NUR 600 Assignment 9.1 Iatrogenic Hymenal Case Study Write Up 2

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Assignment Guidelines

Submit a write-up based on the iatrogenic hymenal case study (Spencer, 2005) in this week’s Learning Materials. After reading the case study about M. J., document a write-up of her female genitalia system. Pay attention to proper sequencing of the exam in your write-up, and limit it to 100 words or less. Be sure to use proper terminology and technical writing skills. The Bickley text has a “Record Your Findings” section at the end of every chapter and will be very helpful with documentation examples.

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Six-year-old female with sporadic vaginal bleeding. Tender hymen opening with traces of blood. Erythematous external genitalia with anal tears. Cervix parous and pink, with “scant white discharge”. No injuries, urinary tract symptoms, or insertion of any item or genital touches by oneself or others. No foreign bodies were noted. Midline uterus; no adnexal masses. No masses in the rectal vault. Urinalysis reveals negative urine culture (Spencer, 2005).


  • Spencer, M. J. (2005). Iatrogenic Hymenal Injury. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 27(1), 87–89. https //

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