NSG 4410 Week 1 Drop box assignment Personal growth in cultural awareness part A

Paper Instructions

Assignment Instructions

After completing the assigned readings and viewing the content presentations in Unit 1, please construct your transcultural critical needs list using the template Download templateOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader provided.

Be honest with yourself as you construct this list. You will not be graded on how aware you are of transcultural nursing concepts but rather, how well you identify your critical areas of growth.

In column A you will see the transcultural nursing concepts presented in this week’s content. In column B you will identify your understanding of the concept in column A as proficient, satisfactory, or needs improvement. In column C you will describe what action or actions you will take to improve both your understanding and your acceptance of these concepts. These activities can be both academic and personal oriented.

As you reflect on the conceptual definitions in column A, please remember that we are not looking for you to just be aware of the definition but more importantly, display the characteristics of someone who embodies the definition. For example, just knowing the definition of cultural awareness does not mean you are culturally aware. Other examples can be found in the Unit 1 interactive presentation!

Additional Assignment Instructions

Below is a summary of the three (3) components to include within the assignment.

  • Utilize the TransculturalCritical Needs List template to complete the assignment.
  • Rate your personal understanding (proficient, satisfactory, or needs improvement) for the ten transcultural concepts.
  • Provide an action plan for each element in which you describe the specific action or actions that you will take to improve both your understanding and your acceptance of the transcultural concepts. For example, explain how and what steps you will take to improve your personal understanding.

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Transcultural Critical Needs List

A Transcultural concepts B Personal understanding (proficient, satisfactory, or needs improvement) C Action plan

Culture Proficient

  •  Read and adhere to the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Code that defines guidelines nurses should use to navigate issues that arise due to cultural differences.
  • Collaborate with local leaders and associations to understand the local community and cultural needs.

Acculturation Satisfactory

  • Learn about the culture of the patient populations I serve.
  • Collect and analyze patients’ demographic data and send targeted surveys to certain communities to build essential knowledge about the local communities.

Cultural Awareness Proficient

  • Identifying my cultural beliefs and building an awareness of my culture.

This will establish a foundation to improve my cross-cultural awareness
Cultural Competence Proficient • Be committed to continuously learn about how to provide culturally competent care and increasingly improve my communication with my colleagues and patients.

Cultural Imposition Needs improvement

  • Acquire skills on assessing patients’ cultural values, beliefs, and practices and individualizing care that aligns with their culture.
  • Learn to tailor patient care to a patient’s cultural needs and preferences rather than imposing my cultural beliefs and culture on the patient.
  • Respect patients’ treatment choices that could be influenced by their cultural beliefs.

Cultural Sensitivity Satisfactory

  •  Practice deep internal reflection to understand how and why my cultural perspectives affect patient care delivery.
  • Think honestly about how my actions and beliefs affect my perceptions of patients.

Discrimination Satisfactory

  • Research on how different patient populations face discrimination when accessing healthcare.
  • Reflect on inherent stereotypes and prejudices that may contribute to discriminating patients from a particular group.
  • Research on measures that can reduce discrimination and promote equal access to healthcare for all.

Diversity Satisfactory

  • As a nurse leader, I will support the organization to actively recruit and employ multicultural staff to promote workplace diversity.
  • Learn how to directly engage in face-to-face interactions with patients from culturally diverse backgrounds to understand about their culture and thus provide culturally sensitive and equitable care.

Health Disparity Proficient

  • Research on the issues that promote health disparities in various patient population groups like minority groups.
  •  Research on interventions that can be implemented to mitigate or reduce the prevalence of these disparities.

Stereotyping Needs improvement

  • Constantly interact with people from diverse cultural groups to improve or modify my existing beliefs about various cultural groups to prevent stereotyping.
  • Assess my assumptions about various communities, including language barriers and socioeconomic status.

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