NSGCB 486 Competency 3 Part 2

Paper Instructions

Step 1

Select a group from your local community who would benefit from a wellness teaching project. This group might include the following:

  • Remote family members
  • Group that meets regularly at a local gym or YMCA
  • Group that meets at a local park on a regular basis, such as a yoga or tai chi class
  • Group that meets at a local church regularly

(Note: You will follow the steps in the Wellness Teaching Project document for this assignment.)

  • Complete the Confirmed Participant Needs Assessment (Phase A1) of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

Step 2

Complete the Group Identification Table (Phase A2) in the Wellness Teaching Project document for your selected group.

Step 3

Conduct a needs assessment of the selected group in terms of wellness issues.

  • Use the Preliminary Planning and Confirmed Participant Needs Assessment table in Phase A1 of the Wellness Teaching Project document for this step.
  • Utilize the appropriate wellness theory in the needs assessment.
  • Assess learning styles of the selected population.

Step 4

Identify 3 different Health Promotion Topics and objectives for this group.

  • Select 1 Health Promotion Topic from the Healthy People 2030 link in Phase B of the Wellness Teaching Project document, another topic from the Let’s Get Healthy California link, and the third topic from either of the aforementioned links.
  • For each of the 3 topics, list its goal and 1 specific objective and target (copy and paste verbatim from the indicated website).
  • Add the reference for each objective to your Reference page at the end of the Wellness Teaching Plan document.

Step 5

State how you would perform the Group Needs Assessment in Phase C of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

  • Name the Needs Assessment Tool or Approach you will use and how you will use it.

Step 6

Identify the Wellness Teaching Topic in Phase C of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

Step 7

Complete the Population Nursing Diagnosis for Phase C of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

Step 8

Evaluate the group’s initial Situation Sense of Coherence by scoring their readiness to change a health behavior in Phase C of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

Step 9

Complete the Brochure Selection Phase D1 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

Step 10

Complete the Brochure Evaluation Section Phase D2 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

Step 11

Complete the Lesson Plan Teaching Methods Phase E1 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

  • Complete the Learning Strategies Tables, as listed in Phase E1.

Step 12

Complete the Lesson Plan Learning Objectives in Phase E2 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

  • Develop 2 SMART behavioral learning objectives for your group.
  • State which wellness theory or model you would use to guide your teaching.

Step 13

Develop the Lesson Plan for the selected Wellness Teaching Project topic in Phase E3 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

  • Create the lesson title.
  • Incorporate appropriate learning styles for the selected population.
  • Determine how you would pretest the message and materials.
  • Determine supplies and materials you would need to prepare and how you would distribute these to participants.
  • Complete the Lesson Plan table in the Wellness Teaching Project document in Phase E3.
  • Develop an appropriate assessment to gauge learning outcomes achieved with the population.

Step 14

Prepare a Group Evaluation Follow-Up Lesson Plan per Phase F1 of the Wellness Teaching Project document.

Submit Part 2 of your assessment.

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Teaching Project Phase A1

Proposed Population Group for Interaction

Participant Group Researched and Identified Main Concern Preferred Learning Style
1 Patients with obesity  Healthy weight gain and risk reduction Participation and demonstration
2 Patients with hypertension Self-management of hypertension Participation and demonstration
3 Patients with diabetes Self-management of diabetes for optimum glycemic control Participation and demonstration

Teaching Project Phase A2

Group Identification

Group Name

  • Patients with obesity

Group Identification Data

  • (Enter your answers in this column)


What are the total number of participants you expect might participate?

  • 20


In public health terms, what population or aggregate defines this group? If mixed ages, identify by all pertinent age ranges (e.g., teens, adults, seniors).

  • Adults aged 18-40 years and above

Developmental Stage

According to Eriksen, in which Developmental Stage is the group?

  • Intimacy vs isolation

Data Availability for This Population

1. Identify regional data AND national data that are available that describe common health concerns for this age group. Browse the Let’s Get Healthy California website for an example of an organization with regional data. Use the Healthy People 2030 website to find national data.

  • Regional Data 27.1% of adults in California were obese in 2018 as compared to 22.7 in 2009 (Slone, n.d.).
  • National Data 41.8% of the adults aged 20 years and above had obesity in 2017-2020 as compared to 38.6% in 2013-16 (health.gov, n.d.)

2. Where does the data show room for improvement?

  • Health education on healthy lifestyle and behaviors for weight loss and risk reduction among obese patients

3. How does the official data match the group’s self-identified Main Concerns?

  • The data shows the increased risk of complications such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease with the rising rates of obesity in the population (health.gov, n.d.; Slone, n.d.)

Teaching Project Phase B

RN Identification of Tentative Main Concern & Data Appraisal

Healthy People 2030   

Population target Adults aged 18-40 years
Topic Obesity
Goal Improve health, physical activity, and healthy living through health education health education and guidance of healthy diet and lifestyle
Objective  Reduce the proportion of adults with obesity- NWS-0
Target 36.0%



  • health.gov. (n.d.). Reduce the proportion of adults with obesity—NWS‑03—Healthy People 2030 | health.gov. Retrieved May 10, 2023, from https //health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives/overweight-and-obesity/reduce-proportion-adults-obesity-nws-03

Teaching Project Phase C

Group Needs Assessment

Online survey with community group for individuals with obesity will be conducted. The needs assessment tool that will be utilized include the Body Mass Index (BMI) tool and a questionnaire to assess their knowledge, attitude and practices towards obesity. The wellness teaching topic will focus on active physical activity and dietary modification for weight loss..

Complete the following:

  • Population Nursing Diagnosis for the Wellness Teaching Project.

See Community/Public Health Nursing Promoting the Health of Populations, Fig. 6.3, “Format for Community Health Diagnosis” (p. 103). Instructions Replace the bracketed text with facts from your diagnosis.

  • Increased risk of obesity-related complications such as hypertension and diabetes among adults aged 118-40 years related to obesity or unhealthy weight gain as demonstrated in national and regional data on the high obesity rate in this population

Score on SSOC Score

  • High=3
  • Medium=2
  • Low=1



In relation to what the community needs to know about the Main Concern, how much do they know?

  • The population understands their health risks and need for lifestyle and behavioral change

In relation to motivation, how much effort is the community willing to put into resolving the Main Concern?

  • The target population is ready to embrace any intervention and use their available resources to address obesity

In relation to the community’s resources, what is available to manage the Main Concern?

  • Community social support groups for individuals with chronic conditions, families, and access to primary care for the group.

Total SSOC: Score 7

  • The target group is ready to implement change

Teaching Project Phase D1

Brochure Selection

See Community/Public Health Nursing Promoting the Health of Populations Health Literacy section (pp 142-150). Review the corresponding chapters 16–19 for the aggregate population as needed.

Topic, Goal, Objective, and Target

The final topic, goal, and objective and target selected is:

  • Topic: Obesity
  • Goal: Improve health, physical activity, and healthy living through health education health education and guidance of healthy diet and lifestyle
  • Objective (include topic abbreviation and number): Reduce the proportion of adults with obesity- NWS-03
  • Target: 36.0%

Levels of Prevention

Identify at least 1 goal-specific intervention for this topic at each Level of Prevention

  1. Primary Prevention: Health education to the target group on lifestyle and behavioral modification
  2. Secondary Prevention: Initiation of treatment for the individuals diagnosed with obesity-related complications
  3. Tertiary Prevention: Providing rehabilitative care to individuals affected by multiple comorbidities that relate to obesity

Published Brochures

One of the brochures that could be used in implementing the project is the CDC guide to strategies to increase physical activity in the community. The brochure provides innovative strategies that can be tailored to meet the needs of adults with obesity. The other brochure that will be utilized is the CDC guide to strategies to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. This brochure will guide the development of dietary plans and recommendations for the participants (CDC, n.d.-b, n.d.-a).

Teaching Project Phase D2

1. The CDC Guide to Strategies to Increase Physical Activity in the Community

Source   CDC
PEMAT Understandability Score 90%
PEMAT Actionability Score 85%


Will you use this brochure?

  • Yes. The brochure is comprehensive, easy to understand, and provides evidence-based strategies

Should the information be in a different format (e.g., convert it into a poster or PPT, use only part of it, find a video, etc.)? no

2. The CDC Guide to Strategies to Increase the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

Source   CDC
PEMAT Understandability Score 85%
PEMAT Actionability Score 80%


Will you use this brochure? Why or why not?

  • Yes. The brochure is easy to understand, comprehensive, and offers evidence-based recommendations for healthy diets among obese individuals.

Should the information be in a different format (e.g., convert it into a poster or PPT, use only part of it, find a video, etc.)? no

Other Materials

  • Presentations and videos to increase participant understanding and skills.

Teaching Project Phase E1

Lesson Plan Teaching Methods

A. Expert Consultation

I consulted a nurse practitioner who has extensive experience in managing obesity and its complications. The nurse provided crucial insights into the disease burden of obesity in the modern world. He also provided insights into evidence-based strategies to prevent and manage obesity-related complications. I learned from him the different resources that I can use to complete the educational project.

B. What did the expert tell you and how will that information guide your planning and presentation?

The nurse practitioner informed me about the current disease burden of obesity and its management and prevention strategies. He also guided me on how to access the information needed for the project and how to increase the group members’ participation in the project. The information will help in selecting group interventions and ways to increase their competencies in obesity management.

C. Learning Strategies: The 3Ms Method, Materials, & Media

Complete this table identifying any 3 Teaching-Learning Formats (Methods) from Community/Public Health Nursing Promoting the Health of Populations (Table 8-5, p.137) that could be used to implement your project.

Teaching Format (Strategy)  Why this format? Will you use this? Why or why not
Demonstration It will increase the understanding and skills of the participants. It will also help them link knowledge about obesity prevention and management with their practices Yes. It will improve knowledge and skill development among the group members
Group member participation It will increase the participant interest on the education topic and promote competency development. Yes. It will help them learn best practices related to obesity prevention and management.
Question-answer method It will help assess their level of understanding and need for additional teaching.  Yes. It will enable the assessment of participant understanding of the concern and the need for additional interventions


Complete the table below identifying 1- 3 possible Teaching-Learning Materials and Media from Community/Public Health Nursing Promoting the Health of Populations (Table 8-6, p. 138) that could be used to implement your project.

  • In the first column, provide the material or media being used.
  • In the second column, provide the reason for using this format.
  • In the third column, explain why you will or why you won’t use this format.
Material or Media Why this format? Will you use this? Why or why not
PowerPoint It will meet the diverse needs of the participants Yes.
Books They will provide evidence-based information needed for the project. Yes. 
Lecture notes They will augment the needed information for the project. Yes. 


Teaching Project Phase E2

Lesson Plan Learning Objectives

SMART Impact Objective

By the end of the educational session, the participants should list three complications of obesity

  • Date completed by 05/03/2023
  • Community members with obesity
  • State complications of obesity
  • State at least three complications of obesity
  • I will educate them about the risks of obesity to stimulate behavioral change

SMART Outcome Objective

By the end of the month, the participants should demonstrate adherence to the developed lifestyle and behavioral modification for obesity prevention and risk management

  • Date completed by 05/06/2023
  • Nurses involved in the project
  • Adherence to the developed lifestyle and behavioral modification plans
  • Reduction in body weight
  • I will conduct surveys monthly to determine adherence levels of the participants.
  • The surveys will inform improvement strategies for optimum outcomes in obesity management and prevention.

The self-care wheel will guide my teaching. The self-care wheel is a model of wellness that recognizes the importance of mind, body, and spirit in the realization of optimum wellbeing. The model shows that wellness depends on interrelated factors that include family, community, religion, education, media, and government among others (Spain et al., 2021). I will utilize this model in teaching by ensuring that the participants leverage on resources such as their families and community members to achieve their desired outcomes in obesity management and prevention.

Teaching Project Phase E3

Lesson Plan

The lesson title will be lifestyle and behavioral modifications to prevent and manage obesity. The virtual meeting will be shared with all the group participants before the actual date oof the project. I will pretest the message and materials with obese patients seen in the emergency department. The pretest will help me determine the effectiveness of the methods to be used in the project. The required materials will include PowerPoint presentation, adequate lighting source, and educational brochure that will be sent to the participants. The brochures and handouts will be mailed and emailed to the participants.

Time (Minutes) Topics  The Student Will Learn Teaching Method (Include the name of any handouts, if applicable)
5 Get acquainted with the topic Makes the participants be prepared for the teaching Q&A with group
5 Pre-test What they know already about the topic Chat. Off-mute Q&A. This info evaluates the Outcome SMART objective
10 Causes, risk factors, and effects of obesity The causes, risk factors, and health effects of obesity  Q&A with group, lecture, demonstrations
15 Prevention and management of obesity

Role of dietary modification and avoiding sedentary lifestyle 

Importance of dietary modification and avoiding sedentary lifestyle in the prevention and management of obesity Q&A with group, lecture, demonstrations, physical activity handout
15 Call to Action (CTA) How to incorporate dietary and physical activity interventions into their routine Q&A with group, lecture, demonstrations, physical activity handout
5 Post-Lesson Review A recap of obesity, causes, risk factors, health effects, and prevention Final Q&A. This info evaluates the Outcome SMART objective


Total Minutes: (60-75 max)

Teaching Project Phase F1

Insert follow-up virtual meeting invitation information here. Be sure to share follow-up virtual meeting invitation with all group participants.

Lesson Plan for Follow-Up Session with Participants

Time (Minutes) Topics  The Student Will Learn Teaching Method

(Include the name of any handouts, if applicable)

5 Meet and greet  They are welcome and accepted Greeting
15 Quick review of obesity and CTA (Call to Action) Key points of the topic Taking turns. 


(Note areas to commend & areas to reinforce)

15 How did you do?         Reinforcement for small steps         Taking turns. 


15 Call to Action (CTA)         How to continue the new behavior         Taking turns. 


(Note areas to commend & areas to reinforce


15 Final Review         How to sustain positive behaviors          Final Q&A. Select questions that will evaluate the Outcome SMART objective

Total Minutes: (60-75 max)


  • CDC. (n.d.-a). Strategies to Prevent Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases-The CDC Guide to Strategies to Increase the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables.
  • CDC. (n.d.-b). The CDC Guide to Strategies to Increase Physical Activity in the Community.
  • health.gov. (n.d.). Reduce the proportion of adults with obesity—NWS‑03—Healthy People 2030 | health.gov. Retrieved May 10, 2023, from https //health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives/overweight-and-obesity/reduce-proportion-adults-obesity-nws-03
  • Slone, L. (n.d.). Living Well / Reducing Adult Obesity. Let’s Get Healthy California. Retrieved May 10, 2023, from https //letsgethealthy.ca.gov/goals/living-well/reducing-adult-obesity/
  • Spain, D., Stewart, V., Betts, H., & Wheeler, A. J. (2021). Wheel of Wellbeing (WoW) health promotion program Australian participants report on their experiences and impacts. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 2037. https //doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-12076-x

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