NUR 600 Module 6 Assignment Scholarly Writing

Paper Instructions

For this assignment, you will write a paper on the pharmacological management of the disease. The paper should include a review of the

  • Select a disease process that is of interest to you.
  • Pathophysiology of the disease state.

Review of the pharmacological agents used for treatment and important information related to advanced practice nurse.

Each student will clearly write a title for this topic For examples, “Pharmacological Effects of Anti-Hypertensive Medications in the Management of Hypertension”.

Submission Instructions

  • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
  • The paper should be formatted per the current APA and 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles within your work.

Complete and submit the assignment by 11 59 PM ET Sunday.

Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a noteworthy cause of death and illness globally. COPD results in considerable healthcare expenditures, disability, and diminished quality of life (Bollmeier & Hartmann, 2020).

In distinction to other prevalent causes of death and disability, COPD is anticipated to increase in many regions of the world as a result of more people smoking and the population aging.

In order to treat COPD, pharmaceutical interventions target symptom prevention and management, exacerbation reduction, health improvement, and exercise capacity.

Prevalent pharmaceutical interventions are ineffectual in halting the progressive decline of pulmonary function induced by the phenomenon. Only smoking cessation represents an intervention that impedes the progression of COPD.

Behavioral therapy and nicotine replacement therapy, as well as pharmaceutical interventions like bupropion, have demonstrated efficacy. The paper aims to explore the use of medications to treat COPD.

COPD Overview

COPD is a prevalent and manageable medical condition distinguished by the gradual obstruction of the airways and the deterioration of lung tissue. The development of chronic inflammation can be attributed to prolonged exposure to harmful particles or gases, most notably cigarette smoke.

As a result of reduced lung elasticity and airway constriction caused by inflammation, symptoms include wheezing, dyspnea, and sputum production. COPD is most prevalent in individuals who are smokers or older than 40, with its incidence rate increasing with age.

Globally, COPD ranks as the third most prevalent cause of illness and death, with an estimated 174 million cases affecting individuals in 2015 and an estimated 3.2 million fatalities (Albertson et al., 2020). The frequency is likely underestimated due to inadequate diagnosis.

Pathophysiology of COPD

COPD is an inflammatory disease affecting the pulmonary blood vessels, airways, and lung tissue. Protease-antiprotease imbalances and oxidative stress distinguish it. Due to emphysema, a constituent of COPD, alveolar air sacs deteriorate, leading to obstructive physiology.

Irritatants, including smoking, are responsible for instigating inflammation by stimulating the production of inflammatory mediators, including oxidants and surplus proteases by neutrophils and macrophages (Albertson et al., 2020). Airway collapse occurs during exhaling.

Owing to a deficiency in antiproteases, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is an uncommon cause of emphysema; it increases susceptibility to protease-induced damage.

Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency results from misfolding a mutant protein that may build up in the liver. AATD mainly affects the lower lobes. Inflammation and airway blockage reduce forced expiratory volume (FEV1), tissue damage, restricted airflow, and compromised gas exchange.

Hyperinflation of the lungs and increased CO2 levels are often seen as symptoms (Albertson et al., 2020). Acute exacerbations of COPD are frequent and frequently result from triggers such as bacterial or viral pneumonia or environmental irritants. Treatment usually includes corticosteroids and bronchodilators.

Pharmacotherapy for COPD

Stable COPD patients receive pharmacotherapy to mitigate symptoms, reduce the frequency and severity of acute exacerbations, impede disease progression and mortality, improve overall health, and increase exercise tolerance.

The treatment method is a systematic progression that emphasizes the severity of the illness as assessed through spirometry. Short-acting bronchodilators are administered as required for mild instances, whereas for stages II-IV, regular maintenance therapy with long-acting bronchodilators is started (Nici et al., 2020).

A revised categorization of COPD has been created, acknowledging that airway restriction is not a dependable predictor of the disease’s condition. Four categories and a recommended paradigm for initial pharmacological therapy for each group have been defined. Additional medicines such as mucolytics and methylxanthines are used.

However, only some recommendations advocate for their extensive usage. The delivery route is essential when prescribing drugs for COPD, with inhaled treatment being the recommended option. Regularly monitoring oral theophylline is necessary because of the increased likelihood of adverse effects.

Various inhaler devices are accessible, and the drug’s administration to the lung depends on the equipment and strategy used (Nici et al., 2020). Dry powder inhalers might provide more convenience and enhance medication distribution in COPD patients than basic metered-dose inhalers.

Nebulizer solutions may be more effective for those with severe hyperinflation and reduced inspiratory flow rates. Patients often need help with proper inhaler technique, necessitating doctors to ensure they are educated on how to use the prescribed device and that their technique is routinely assessed.


Bronchodilators are drugs that enhance FEV1 or spirometric parameters by modifying the tone of airway smooth muscle (Singh, 2021). They are essential for managing COPD, but their ability to be reversed is restricted. Consistent usage of bronchodilators can alleviate symptoms and enhance quality of life.

Typical examples are 𝛽-adrenoceptor agonists, anticholinergic medicines, and methylxanthines. Long-acting bronchodilators are more effective and convenient than short-acting medicines and may be used as required or routinely.

Beta2-receptor agonists are potent bronchodilators for asthma and COPD since they may relax airway smooth muscle by activating beta2-adrenergic receptors. Short-acting inhaled β2-agonists such as salbutamol, terbutaline, and fenoterol have a quick bronchodilator action and may be administered by tablets, intramuscular injections, and intravenous infusion (Singh, 2021).

LABAs such as salmeterol and formoterol are designed to be taken twice a day and have a duration of action of 12 hours or more (Bollmeier & Hartmann, 2020). Studies have shown that they decrease the need for rescue medicine, enhance symptoms and patient-related results, and have a favorable safety record.

The disease-modifying effects of LABAs are still a topic of debate. Indacaterol, a new β2-agonist authorized by the European Medicines Agency and the FDA for treating COPD, is the only long-acting beta-agonist that may be used once a day for this condition. Its enhancement in lung function seems to surpass that of other LABAs taken twice daily, making it a convenient choice for maintaining COPD therapy.

Anticholinergic drugs, including ipratropium, tiotropium, and tiotropium bromide, inhibit the effects of acetylcholine on M3 receptors, enhancing lung function and quality of life in individuals with COPD. Nevertheless, ipratropium medication may not influence the pace of loss in lung function.

Tiotropium is the only LAMA approved for COPD treatment, offering 24-hour bronchodilation and exhibiting selectivity for M1 and M3 receptors (Singh, 2021). The clinical profile is outstanding, with benefits such as symptom relief, decreased hyperinflation, reduced dyspnea, and enhanced quality of life.

Concerns have been raised about the safety of tiotropium, with some sources indicating that stroke and cardiovascular events might be potential side effects. The FDA determined that the available data do not provide evidence for an elevated risk of stroke, heart attack, or mortality linked to tiotropium medication. Utilizing bronchodilators with varied mechanisms and durations of action might enhance bronchodilation with comparable or reduced adverse effects.

Methylxanthines, functioning as nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibitors, provide nonbronchodilating actions that might be advantageous (Janjua et al., 2021). They may enhance respiratory muscle performance, arterial blood gas levels, and ventilatory capacity.

Theophylline stimulates histone deacetylases at low doses, boosting corticosteroids’ anti-inflammatory impact. Oral low-dose theophylline may decrease exacerbation frequency in COPD patients but slightly improve lung function.

High-dose theophylline is a potent bronchodilator with side effects such as headache, sleeplessness, nausea, indigestion, and possibly fatal arrhythmias. Theophylline undergoes N-methylation to produce 1-methylxanthine, 3-methylxanthine, 1,3-dimethyluric acid, and caffeine.


Corticosteroids, including fluticasone, budesonide, and beclomethasone, are used in asthma to decrease airway inflammation and enhance clinical symptoms. However, steroids are generally ineffective in COPD.

Therefore, regular use of ICS is not advised. Combining ICS with a lung-adjusted bronchodilator is more effective in decreasing exacerbations and increasing lung function, according to Singh (2021).

This is often recommended for individuals with severe or very severe COPD who have frequent exacerbations. Combining a long-acting muscarinic antagonist with a long-acting beta-agonist and an inhaled corticosteroid may provide further therapeutic advantages.

Extended use of oral glucocorticosteroids is not advised since they are not effective. Evaluating the effectiveness of steroids is crucial for individuals with permanent airway constriction. Systemic steroids may cause many adverse effects, such as myopathy, hyperglycemia, and hypertension.

Emerging Treatment Options

As preclinical and clinical research demonstrated, PDE-4 inhibitors have anti-inflammatory properties that specifically target cells associated with airway inflammation, resulting in decreased airway inflammation.

In some countries, the once-daily oral medication Roflumilast has been approved for clinical use in addition to bronchodilators for patients with severe COPD who have experienced exacerbations.

As an alternative treatment option, the GOLD report suggests that PDE-4 inhibitors be administered to group C patients with chronic bronchitis (Bollmeier & Hartmann, 2020). PDE-4 inhibitors may be used in the therapy regimen of LAMA or ICS plus LABA for patients in group D.

Research has demonstrated that Roflumilast improves pulmonary function, reduces the frequency of exacerbations, and enhances overall quality of life (Rehman et al., 2019).

However, improvements may be relatively minor compared to inhaled bronchodilators like tiotropium or salmeterol. Treating COPD with cilomilast, an orally active PDE-4 inhibitor, has been possible, substantially enhancing lung function and quality of life.

Multiple new LABAs, such as vilanterol tridentate, formoterol, and olodaterol, are being developed for COPD therapy. Currently, tiotropium bromide is the only LAMA available for COPD therapy, with alternative options such as aclidinium bromide in different phases of research.

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

To enhance healthcare outcomes for patients with COPD, healthcare professionals from diverse fields collaborate (Rehman et al., 2019). Consistently receiving education regarding smoking cessation and adhering strictly to treatment plans are both critical components.

According to research, individuals with COPD benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation. This is evident in its improvements to dyspnea, exercise capacity, and quality of life.

Fostering self-management among patients with chronic pulmonary disorders through education of the patient and their family is an effective nursing intervention.

To facilitate airway clearance, nurses should employ the following strategies administer bronchodilators and corticosteroids, instruct patients to cough directly or under control and assist in improving breathing patterns via pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and inspiratory muscle training.

To enhance activity intolerance, it is recommended that daily activities be paced and support devices be utilized to reduce energy consumption. Regular exercise has been shown to enhance muscle strength and increase exercise capacity and endurance, as demonstrated in a study by Rehman et al. (2019).

It may be advisable to consider using walking aids to enhance activity levels and mobility. Nurses must diligently track cognitive changes, closely monitor pulse oximetry values, and take proactive measures to prevent infections by promoting immunization against influenza and S. pneumonia. These interventions assist patients in effectively managing their condition and preserving their health.


The management of COPD is centered around achieving sustained bronchodilation, as current anti-inflammatory agents have shown limited effectiveness in addressing the condition. Commencing long-acting bronchodilator treatment at an early stage can decelerate the progression of the disease and enhance the quality of life for patients.

Treatment efficacy can be improved by combining bronchodilators with varying pharmacological profiles. These strategies focus on mitigating the socioeconomic impact of COPD and enhancing patient outcomes.


  • Albertson, T. E., Chenoweth, J., Pearson, S. J., & Murin, S. (2020). The pharmacological management of asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome (ACOS). Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 21(2), 213–231. https //
  • Bollmeier, S. G., & Hartmann, A. P. (2020). Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease A review focusing on exacerbations. American Journal of Health-system Pharmacy, 77(4), 259–268. https //
  • Janjua, S., Pike, K. C., Carr, R., Coles, A., Fortescue, R., & Batavia, M. (2021). Interventions to improve adherence to pharmacological therapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cochrane Library, 2021(9). https //
  • Nici, L., Mammen, M. J., Charbek, E., Alexander, P., Au, D. H., Boyd, C. M., Criner, G. J., Donaldson, G. C., Dreher, M., Fan, V. S., Gershon, A. S., Han, M. K., Krishnan, J. A., Martínez, F. J., Meek, P., Morgan, M., Polkey, M. I., Puhan, M. A., Sadatsafavi, M., . . . Aaron, S. D. (2020). Pharmacologic Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 201(9), e56–e69. https //
  • Rehman, A. U., Hassali, M. A., Abbas, S., Ali, I. A. B. H., Harun, S. N., Muneswarao, J., & Hussain, R. (2019). Pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of COPD; limitations and future prospects a review of current literature. Zeitschrift Für Gesundheitswissenschaften/Journal of Public Health, 28(4), 357–366. https //
  • Singh, D. (2021). Pharmacological treatment of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respirology, 26(7), 643–651. https //

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