NU 606 Week 4 Discussion 1 Case-Based Discussion

Paper Instructions

Initial Post

It is understood that thoughtful responses to your topic question(s) will take some time and thought. Please organize your thoughts before creating your initial post. To assist you in your work for this discussion, please use the worksheet linked in each of the team threads to organize your thoughts.

Then simply copy and paste the text from the document into your initial post.
Based on your assigned team, create an initial post by answering ALL questions for your assigned case (Team A, B, or C), making sure to address all components of all questions.

By Day 3, post your initial response to your assigned case study as a new discussion thread. Please be sure to number the questions addressed and include all components of each question in your response. Each initial response must have a reference, including at least two scholarly references other than your textbook or course materials. Your post should be limited to 500 to 750 words and comprehensively address the questions posed.

Team A

Week 4 Discussion Team A Worksheet (Word)

PJ is a three-year-old boy who pulled a pot of boiling water over his head, arms, and chest, resulting in a mixed burn to the anterior surface of his head and arms, chest, and feet. He presents with his mother in the emergency department. His mother is quite upset and says nothing like this has happened before. PJ is visibly upset and appears in pain, but is responsive and behaving appropriately for the situation.

  1. What factors determine the classification of burns? What type(s) of burn is most likely for this victim?
  2. Describe the process taking place in the burned area during the first hours after the injury.
  3. How will the physicians in the emergency room determine the percentage of the body that may be burned? What special considerations may be involved when evaluating a child?
  4. Discuss the additional effects associated with burns, which include shock, pain, electrolyte and fluid imbalances, respiratory complications, infection, metabolic problems, and anemia, and the treatments involved.
  5. PJ’s mother asks you how she can help him get better. Identify and explain three interventions she can implement to promote healing.
  6. As he was healing, PJ developed a bacterial infection on his right arm. Explain three predisposing factors to this infection.
  7. How will this burn injury affect PJ’s growth and development? What are some of the social needs in this case?

Team B

Week 4 Discussion Team B Worksheet (Word)

JL, a 50-year-old woman, fell and broke the left tibia at the ankle. She is in the emergency department, waiting for the fracture to be immobilized. The leg hurts and she notes that the ankle is red and swollen. A diagnosis of a simple fracture and sprain (damage to ligaments) is made.

  1. Describe the pathophysiology of her pain and swelling as related to both the fracture and the strain. Why is the area red and swollen? Is this an acute or chronic process?
  2. What can JL expect in the days to come as inflammation resolves and healing begins? What can she expect when the cast is removed? (Hint Will she be back to normal?)
  3. What is the rationale for immobilizing the fractured bone? Include in your explanation a discussion of why movement of the affected area is painful.
  4. She is told to come back to the fracture clinic in 24 hours to have her cast checked. What could happen to the inflamed tissue if the edema increases in the casted area? What warning signs and symptoms will you look for?
  5. She reports feeling fatigued and anorexic and has a low-grade temperature. What is the cause of these symptoms?
  6. Is this injury at high risk for developing osteomyelitis? Provide rationale for your answer.
  7. JL asks you if there is anything she can do to help herself get better. Identify and explain three interventions she can implement to promote healing.

Team C

Week 4 Discussion Team C Worksheet (Word)

Ms. M is 42 years old and has had rheumatoid arthritis for six years. At baseline, her fingers are stiff and show slight ulnar deviation. She has come to see you as she is currently experiencing an exacerbation, and her wrists are red and swollen. She finds it to be painful when something such as clothing touches the skin over her wrists. Her elbows and knees are also stiff and painful, especially after she has been resting. She is feeling extremely tired and depressed and has not been eating well.

  1. Describe the pathophysiologic process that leads to the appearance and the pain occurring at her wrists. Is this an acute or chronic process? Could it be both?
  2. Describe the pathophysiology contributing to the stiff, deformed fingers. What terms can be used to describe this?
  3. Explain why some activity relieves the pain and stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis and why the pain tends to be worse with immobility. Is this true for other inflammatory or musculoskeletal conditions?
  4. Describe several factors contributing to Ms. M’s systemic symptoms. Is this an acute or chronic process?
  5. Explain how each of the following medications interact with the pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis and help return Ms. M to a more homeostatic state.

b. Glucocorticoids
c. Disease-modifying agents
d. Biologic agents.

6. If we didn’t already know that Ms. M had rheumatoid arthritis, what other conditions would be on the differential for this patient? Think about what other conditions can present with erythematous, painful, swollen joints. Identify two such conditions and describe the most common signs and symptoms.

7. What are some possible long-term effects of chronic inflammation in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions?

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JL fell, fracturing her L tibia distal to her ankle resulting in redness, pain, and swelling. The patient was diagnosed with a simple fracture, “a single break in the bone in which the bone ends maintain their alignment and position” (VanMeter 2018, p.167).

Her pain is caused by soft tissue damage. Damage occurs due to the breaking of the bone from the blood vessels that have broken (VanMeter 2018, p.167). “The inflammatory response develops as a reaction to the trauma in the presence of debris at the site” (VanMeter 2018, p.167-168).

The inflammatory process causes her swelling. “Swelling is the result of the increased movement of fluid and white blood cells into the injured area” (Nationwide Children’s, 2021). The movement of fluid is what results in redness and swelling at the affected extremity. It is an acute process related to the fracture and the fall.

As healing begins, JL can expect to feel less pain, and the bone will be set in place and her leg cast to keep the bone in place. The swelling should also go down as the inflammatory response will stop.

JL shole expect some discomfort in the bones and joints that were immobilized as the cast is removed. She will also expect some atrophy in the muscles of her affected leg, while the skin will be drier and have more hair (UCSF Health, 2021). The atrophy results from disuse of the leg.

The skin changes after cast removal result from the constant covering of the skin with the cast. The hair growth results from friction from the cast. The friction stimulates the hair follicles in the skin to produce new hairs, leading to more hair growth (The Independent, 2011).

Immobilizing the fractured bone reduces the risk of increasing more debris and fragments from the bone fracture forming. Immobilization also helps with the healing of the bone as it is easier for the bone to heal “to prevent bone edges from moving and damaging other muscles, vessels or nerves and further complications” (Jacob, 2020). Immobilization can also help reduce inflammation as the bone pieces no longer agitate or move to create a more significant inflammatory response.

If the edema increases in the casted area within 24 hours of having a cast, this can result in compartment syndrome. Compartment syndrome can develop shortly after the fracture occurs, with more extensive inflammation (VanMeter 2018, p.169). In this process, “increase pressure of fluid within the non-elastic covering of the muscle compresses the nerves and blood vessels causing severe pain and ischemia or necrosis of the muscle” (VanMeter 2018, p.169).

Some common signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome are “pain, pallor (pale skin tone), paresthesia (numbness feeling), pulselessness (faint pulse) and paralysis (weakness with movements)” (USF Health, n.d.).
The feeling fatigued, anorexic, and a low-grade temperature can result from an infection, because of the bone fracture or as a second infection not related to the bone fracture.

The patient is not at high risk for osteomyelitis because the fracture was simple and not open, in which the fracture has broken through the skin. Osteomyelitis usually results from bacteria or fungi entering the blood from a fracture then spread to the bones.

Staphylococcus bacteria cause most cases of osteomyelitis. A bacterium is generally found on the skin or in the nose of healthy individuals (Mayo Clinic, 2020). An opportunistic infection most likely causes osteomyelitis.

To promote healing of the bone, the patient should keep the cast on for about 6-8 weeks to ensure recovery with a simple fracture, reducing the risk of fragments inducing a more aggravated inflammatory response causing more pain and more swelling.

Two, to increase foods high in vitamin D and calcium to promote healthy bone growth and maintenance. Lastly, complete and promote weight-bearing exercises to promote muscle health and circulation, better healing of limb effect, and refer patient physical therapy for a week and muscles post un casting of the leg to ensure recovery and resuming of normal function.


  • Jacob, P. D. (2020, July 24). What Is Splinting Used For? Broken Bones, Pain, Swelling.
    MedicineNet. https //
    Mayo Clinic. (2020, November 14). Osteomyelitis – Symptoms and causes. https //
  • Nationwide Children’s. (2021). Swelling The Body’s Reaction to Injury. Swelling The Body’s Reaction to Injury. https //
  • The Independent. (2011, October 22). Hair Growth Why is my leg hairy? https //
  • UCSF Health. (2021, June 16). Care after Cast Removal. Ucsfbenioffchildrens.Org. https //
    USF Health. (n.d.). Anterior Compartment Syndrome. Retrieved September 21, 2021, from https //
    VanMeter, K. C., & Hubert, R. J. (2018). Gould’s pathophysiology for the health professions. (6th ed.). Elsevier Saunders.

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