NSGCB 482 Competency 3

Paper Instructions

Assessment Details

Part 1: The Professional Nurse’s Role in Disaster Response (Indirect Care Hours)

Health care workers can play a significant part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Analyze disaster response and emergency preparedness in the community by:

  • Researching the local community emergency management plan
  • Interviewing one or more first responders about whether they think the community is prepared for a disaster and why.

Based on your research and interview(s), identify nursing roles and responsibilities and consider the interprofessional roles (e.g., first responders, local hospitals, county public health departments) during each phase of emergency management. The phases of emergency management are:

  • Prevention
  • Preparedness and Planning
  • Response
  • Recovery

Create a teaching tool for the community in which you describe:

  • How to plan an emergency kit or go bag
  • How to practice your evacuation plan
  • How members of a family or household should communicate with each other
  • How to respond to natural disasters, such as a fire, flood, or earthquake
  • How to respond in a mass casualty situation, such as a major car accident or active shooter incident

Summarize your findings in a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes in which you:

  • Describe nurses’ roles in each phase of the community disaster plan.
  • Describe how nurses collaborate with other professionals during each phase of the community disaster plan.
  • Provide responses to your interview(s) with one or more first responders about whether they think the community is prepared for a disaster and why.

Include your teaching tool in your PowerPoint. Include at least 3 scholarly sources and an APA-formatted references page.

Part 2: Clinical Activities Disaster Planning, Preparedness, and Response (12 Direct Care Hours)

Assess your patient population’s (individual, family, or group) knowledge of disaster planning, preparedness, and response. Ask the following questions:

  • What is your emergency plan for a natural disaster (e.g., fire, flood, earthquake, volcano eruption) or an active shooter in your neighborhood?
  • Do you have an emergency kit or go bag?
  • Do you have a plan for your pets? If yes, what is the plan?
  • How will you communicate with family members? Have you determined a place to meet if you get separated? If so, where?

Practice the evacuation plan with your patient population in the home or community agency as appropriate.

Help your patient population develop a disaster go bag. If they already have a go bag, examine it for out-of-date items and determine if there is a need for additional items.

In addition to the items listed in the introduction, if the patient/group has a pet, be sure to instruct them to include items to care for their pet(s). Check out Ready.gov to help you and your patient/group build a disaster preparedness kit/go bag.

Evaluate the patient population’s preparedness for disaster planning and response. Ask the individual, family, or group the following questions at a minimum:

  • What items will you include in a go bag?
  • Where will you meet your family members if you are separated?
  • Have you planned for your pet’s evacuation?

Write a 350-word summary of your interaction with your patient/group about disaster planning. As you write your summary, be sure to reflect on the clinical objectives for the week and discuss how you met the objective(s).

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Interaction With The Family

Ensuring that an individual, family, or group prepares well for disaster requires various strategies. One of the approaches is assessing the patient population’s knowledge of disaster planning, preparedness, and response (Martono et al.,2019). The interview was conducted for a family of three father (Mathew Sr), his son, who was three years old when his wife died, and his girlfriend Brittany, who he started relating with after his wife’s death.

The family answered various questions regarding emergency plans for a natural disaster, such as a flood. The family indicated that they don’t have an emergency kit but have a go bag. The go bag is an old one that needs to be made current. The family indicated that they don’t have a pet; however, if they buy one, then they will have to make plans for the pets in case of a disaster. It is important to note that the family members, especially the man and girlfriend, were able to identify items that should be included in a go bag and the importance of planning for the pet’s evacuation.

The family also answered questions regarding communication with family members. Unfortunately, the family members have not determined a place to meet if they get separated. Therefore, there is a need to help them make such decisions. It was also enjoyable interacting with the community and practicing evacuation plans with them. They were willing to actively participate in the simulations and drills. Therefore, the interaction with the family was a productive one as they happily participated and were willing to ask questions and give feedback.

They indicated that the community is well prepared for a disaster. The plan is a detailed and comprehensive plan that shows and includes provisions for every phase of preparedness and disaster planning. The plan offers provisions for mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The plan also clearly accounts for the community’s needs, such as how to take care of individuals who need various healthcare supplies. The clinical objectives for the week were appropriately achieved.

For example, coordinating with individuals and families to formulate disaster preparedness plans. This was achieved by conducting an interview for a three-member family.


  • Martono, M., Satino, S., Nursalam, N., Efendi, F., & Bushy, A. (2019). Indonesian nurses’ perception of disaster management preparedness. Chinese Journal of Traumatology, 22(1), 41-46. https //doi.org/10.1016/j.cjtee.2018.09.002

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