NURS FPX 6416 Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Meeting with Stakeholders

Paper Instructions

Create a video to summarize the findings from a needs assessment meeting. The video must be 7 minutes or fewer in length.


Note Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

As a nursing informatics specialist, you have been asked to arrange and lead a needs assessment meeting for stakeholders around an organizational information system change. Completing an assessment with the stakeholders will help you to gain a clear understanding of end-user needs, how the system currently functions, and what enhanced functionality should be achieved with an information system change. Ultimately, you are implementing the system change to enhance the interprofessional team’s ability to positively affect care delivery outcomes.

Note Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


For the assessments in this course, imagine you are working on an organizational information system change project as a nursing informatics specialist project manager.

For this assessment, you have reached the stage in your information systems change where you will bring stakeholders together to collaborate on a needs assessment. An important skill for informatics professionals is being able to understand the viewpoints of stakeholders and leverage that understanding to create buy-in.

For this assessment, you will be creating a video summary of findings from a needs assessment meeting. You can base your summary on your personal experiences being in a needs assessment meeting, or you can imagine one that is relevant to your personal practice and an information systems change you would like to see happen.

If you are imagining the needs assessment meeting, assume that each stakeholder group would elect one team member to attend the meeting. This would mean that there be a minimum of five participants in your meeting. Try to keep in mind these various points of view as you plan and create your meeting summary.

To prepare to complete this assessment, think through the following items before you begin to record your video

Define at least four groups of stakeholders. These might include:


  • The end-users of the system that input information into particular elements of the system.

The most critical interprofessional team members that need to access and read that information; in other words, individuals who could be part of an informatics support team for the system.

  • How is the system currently functioning?
  • How would the stakeholders like it to function?
  • What are the risks that the current system poses to patient safety?
  • What are the best evidence-based practices with use of this type of information system?
  • What software and hardware functionality do the stakeholders want?
  • How might this information system change enhance workflow and communication?
  • How will data capture improve with implementation of this system?
    What are the current effects from the system’s use on health care delivery outcomes?
    Will a change enhance outcomes?


Your assessment submission will be a Kaltura video debrief of your hypothetical needs assessment meeting. The time limit for your video is 7 minutes.

During the meeting, you would pose the questions listed in Part 2 as a means to conduct the needs assessment collaboratively.

Organize your video using the following outline.

Part 1 Introduction

Create an introduction to explain your role and an overview of the project, including the scope. Include a brief timeline to complete the project and a vision statement for the future outlining what the organization wants to achieve with this information system change.

Part 2 Questions and Explanation

The questions you would have asked during the needs assessment meeting can be grouped as outlined below. For each category, report the hypothetical findings and outcomes. Distinguished performers will also comment on the importance of finding answers to these questions.

Assess the current situation and desired state of the information system

  • What do the stakeholders see as issues with the current information system?
  • What is working well with the current information system?
  • What can stakeholders envision as the best solution if they had all resources?

Assess and define the risks

  • What do the stakeholders see as patient safety risks or other risks (such as ethical, legal, or practical) with the current system?

Define information system user best practice

  • What are the best evidence-based practices with use of this type of information system?

Technology functionality

  • What software and hardware functionality do the stakeholders want to have?

Workflow and communication

  • How might an information system change enhance workflow and communication?

Data capture

  • How might data capture improve with implementation of a new system?

Practice and outcomes

  • How could a change affect current practice for the better by enhancing patient outcomes?

Part 3 Conclusion

Summarize the highlights of the meeting as a takeaway for the stakeholders. Be sure to state the connection between the project scope, potential direction, and the organizational vision for the stakeholders as a means to guide the project forward.

Comment on change management principles that could be relevant in mitigating resistance as the project proceeds.


The scholarly sources that you used to support your ideas must be included in a reference list. Submit your APA formatted reference list as a separate document.

Using Kaltura

Each assessment in this course has a recorded audio and/or video component. Understanding how to use and upload a Kaltura video in your courseroom will be a critical part of your success. In preparation to complete your assessments, complete the following:

  • If you have not already done so, set up and test your headset and webcam, using the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • Practice using the headset and webcam to ensure the audio and visual quality is sufficient.
  • Refer to Using Kaltura for directions on recording and/or uploading your video in the courseroom.

Note If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities, please contact to request accommodations.


Video Submission

  • Upload your Kaltura video to the assessment area.

Video Length

  • No longer than 7 minutes.

APA Style Reference

  • List Submit an APA style reference list that includes the scholarly sources that you used to support your ideas. Submit the reference list in a separate document at the same time you submit your video.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria

Competency 1

  • Evaluate strengths and liabilities of health information systems.
  • Explain the benefits and challenges of a health information systems change with regards to implementation and support for workflow and communication changes.
  • Explain the current and desired state of an organizational information system including data capture, evidence-based practices, functionality, outcomes, and risks.

Competency 2

  • Incorporate project management principles into nursing informatics.
  • Explain the connection between organizational vision and the scope and potential direction of an information system change as a means to guide a project forward.

Competency 3

  • Recommend change management strategies to create buy-in and raise awareness of health information systems projects.
  • Identify relevant change management principles that could be applied to mitigate resistance during an information systems change project.

Competency 4

  • Communicate as a practitioner-scholar, consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
  • Communicate orally in a way that engages the audience while maintaining an appropriate tone.
  • Communicate orally in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner in a presentation of 7 or fewer minutes.

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Health care organizations continue to harness technology to enhance health outcomes, with the application of data-driven care increasing over time. As the health care field transits from analog to completely digital systems, information management has become critical. Health information systems must be highly efficient to integrate data collection, processing, and reporting, among other functions. When making system changes, nursing informatics specialists should conduct a needs assessment to evaluate stakeholders’ opinions and current performance. A shared vision of the new system’s functionality should guide the change process. This needs assessment summary explains my role and overview of the project, needs assessment findings, and a conclusion of the meeting’s highlights.

Part 1 Introduction

A system change is necessary when a health care information system does not work effectively. In other instances, technological shifts prompt impromptu updates of health information systems to optimize their performance and reduce risk. My role is facilitating the change as a nursing informatics specialist manager. Despite my expertise, system change is based on the extent of need.

As a result, I will lead various stakeholders in assessing how the system functions currently and the objectives of the change. Stakeholders include the administration, clinicians, front office assistants, head of billing, and information technology department. Since the goal is enhanced capacity, the needs assessment will be primarily a comparative analysis of the current capacity against the desired capacity.

Timeline the entire project should take six weeks. The needs assessment takes approximately one week, with other phases following in succession. They include resource allocation, relevant system changes based on the needs assessment, evaluation, and corrective actions.

Vision statement for the future the organization will have an efficient system, highly interoperable, facilitating data capture and data transmission in real-time.

Part 2 Questions and Explanation

Current situation and desired state As some of the stakeholders’ concerns, the current information system is characterized by four main issues. The first issue includes the system’s interface and design hitches since it does not support a mobile view. According to Pinem et al. (2020), a mobile view and applications encourage using health information systems due to simplicity. Secondly, the system does not have a function for the biometric identification of users.

Thirdly, data cannot be captured in all formats. The fourth issue is interoperability problem. Data transmission and sharing do not occur in real-time. However, the information system still enables data recording, storage, and sharing. It also offers a reliable communication platform that supports data-driven care. To solve the problem, a system upgrade is necessary, as the stakeholders propose.

Risk assessment

Technology use in health care poses a huge risk to patient safety. Afzal and Arshad (2021) found that many ethical and legal risks in health care are technology-related. A universal concern among the stakeholders is accessibility by non-users. The current information system is not entirely secure to prevent unauthorized access. Such vulnerability can expose patient data to unauthorized parties and can be used for non-health purposes.

According to Karasneh et al. (2019), patient data access by unconsented parties breaches confidentiality and privacy principles. Information user best practice is to use health care data for primarily health purposes, secure it maximally, and share it as the patient consents.

Technology functionality

The stakeholders want an information system with a biometric function to limit access. They also want a system that can support data capture in multiple formats. The current system does not absorb video files exceeding ten megabytes. Updates should also occur automatically.

Workflow and communication

An efficient health information system has many advantages as far as workflow and communication are concerned. Enhanced functionality, as stakeholders envision, will lead to a more interoperable and convenient-to-use system. Turbow et al. (2021) described interoperability as the ability of health information systems to allow information sharing between health care providers and systems expediently.

Convenient information sharing improves the ease with which health care practitioners provide care to patients. Buljac-Samardzic et al. (2020) further noted that quick information sharing improves communication, promoting interprofessional collaboration. Many gains are justifying the system change.

Data capture the new system will allow data capture and storage in multiple formats. More volumes can be stored and retrieved when needed. Practice and outcomes enhanced functionality will improve communication, data storage and retrieval, and the overall speed of patient care. Using efficient systems prevent resource wastage, saves time, and increase patient satisfaction.

Part 3 Conclusion

The meeting was on needs assessment, and the main stakeholder concerns include interface and design problems, interoperability issues, and vulnerabilities that risk patients’ private data. Overall, a more functional system is required to fix performance gaps and ensure that communication, data sharing, and information access is not hampered. During the six weeks’ work, stakeholders should collaborate with the nurse informatics specialist manager and information technology experts to make the necessary system upgrade.

Stakeholders will also be engaged in piloting the new system before full adoption into practice. Change management principles relevant in mitigating resistance as the project proceeds include active communication, instant feedback, engagement, and working on realistic goals. All stakeholders should understand why the system change is needed and their roles defined clearly. Conflict should be solved instantly and unclear issues clarified before moving from one phase to the next.


  • Afzal, S., & Arshad, A. (2021). Ethical issues among healthcare workers using electronic medical records A systematic review. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Update, 100030. https //
  • Buljac-Samardzic, M., Doekhie, K. D., & van Wijngaarden, J. D. (2020). Interventions to improve team effectiveness within health care A systematic review of the past decade. Human resources for health, 18(1), 1-42. https //
  • Karasneh, R. A., Al-Azzam, S. I., Alzoubi, K. H., Hawamdeh, S. S., & Muflih, S. M. (2019). Patient data sharing and confidentiality practices of researchers in Jordan. Risk management and healthcare policy, 12, 255-263. https //
  • Pinem, A. A., Yeskafauzan, A., Handayani, P. W., Azzahro, F., Hidayanto, A. N., & Ayuningtyas, D. (2020). Designing a health referral mobile application for high-mobility end users in Indonesia. Heliyon, 6(1), e03174. https //
  • Turbow, S., Hollberg, J. R., & Ali, M. K. (2021). Electronic health record interoperability How did we get here and how do we move forward? JAMA Health Forum 2(3), e210253-e210253. doi 10.1001/jamahealthforum.2021.0253

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