nur 600 discussion 4 1 sequence during a physical examination

Paper Instructions

Discussion Guidelines

Initial Pos

  • Discuss why you feel sequence in physical examination is essential. Be sure to thoroughly support your answer.

Response Post

  • Reply to the initial posts of at least two classmates.


  • Post your initial and follow up responses and review full grading criteria on the Discussion 4.1 Sequence During a Physical Examination page.

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Clinicians apply different approaches when performing a physical exam of patients. The most common ones are the Head-to-toe approach and examination per body system.

In addition, four examination techniques are usually used and follow an order, which includes inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation (Danielson et al., 2019). However, the abdominal assessment takes a different sequence that follows the order of inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation.

Following a physical exam sequence, the Head-to-toe or body system approach is important since it ensures the examiner assesses each body part or system. It ensures order when performing the physical exam and that no system or body part is assessed more than once or missed (Danielson et al., 2019).

Furthermore, following a sequence gives the examiner confidence, which ensures a smooth process and that the abnormal findings are identified.
Performing a sequential head-to-toe assessment is crucial in identifying all normal and abnormal findings, which helps provide expert patient care.

Besides, a chronological assessment enables the examiner to understand the patient’s current health state and the likely reason for the signs and symptoms they are experiencing (Danielson et al., 2019).

Furthermore, it becomes easier to relay the physical exam findings to the health care team since the examiner explains the pertinent positives and negatives in each body system or organ.


  • Danielson, A. R., Venugopal, S., Mefford, J. M., & Clarke, S. O. (2019). How do novices learn physical examination skills? A systematic review of the literature. Medical education online, 24(1), 1608142. https //

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