NR 599 Week 8 Midweek Comprehension Questions

Paper Instructions

NI knowledge, skills, and competencies are so pervasive in the modern technology-rich healthcare environment it is difficult to imagine one without the other. This course provided foundational and introductory knowledge regarding informatics with an emphasis on developing an understanding of concepts of nursing informatics (NI) and becoming knowledgeable about the application of informatics in advanced practice. Reflect upon one NI competency relevant to APNs which you learned in this course. Provide a brief summary (100 words or less)

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Throughout this course I have learned so much more about nursing informatics and the role it plays in our everyday nursing practice. I personally have experienced a growth in information literacy and computer literacy. Throughout this course and the previous ones we took we have had many opportunities to explore multiple databases and other applications to complete our assignments.

Prior to taking this course, I did not know how to take a screenshot on the computer and never heard of the application called “Snipping Tool”. I also never heard of Respondus Lockdown Browser, and using these applications I was unfamiliar with challenged me to improve my competency and I was able to navigate and learn how to use them. The more I was challenged, the more knowledge I acquired.

As a future APRN, it will be my responsibility to ensure competency in modern technology as it plays a major role in nursing practice, and building knowledge will also increase my patients’ safety and quality of care. For example, being competent in the EHR at my facility will allow me as the APRN to not only review my patients charts, but also prevent any medical errors with the alerts in the system in addition to preventing any unnecessary duplicate orders.

I can also utilize computer and information literacy to guide me in utilizing current evidence-based practices to further assist with my clinical decision making for my patients plan of care. The knowledge I have acquired from taking this course will guide me in my future practice as an APRN and will make me more confident in this future change of role.

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