nur 600 assignment 5 2 assessment of the thorax and lungs

Paper Instructions

Assignment Guidelines

Submit a write-up on your friend/family member, focusing on the systems we are studying in this unit. Pay attention to proper sequencing of the exam in your write-up, and limit it to 100 words. Be sure to use proper terminology and technical writing skills. The Bickley text has a “Record Your Findings” section at the end of every chapter and will be very helpful with documentation examples.

View a sample write-up document.


  • Submit your assignment and review full grading criteria on the Assignment 5.2 Assessment of the Thorax and Lungs Write-Up page.

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The client is seated up and relaxed and is breathing at ease with arms on the laps and has audible breath sounds bilaterally. Symmetric thorax, scapulars are symmetric and non protruding, spinal processes appear straight. The antero- posterior transverse diameter is 1 2. No retraction of intercostal spaces during inspiration.

Smooth respirations with uniform chest rise and fall and no use of accessory muscles. Respiration rate- 16 breaths/min. Respirations are regular and even in rhythm and are non-exaggerated and effortless.

Normal fremitus heard over all lung fields. The trachea is midline in the suprasternal notch. Resonance heard on percussion of the lungs. Vesicular breath sounds heard on chest auscultation with no adventitious breath sounds. Pulse oximetry- 98%.

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