NUR 600 Module 1 Discussion Roles Responsibilities of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner When Prescribing Medication STU

NUR 600 Module 1 Discussion Roles Responsibilities of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner When Prescribing Medication STU

Paper Instructions

Based on Module 1 Lecture Materials & Resources and experience, please answer the following questions.

  1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the APRN when prescribing medication.
  2. Describe the method used to determine what drug therapy to prescribe?
  3. Discuss responsibilities for patient education and teaching based on the prescribed therapy.
  4. Discuss Schedule drugs and prescribing restrictions for each scheduled drug.

Submission Instructions

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

  • Each question must be answered individually as in bullet points. Not in an essay format.
  • Example Question 1, followed by the answer to question 1; Question 2, followed by the answer to question 2; and so forth.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)

  • Your response should be at least 150 words.

All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

Please post your initial response by 11 59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11 59 PM ET Sunday.

You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.

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APRNs’ Roles and Responsibilities

One of the advanced nurse practitioner’s (APRN) roles and responsibilities entails the performance of a comprehensive assessment regarding the patient’s needs before prescribing medication, patients assessment is significant, especially for medication prescription and it comprises the collection of information from the patients, decision making clinically and communication (ANA, 2023).

Through assessing the patient’s needs, any possible errors capable of causing adverse harm to them can be eradicated as medications will be administered based on their needs. By APRNs partaking in this role, they can deliver quality care promoting desirable health outcomes. The other role entails making diagnoses and coming up with suitable treatment plans (ANA, 2023). Typically, APRNs partake actively in health conditions diagnosis and formulation of treatment plans. Through this, individualized healthcare plans can be developed, resulting in quality health outcomes.

Used Method Description for Drug Therapy Description

APRNs primarily adopt and observe a detailed approach for drug therapy determination. One of the methods they use involves assessing the medical history of patients, and current health status amongst other aspects to aid in the underlying health condition identification. This helps determine the suitable goals for treatment, promoting optimal health outcomes. The other method incorporates consideration of the patient’s values, preferences, and cultural practices when choosing a given drug therapy.

Traditionally, a patient’s preferences for a given prescribed therapy have a significant effect on clinically relevant outcomes achievement (Harrison & Hilmer, 2019). In addition, patients’ adherence to prescribed medications can be enhanced through their preferences being observed accordingly when administering medications (Harrison & Hilmer, 2019). Significantly, APRNs working collaboratively with patients is essential for ensuring that the developed treatment plans have been fostered and tailored to accomplish the patient’s preferences and needs.

Responsibilities for Patient Education

APRNs are expected to uphold certain responsibilities especially for patient education and teaching according to the therapy for prescription. One of the responsibilities is issuing patents with conscience and simple instructions regarding medication use and other significant aspects connected to medication (Losi et al., 2021). Traditionally, medications are patient care essential aspects. in addition, issuing patients with understandable instructions on medicine is essential for enhancing knowledge amongst, eradicating the possibility of medication errors (Losi et al., 2021).

The other responsibility involves APRNs educating patients on useful strategies for monitoring medication therapy and when they are expected to seek referrals and follow-up. In addition, they are likely to issue proper guidance regarding the self-care strategies that should be adopted for symptoms to be managed accordingly.

Schedule Drugs and Restrictions for Prescriptions

Schedule drugs are classified into five. Schedule I incorporates drugs having no current medical use with increased possibilities for addiction or abuse. Schedule II involves drugs with some acceptable uses medically though it has increased abuse or addiction possibilities (American Addiction Centers, 2023). In most instances, the medications are obtainable through prescription.

Schedule III drugs have low to moderate possible for addiction or abuse though it is less dangerous compared to Schedule I or II (American Addiction Centers, 2023). They are likely to be obtained through prescription and are not present over the counter. Schedule IV are drugs that have viable use medically and reduced use or issues probability. Schedule V drugs have reduced possibilities for abuse (American Addiction Centers, 2023).


  • American Addiction Centers. (2023, July 24). Drug scheduling & classifications (Schedule I-V controlled drugs). https //
    Links to an external site.
  • ANA. (2023, October 19). Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) | American Nurses Association. https //
    Links to an external site.
  • Harrison, C., & Hilmer, S. (2019). The prescribing skills assessment A step towards safer prescribing. Australian Prescriber, 42(5), 148. https //
    Links to an external site.
  • Losi, S., Berra, C. C., Fornengo, R., Pitocco, D., Biricolti, G., & Orsini Federici, M. (2021). The role of patient preferences in adherence to treatment in chronic disease A narrative review. Drug Target Insights, 15, 13-20. https //

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