NRS 440 Advocacy Through Legislation

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience. As such, many nurses take on an advocacy role to influence a change in regulations, policies, and laws that govern the larger health care system.

For this assignment, identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation. Research the issue and use the “Advocacy Through Legislation” template, attached, to complete this assignment.

You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Nurses are patients and health care system as they present ideas, outline courses of action, raise awareness, and persuade all stakeholders to embrace their perspectives in promoting healthy outcomes among populations.

Obesity and overweight are public health concerns that require interventions by nurses to address and reduce their effects and prevent their prevalence, especially among young adults. Obesity and overweight increase the risk for various conditions like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and hypertension (ODPHP, 2024).

Nurses are strategically positioned to help the health system attain health equity and ensure quality outcomes by dealing with disparities that lead to obesity. Advocacy to reduce and prevent obesity and overweight through evidence-based actions is important and forms the basis of this paper.

Legislation on obesity leads to the development of effective policies and initiatives like the Healthy People 2030 framework that focuses on improving health outcomes for all people and demographics in the United States.
In no more than 250 words, describe the problem, who is affected, and the current ramifications. Explain the consequences if the issue continues.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) asserts that when an individual weighs more than what is considered healthy for their height, they are obese and overweight.

Obesity is a complex metabolic condition and is prevalent in the country. Obesity is linked to different chronic health issues like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney failure, hypertension, and increased risk for cancer. The main causes of obesity include genetics, eating habits, and lack of physical activity. Irregular sleeping patterns and social determinants of health are major risk factors for obesity.

CDC asserts that one in every 5 children and more than 1 in 3 adults have and struggle with obesity. Children with obesity have increased chances of the disease as adults. The CDC (2023) opines that adults with obesity have an increased risk of developing chronic conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer.

The United States healthcare system spends close to $173 billion each year on obesity and its related costs emanating from treatment and other interventions.

The health and wellness of the population stand to be affected if the obesity prevalence continues as illustrated by its negative effects. Obesity complications would lead to a rise in health utilization which could overwhelm the healthcare system yet the current increased demand and shortage of healthcare workers have not been solved (ODPHP, 2024).

Without effective interventions, especially through legislation at state and federal levels, obesity will increase the demand for healthcare services, and resources and negatively impact the quality of life for millions of Americans and their families.

Idea for Addressing Solution

In no more than 250 words, outline your idea for addressing the issue and explain why legislation is the best course for advocacy.

Creating awareness at an early age is essential based on the CDC-recommended Early Care and Education (ECE) program that targets providing information to children about obesity and the health problems it brings (Hampl et al., 2023).

Additionally, healthcare providers like nurses should discuss the significance of maintaining a healthy weight when attending to patients and offer health information on obesity prevention and management (CDC, 2023).

These efforts are multifaceted and demonstrate the level of interventions that should occur among people to improve eating habits and primary measures like exercising and physical activities.

These initiatives require legislative actions and support to be integrated into communities and schools throughout the United States.

Legislation is the best approach as it will entail enacting laws and regulations that mandate schools and healthcare organizations to adhere to these provisions.

For instance, schools should have programs and initiatives to educate should on being obese and overweight and how they can prevent the condition. Imperatively, the schools should include education and awareness campaigns on healthy eating, exercising, and refraining from indulging in fast foods as part of the educational curricula.

At the clinical level, nurses and other providers should integrate information on healthy eating, encourage patients to embrace physical activities, and avoid a sedentary lifestyle characterized by spending too much time on screens.

They should implement evidence-based approaches to reducing and preventing obesity among their patients (Pearce et al., 2021). Nurses are critical as they are considered a core part of eliminating the current health disparities. Therefore, they should spearhead these programs and initiatives for a better health population.

Research the Issue

Perform research and compile information for your idea. Present substantive evidence-based findings that support your idea for addressing the problem (studies, research, and reports). Include any similar legislation introduced or passed in other states.

Evidence 1 In their article, Widmann et al. (2022) assert that when young children get an early education exhibiting better eating and exercise habits, they are likely to adopt them and practice them in their lives; from childhood into adulthood and reduce chances of getting obesity.

Children should start the fight against obesity at an early age since most are keen on integrating long-term practices that will enhance their health. States continue to adopt the Early Child Care and Education (ECE) to reduce obesity and foster positive behavioral patterns for their future as adults.

Evidence 2 In their article, Pearce et al. (2021) observe that healthcare providers have a defined role in obesity treatment and conditions linked to the disease. However, there is a less-established role of the providers in the prevention of the condition, especially in hospitals and community-based health services.

The authors assert that increasing the role of providers is critical in offering information and helping their patients get better approaches to reduce and prevent their risk for obesity and overweight. The authors demonstrate the importance of healthcare providers offering sufficient information and services, including screening for obesity and implementing customized interventions.

Stakeholder Support

Discuss the stakeholders who would support the proposed idea and explain why they would be in support.

Stakeholder(s) Supporting 1 The initial stakeholders to support the proposed idea would be parents of obese and overweight children. All parents want a healthy life for their children. Therefore, they will support the proposed law to enhance the health of their children.

Stakeholder(s) Supporting 2 The second group of stakeholders to endorse the idea would be healthcare providers who understand the importance of healthy living and the negative effects of conditions related to obesity, especially the complications and comorbidities. Implementing the proposed idea would lower demand for care and reallocation of healthcare resources.

Stakeholder (s) Supporting 3 Schools and communities will also support the proposed idea to reduce the overall burden associated with obesity, its complications, and comorbidities. These stakeholders will be critical in implementing the suggested ideas to reduce the current prevalence of obesity and overweight.

Stakeholder Opposition

Discuss the stakeholders who would oppose the proposed idea. Explain why they would be in opposition and how you would prepare to debate or converse about these considerations.

Stakeholder(s) Opposed 1 Companies, organizations and involved in the manufacturing, distribution, preparation, and sale of unhealthy foods would oppose this legislation because it will negatively affect their enterprises. They will oppose the law because their livelihoods are dependent on it.

However, they need to understand the effects of obesity and its burden. They can develop healthy options and reduce fats in their foods among other ingredients.

Stakeholder(s) Opposed 2 Lawmakers, especially through lobbyist organizations and advocacy groups may oppose the idea if they believe it would reduce and restrict their interests. The lawmakers may be used by manufacturers and distributors of these products to oppose the legislation and lead to paralysis thus leading to the status quo.

Financial Incentives/Costs

In no more than 250 words, summarize the financial impact of the issue and the idea (added costs, cost savings, increased revenue, etc.). Provide support.

Obesity and overweight are critical issues linked to chronic conditions that are difficult to treat and manage. It also increases the cost burden of health, especially caring for individuals with such complications. Obesity leads to increased demand for healthcare resources, from funds to providers who care for people with comorbidities arising from the condition.

The rise in demand means that people will spend more on healthcare (Pearce et al., 2020). The financial incentive to the issue is to reduce its prevalence to mitigate increased expenditure for many families and individuals affected by the disorder.

Creating laws and regulations that allow individuals to prevent obesity, get early screening and treatment, and manage comorbidities will drastically reduce the cost of care and save billions in healthcare expenditures that can be directed to other areas in the future.

According to Cawley et al. (2021), such actions will help states generate more resources and revenues by increasing taxes for people who consume these foods and lead to healthy living as espoused by the Healthy People 2030 framework.

Obesity as a national public health issue requires effective interventions that reduce financial costs in the long term by preventing comorbidities and associated risks (Tiwari et al., 2023). The financial incentives based on a legislative approach are important in allowing federal and state governments to develop regulations and policies to improve people’s health.

Legislature Information Needed and Process for Proposal

Discuss how to advocate for your proposal using legislation. Include the following:

  • Provide the name and complete contact information for the legislator.
    Describe the steps for how you would present this to your legislator. The initial step would be to collect sufficient data and information concerning obesity and overweight and their complications in the United States.
  • The next step would be to compare the data and information with other nations, analyze it for better consumption, and presentation to the elected representative. I will pitch the idea once I get an appointment with his office through the right channels as established by Congress. I would collaborate with the staff to develop legislation that he would present in Congress about the proposed idea.

Outline the process if your legislator chooses to introduce your idea as a bill to Congress. If the legislator presents the issue as a bill to Congress, he will introduce it to the House of Representatives and get support from co-sponsors.

The idea would then be forwarded to the relevant committee which will investigate and discuss it. The committee may make certain amendments and fine-tune it before presenting it back to the House. The Second reading will occur with the suggested amendments where the House will debate it further and send it back to the committee to fine-tune it.

The third reading will happen and the representatives take a vote. Once passed, the bill will proceed to the Senate where it shall undertake a similar process and be approved or rejected. If approved and voted for, it shall get presidential assent and become law.

Christian Principles and Nursing Advocacy

In no more than 250 words, discuss how principles of a Christian worldview lend support to legislative advocacy in health care without bias. Be specific as to how these principles help advocate for inclusiveness and positive health outcomes for all populations, including those more vulnerable, without regard to gender, sexual orientation, culture, race, religion/belief, etc.

The Christian worldview principles lend support to legislative advocacy in health care without any bias by emphasizing the healing role and servant approach as demonstrated by Jesus through His life. God instructs people, including healthcare providers, to advocate for the vulnerable and less privileged.

Individuals suffering from obesity and overweight may be struggling with significant health disparities and social determinants of health that make it impossible for them to have healthy diets and even conduct physical exercises (Bentley-Edwards et al., 2021).

Some may not have access to healthcare services and information to counter risks for obesity and overweight. As such, Christian principles like love, generosity, and kindness implore nurses and other providers to advocate for inclusiveness and positive health outcomes. Some of these people fear the social stigma associated with obesity and the high cost of care.

Therefore, through advocacy, nurses illustrate their genuine concern to help these people navigate their conditions and ensure that those without it get information to prevent its occurrence.

The parable of the Good Samaritan demonstrates real love for others irrespective of their diversity. Imperatively, nurses as a core part of healthcare provision should focus on improving access to better interventions and help patients get the right information on their diagnosis while prioritizing access to resources to reduce vulnerabilities (Bentley-Edwards et al., 2020) Nurses, especially Christians and believers, should emulate Jesus Christ and His efforts to save humankind by the sacrifices He made by His death on the cross. Therefore, advocacy through legislation is an effective approach to dealing with the current problem of obesity.


Advocacy is an important nursing role since nurses interact with patients and health populations. Obesity and overweight threaten the ability of the healthcare system to offer quality care due to the increased cost burden that they place on the health system. Early Child Care and Education (ECE) is an evidence-based approach that nurses can advocate through more legislation at state and federal levels to reduce the prevalence of the disorder from an early stage among children.


  • Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Blackman Carr, L. T., Robbins, P. A., Conde, E., Zaw, K., & Darity Jr, W. A. (2020). Investigating
    denominational and church attendance differences in obesity and diabetes in Black Christian men and women. Journal of religion and health, 59(6), 3055-3070. DOI 10.1007/s10943-019-00888-6.
  • Cawley, J., Biener, A., Meyerhoefer, C., Ding, Y., Zvenyach, T., Smolarz, B. G., & Ramasamy, A. (2021). Direct medical costs of
    obesity in the United States and the most populous states. Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy, 27(3), 354-366. DOI 10.18553/jmcp.2021.20410.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Overweight and Obesity. Why it Matters.
    https //
    Hampl, S. E., Hassink, S. G., Skinner, A. C., Armstrong, S. C., Barlow, S. E., Bolling, C. F., … & Okechukwu, K. (2023). Clinical
    practice guidelines for the evaluation and treatment of children and adolescents with obesity. Pediatrics, 151(2), e2022060640.
    https //
  • Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) (2024). Overweight and Obesity. Healthy People 2030.
    https //
    Pearce, C., Rychetnik, L., & Wilson, A. (2021). The obesity paradigm and the role of health services in obesity prevention a grounded
    theory approach. BMC health services research, 21, 1-10. DOI https //
  • Pearce, C., Rychetnik, L., Wutzke, S., & Wilson, A. (2020). Obesity prevention and the role of hospital and community-based health
    services a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1) 1-16. DOI 10.1186/s12913-019-4262-3
  • Tiwari, A. & Balasundaram, P. (2023 June 5). Public Health Considerations Regarding Obesity. StatPearls [Internet].
    https //
    Waidmann, T. A., Waxman, E., Pancini, V., Gupta, P., & Tabb, L. P. (2022). Obesity Across America Geographic Variation in
    Disease Prevalence and Treatment Options. National Library of Medicine. http //

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