NUR 600 Module 2 Discussion Describing, Diagnosing, & Treatment of Skin, Eye, & Ear Disorders

NUR 600 Module 2 Discussion Describing, Diagnosing, & Treatment of Skin, Eye, & Ear Disorders

Paper Instructions

Based on Module 2 Lecture Materials & Resources and experience, please answer the following questions

  1. Describe dermatitis, diagnostic criteria, and treatment modalities
  2. Describe the drug therapy for Conjunctivitis and Otitis Media
  3.  Discuss Herpes Virus infections, patient presentation, and treatment
  4. Describe the most common primary bacterial skin infections and the treatment of choice.

Submission Instructions

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • Each question must be answered individually as in bullet points. Not in an essay format.
  • Example Question 1, followed by the answer to question 1; Question 2, followed by the answer to question 2; and so forth.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • Your response should be at least 150 words.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11 59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11 59 PM ET Sunday.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.

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Dermatitis, Diagnostic Criteria, and Treatment Modalities

Dermatitis involves skin inflammation resulting from tremendous causes. Some of these causes involve infections, irritants, allergic reactions, and other underlying illnesses.

Dermatitis diagnosis is significant for the treatment plan to be initiated and optimal health outcomes achieved (Kolb & Ferrer-Bruker, 2023). Typically, the dermatitis diagnostic criteria incorporate physical examination.

Through this criteria, the healthcare practitioner will assess the skin for any signs and symptoms possibilities. While performing the physical examination, the healthcare practitioner will assess the patient regarding the medical history and symptoms experienced (Kolb & Ferrer-Bruker, 2023).

Predominantly, dermatitis treatment modalities are highly based on their specific care and their severity. Some of the common treatments issued involve topical corticosteroid application for itching and inflammation management, hydrating the skin through applying moisturizers, and avoiding the common irritants associated with the conditions. In addition, antibiotics can be issued in case a bacterial infection has been linked to this health condition.

Drug Therapy for Conjunctivitis and Otitis Media Description

Conjunctivitis refers to conjunctiva inflammation which is the thin membrane encapsulating the inner eyelids and the eyes’ white part. Significantly otitis media refer to the middle ear infections as a result of infections.

The suitable drug therapy for these two mentioned conditions involves chloramphenicol. Typically, chloramphenicol refers to the broad-spectrum antibiotic that is manufactured synthetically (Oong & Tadi, 2023). This medication is bacteriostatic though in high concentrations it can turn out as bactericidal (Oong & Tadi, 2023).

It commonly works by inhibiting the synthesis of proteins through bindings according to the 50S ribosomal subunit and preventing bacterial protein formation directly (Oong & Tadi, 2023).

Herpes Virus Infections, Patients’ Presentation and Treatment

Herpes virus infections are commonly contracted infections capable of resulting in painful ulcers or blisters. It is caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) and spreads high through skin-to-skin contact this disease can be treated it cannot be cured (WHO, 2023).

The HSV virus is categorized into HSV-1 which spreads through contact orally and results in infection within the mouth or around and HS-2 which spreads highly through engagement in sexual activities, resulting in genital herpes (WHO, 2023).

On patient presentation, symptoms depend highly on the certain herpes virus contracted though it is highly likely to constitute itching, fever, tingling, painful sores, blisters, and lymph nodes that are swollen (WHO, 2023).

Herpes virus infection treatment constitutes the administration of antiviral medications like famclovirir which help reduce the duration of the symptoms and manage them, promoting desirable health outcomes (WHO, 2023).

Common Primary Bacterial Skin Infections and Choice Treatment

One of the common bacterial skin infections is cellulitis. it refers to the bacterial skin infection commonly known for causing redness, pain, and swelling on the skin affected area (CDC, 2023).

In case these conditions are not treated, they can spread widely resulting in adverse health issues (CDC, 2023). Another common infection is impetigo. it involves the epidermis superficial layers perceived to be contagious and caused by gram-positive bacteria (Nardi & Schaefer, 2023).

Mostly children residing in hot humid climates are highly prone to contracting these health conditions (Nardi & Schaefer, 2023). The other common infection is folliculitis’. This comprises hair follicle inflammation that causes pustules to red bumps.

The common treatment of choice for these three mentioned health conditions involves antibodies. This medication can be prescribed based on the infection’s severity. Examples of antibiotics involve cephalosporines or fluoroquinolones.


  • CDC. (2023, July 6). Cellulitis All you need to know. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https //
    Links to an external site.
    Kolb, L., & Ferrer-Bruker, S. J. (2023, August 8). Atopic dermatitis – StatPearls – NCBI bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information. https //
  • Links to an external site.
    Nardi, N. M., & Schaefer, T. J. (2023, July 31). Impetigo – StatPearls – NCBI bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information. https //
  • Links to an external site.
    Oong, G. C., & Tadi, P. (2023, July 3). Chloramphenicol – StatPearls – NCBI bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information. https //
    Links to an external site.
  • WHO. (2023, April 5). Herpes simplex virus. World Health Organization (WHO). https //
    Links to an external site.

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