NUR 501 Module 6 Discussion Personhood

Paper Instructions

Discuss the concept of personhood as used in the nursing as caring theory.

Submission Instructions

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11 59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11 59 PM ET Sunday.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.

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The Centrality of Personhood in the Nursing as Caring Theory

The “Nursing as Caring” theory, initiated by nurse scholars such as Patricia Benner and Anne Boykin, gradually recognizes the concept of personhood as a critical element of nursing practice. This essay tackles the many-sided meaning of personhood within this paradigm and provides insights into nurse-patient relations and quality of care.

The theory suggests that personhood does not remain a steady condition but becomes a complicated mechanism incorporated into loving relationships. Through personal interaction and presence, the nurses positively impact the development of the patient’s self. This is a phenomenon Kyuler and Johnson (2023) explain when they state that the manner of nursing care impacts patients, which is a crucial determinant of their health outcomes.

When nurses display empathy, respect autonomy, and have an attitude of desire to grasp the patient’s unique experience, they create an atmosphere that strengthens and enhances the personhood of the patient even when he/she is ill.

Nursing theorists view “Nursing as Caring” as a theory that reflects what people do daily and the most valuable things about being human. Emotional attachment and caring are conveyed through empathic actions, listening, doing necessary things, offering emotional support, and how the nurse feels care for a person or a patient.

This caring environment, having a cyclical nature, is a source of linkage that acknowledges the patient’s vulnerability while recognizing their inner strengths and potential for progress. Tieu et al. (2022) express that person-oriented care is not balanced, as care cannot be fully considered if the relationship is disregarded. The theory concludes that, without care itself, care cannot refer to a person as a patient.

The theory not only considers the physical aspect but also grasps the idea of the patient dealing with emotional, spiritual, and social problems. Such holistic care does not view a patient’s illness as the only aspect of their personhood but finds meaning in all layers of their life. The nurses meet the patients on the principles of “person-centered care,” which means focusing on the humanity of a human being as a unique person with his or her own story, values, and experiences.

Even though the “Nursing as Caring” theory comes up with a brilliant route for the practice, some problems need to be covered. Sickness may cause severe intangible symptoms, e.g., the patient’s ability to express feelings may diminish. Nurses need to manoeuvre through the affairs where patients cannot be in a position to make decisions or are in a severe state of cognitive decline (Kuyler & Johnson, 2023).

The enforcement of personhood during those moments might need the family’s cooperation; lobbying for the patient’s welfare may be required depending on the case scenario; and the past reports of the patient may need to be used to understand his potential wishes.

The personality of the authority of care is the fundamental concept of this theory, which is focused on developing professional nursing practice above the technical aspects of care. Getting the actual relationship, admitting the individuality of the patients, and thinking about their dignity as human beings help nurses be advisors and contributors to the patients’ inner development and the process of individual growth.

This theoretical perspective forms the basis for understanding the connection between the art and the scientific principles of nursing. As the ultimate effect of high-quality patient experiences, this connection brings meaning and strength.


  • Kuyler, A., & Johnson, E. (2023). Critically ill patients’ experiences of nursing care and the effect on their personhood A retrospective study. Nursing Open, 10(10), 6903-6911. https //
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  • Tieu, M., Mudd, A., Conroy, T., Pinero de Plaza, A., & Kitson, A. (2022). The trouble with personhood and person‐centred care. Nursing Philosophy, 23(3), e12381. https //

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