NU 631 Week 3 Discussion 1 Identifying Research Gaps by Interviewing an Expert Clinician

Paper Instructions


You should have met with an expert clinician who works and/or studies in your chosen research area of interest (for example, masters or doctoral-prepared nurse, MD, PsyD, PhD, PA). This person might be a colleague or peer where you are currently employed, a local hospital or other organization, an author of a research paper you read, or someone you found during an Internet search.

You could have met with this person in person, using Zoom, or over the phone, but your conversation must be a verbal discussion that lasts approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

During the interview, you should have asked the expert what gaps in knowledge in the science they believe exist; their recommendations they have for you to conduct research to figure out how to fill these gaps; what gaps in knowledge in the science they believe exist. Other questions asked should have included

  • What recommendations do they have for you to explore these knowledge gaps?
  • What articles and journals do they recommend for you to read?
  • Which organizations would be relevant for you to join and participate in that relates to your clinical research area of interest?
  • What tips do they have for being a clinician researcher in nursing research?

Initial Post

After completing your interview, please respond to the following

  • Write a 250– to 300–word summary of what you learned from the interview.
  • Write a reflection on how the interview will help guide you in your research as you are thinking about an EBP, QI, or novel research proposal that you will be working on throughout the course.
  • Include at least two scholarly sources to support your summary and reflection.

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My interviewee is a master’s prepared nurse with fourteen years of experience in psychiatric care. After going through all the information that she shared during the interview, I identified three themes that evoked my interest and curiosity and provided food for thought in terms of determining a potential evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), or novel research project.

First, an interviewed practitioner believes that there are several gaps in mental health care that can benefit from further research. In her opinion, there is room for exploring new approaches to managing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and substance use.

When studying the literature discussing research priorities and the gaps in evidence synthesis, I learned that the topics related to treatment of substance use, TBI, PTSD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression call for further research and evidence synthesis (Hempel et al., 2019).

Second, the interviewee believes that social determinants of mental health should be addressed to more effectively treat psychiatric conditions and reduce their prevalence. In this regard, I found to be interesting an article by Qin and Hsieh (2020) where the authors discuss the barriers associated with treatment gaps in mental healthcare.

These barriers include stigma, high costs, inadequate resources, low treatment effectiveness, and insufficient use of technology (Qin & Hsieh, 2020). The third gap identified by the interviewee is inadequate attention to mental health promotion and prevention of psychiatric conditions.

This point evoked my particular interest. Compton and Shim (2020) explain that the concepts of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention are relevant and applicable in psychiatry. Despite learning about the aforementioned gaps in research and practice, I still find it challenging to select a topic for a research proposal. I realize that the topic of interest should researchable and realistically manageable within the framework of a QI, EBP, or research project.


  • Hempel, S., Gore, K., & Belsher, B. (2019). Identifying research gaps and prioritizing
    psychological health evidence synthesis needs. Medical Care, 57(10 S3), S259-S264.
    doi 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001175
  • Compton, M.T., & Shim, R.S. (2020). Mental illness prevention and mental health promotion
    When, who, and how. Psychiatric Services, 71(9), 981-983. https //
  • Qin, X., & Hsieh, C.R. (2020). Understanding and addressing the treatment gap in mental
    healthcare Economic perspectives and evidence from China. INQUIRY The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 57, 1-15. https //

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