parties (project champions and informatics team) for each step, process, milestone, and goal.

You can create your audio memo, of no longer than 3 minutes, in Kaltura. Your audio memo should describe the project implementation plan to the stakeholders and help them to create buy-in and raise awareness of the information system change.

The stakeholders include the end-users, project champions, and informatics team working on the project.

Comment on specific change management strategies that could help the stakeholders you are addressing as they communicate with their colleagues about the project.


Executive Summary Length

  • 2 pages, not including the title and reference page.

APA Style and Format

  • Use APA formatting with a title page, running head, title on the first page of text, level 1 headings, and a reference list.

Number of References

  • Include 4-5 scholarly sources used as parenthetical citations and in a reference list.

Implementation Plan

  • Create an Excel or Word table to illustrate your implementation plan.

Audio Memo Length

  • No longer than 3 minutes.

Refer to Using Kaltura for directions on recording and/or uploading your video in the courseroom.

Note If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities, please contact to request accommodations.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria

Competency 1

  • Evaluate strengths and liabilities of health information systems.
  • Explain the anticipated patient safety and health care outcome benefits of implementing an information system change.
  • Recommend changes to an organizational information system supported by the findings of a needs assessment.

Competency 2

  • Incorporate project management principles into nursing informatics.
  • Create a comprehensive project management implementation plan that lays out specific goals, milestones, processes, responsible parties, and a timeline.

Competency 3

  • Recommend change management strategies to create buy-in and raise awareness of health information systems projects.
  • Propose relevant change management strategies to assist stakeholders to create buy-in for an information system change project.

Competency 4

  • Communicate as a practitioner-scholar, consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
  • Address assignment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
  • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
  • Communicate orally in a clear and concise manner, which helps to clarify key information and expectations for stakeholders in a presentation of 3 or fewer minutes.

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System change is highly engaging and requires extensive planning. It is also important to make the desired changes systematically while engaging all the necessary teams. In the needs assessment meeting, the areas necessitating a system change were identified. The next stage is implementation to ensure that the vision becomes a reality. As a nursing informatics specialist, I have developed a plan to facilitate a smooth transition from the old to the new system. The plan has seven components- completing one phase leads to the next.

The first phase is needs prioritization, where the change areas will be ranked. The second step involves assembling the implementation team. The team will compose individuals skilled in systems change. They should also be available throughout the project. The third and vital step is systems change involving a system overhaul. It is the phase where the necessary software, hardware, and operating system changes will occur. The next phase will be piloting. The new system will go live for the first time in this step.

The team will observe how the system runs to determine whether any more changes are required. After piloting, system users will be trained to ensure they are ready and confident to use the system. Readiness will read to system adoption into practice to commence actual work. I will also lead in selecting a team to guide system upgrades and maintenance to ensure that the project is sustainable.

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