NSG 4000 WEEK 3 Discussion Appraisal of Qualitative Research

Paper Instructions

Use the Galen library database to find one primary qualitative research article on any nursing topic recently published this year in a nursing journal. Read the article and in one paragraph (7 to 8 sentences) provide a rapid critical appraisal by answering the following questions. Support your response by citing and referencing the research article.

  • What was the research design?
  • How were study participants chosen and was the sample size appropriate?
  • Does the research methods fit the purpose of the study? Explain.
  • Are data collection and analysis technniques approproiate for this type of study? Explain.
  • Is the phenomenon (human experience) clearly identified? Explain.
  • What are the reported results? 

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The article employs an explorative qualitative research design to evaluate the perception of German nurses concerning push and pull factors to depart or stay in the nursing profession. In this study, the participants had to fulfill specific criteria, including being over 18 years old and working in the hospitals taking part in the study.

The sample size was 21, which is not adequate considering the population; the appropriate sample size should be 10% of the population (Roth et al., 2022). The qualitative research method is appropriate for the study as it seeks to comprehensively understand the experiences of nurses concerning the need to leave or stay in the profession.

Semi-structured face-to-face or telephone interviews were used to collect qualitative data appropriate for determining the perception of nurses towards push and pull factors concerning whether to leave or stay in the nursing profession (Roth et al., 2022).

Additionally, data analysis was completed using qualitative content analysis to categorize the data into themes and subthemes essential to understanding the phenomenon under study.

The human experience examined in this study is the push and pull factors that make nurses leave or stay in the nursing profession and was analyzed, as the pull factors include professional pride, nursing recognition, enhanced remuneration, and professionalization, and the push factors include reduced career prospects, poor public image, generational barriers, and work pressures (Roth et al., 2022).

The study results show that complex changing push and pull factors impact the decision to remain or leave the nursing profession. Lastly, the results have implications for the nurse practice as nurse managers can utilize them to stabilize the nursing staff and navigate the inherent challenges.


  • Roth, C., Wensing, M., Breckner, A., Mahler, C., Krug, K., & Berger, S. (2022). Keeping nurses in nursing A qualitative study of German nurses’ perceptions of push and pull factors to leave or stay in the profession. BMC Nursing, 21(1). https //doi.org/10.1186/s12912-022-00822-4

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