NR 599 Week 2 Pre TANIC Self-Assessment and Reflection Post

Paper Instructions

Reflection Questions
Reflect upon your current or most recent clinical practice and answer the following;

  1. How is informatics used?
  2. Regarding the Pre-TANIC Self-Assessment for this week, how did your perceived competency level prior to the self-assessment compared to after the self-assessment? Explain in detail.
  3. What TWO competencies do you use in your current clinical role? Provide examples.
  4. Identify TWO resources to develop a strategic plan to enhance your competency skills.
  5. Which resources are suited to your needs and why?
  6. How do you intend to enact this improvement plan?

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1. How is informatics used?

We use informatics in several ways. It is used to collect and store information and data, such as information our EHR. EHR’s have come a long way and now connect patients to their provider with the click of a button from their phones. Informatics is also used in research. We are able to gather data related to new and best practices which is used to initiate evidence-based changes. Informatics can also be applied to general workflows in our care settings. It is a part of every aspect of medicine. The American Medical Informatics Association describes informatics as “… computer and information science to the advancement of life sciences research, health professions education, public health, and patient care” (What is informatics, n.d.).

2. Regarding the Pre-TANIC Self-Assessment for this week, how did your perceived competency level prior to the self-assessment compared to after the self-assessment? Explain in detail.

Prior to the assessment I felt good about the technology that I use daily within my current role. After using the TANIC Self-assessment tool, I was not much surprised by my results. I am confident and competent in use of systems tools and our daily technology. I am less competent when it comes to informatics research or informatic process changes. Also, informatics is such a large category. I think it would be difficult to master all of it. Finding areas of competence and mastering those areas can be helpful.

For example, I excel with use of Epic. As such, I have requested to be one of our Super Users for the program. But even though I scored myself lower in some areas of the assessment, I still had no categories in the assessment that I rated as Novice. I was competent or higher in all areas. Expert or proficient when it comes to operation of personal computer and the various applications and competent or proficient with respect to use of technology to guide patient care.

3. What TWO competencies do you use in your current clinical role? Provide examples.

In my current role we use HIS to guide patient care (guidelines, plan of care, protocols) and we use HIS to communicate electronically with providers. We are able to use HIS to access policies and procedures from our organizations employee portal. This is an important guide for patient care. We always have nursing resources available on best practice procedures. For example, if we need to refresh on proper procedure for changing a central line dressing, we can go on to our employee portal, access Eslevier clinical skills, and are able to search and view proper procedure for central line dressing changes.

We have an online database of policies for use as well. While our policies cover every topic from general roles, to patient guided care, we can often cross reference clinical skills with a corporate policy addressing the same issue. We also have built in nursing protocols for triage in our emergency room. We are able to execute appropriate protocols in Epic when triaging our patients based off chief complaint, assessment, and clinical judgment.

In my current role we also use telehealth. We are a small community based hospital. We have a 4-bed inpatient unit that I float to frequently. Since all our hospitalists are staffed at the larger locations in the city, we use telehealth for patient admissions, assessments, and any change in patient conditions. Continued innovations in the technology of telehealth has created the opportunity to provide better care to patients in remote settings (Brown, et al., 2022). By becoming familiar and competent with use of this technology allows us to stay connected with other providers and optimize the best possible care to our patients when they are admitted to our community locations.

Our telehealth equipment is fully functional. We have tools that attached to the computer station which allow our hospitalist to assess our patient in real-time but from a remote location. With assistance of the RN, they are able to inspect skin and even listen to heart and lungs. So, for my role, being able to operate the telehealth equipment and its applications with competence allows my provider to fully assess my patient leading to more accurate plan of care.

4. Identify TWO resources to develop a strategic plan to enhance your competency skills.

A study was done by Akbari, et al. gauged toward nurses self-competency related to basic computer skills, informatics knowledge, and informatics skills (Self-assessment, 2020). They found that the higher the education and training, the higher the competency in informatics (Akbari, et al., 2020). Once we have been able to identify our weaknesses in informatics (self-assessment), then we are able to develop a plan to increase our competency. Goal setting is one tool I can use to increase my competency.

Because I have been able to assess my areas of weakness and reflect on areas of needed improvement, I can set goals to increase my knowledge in the areas where I am less confident. As we grow as leaders, we must be able to assess our own knowledge base and determine what additional skills and/or experience is needed to advance our competency (Backonja, et al., 2021). I have higher competence in basic computer skills than I do in informatics knowledge and informatics skills. So, I can use goal setting as a resource to increase my competence in these two areas.

As Akbari, et al. noted, education and training lead to higher competence (Self-assessment, 2020). I can use continuing education opportunities within my facility as a resource to increase my knowledge. I am also fortunate to have great teachers and mentors in my department. I can utilize this as a resource for learning. Backonja, et al. states that mentoring programs are resources that can provide support that take us from novice level to expert in HIT (How to support the nursing, 2022). Backonja, et al. goes on to state that mentorship is an important tool because mentors can provide real-time feedback on areas of needed improvement (How to support the nursing, 2022).

5. Which resources are suited to your needs and why?

Mentorship on the job is better suited for me. I do well with a hands on approach and having a interactive dialogue with someone. I work in a teaching environment and our providers embrace this atmosphere. I have ample opportunity to learn from them and they are a wealth of knowledge. They are also good about pointing out additional resources for learning. And while I still plan to use the educational tools offered by my organization, I think combining these education with what I can learn from my mentors will draw a better understanding in the areas of informatics where I am less proficient.

6. How do you intend to enact this improvement plan?

Miller, et al. states that looking for teachable moments is an important concept because a vast amount of learning occurs within our clinical environment (Recognizing and seizing, 2021). In this respect, learning is a purposeful and continual process that we have to act on. To enact my improvement plan I will continually assess my level of competencies, revise, or set new goals, and then actively seek teachable moments with my mentors. I will also incorporate educational modules or courses offered by my organization into my learning. This will allow me to bring learned concepts into practice and ask questions of those with more experience than myself.

  • Akbari, H., Frazandipour, M., Jabali, M., Mohamadian, H. & Safari, S. (2020). Self-assessment of nursing informatics competencies in hospitals. HIMSS. Retrieved on 03/12/2023 from https // to an external site.
  • American Medical Informatics Association (March, n.d.). What is informatics? Informatics Research and Practice. Retrieved on 03/12/2023 from https // to an external site.
  • Backonja, U., Langford, L. & Mook, P. (2021). Calling nursing informatics leaders opportunities for personal and professional growth. OJIN The Journal of Issues in Nursing, 26(3). https // to an external site.
  • Backonja, U., Langford, L. & Mook, P. (2022). How to support the nursing informatics leadership pipeline recommendations for nurse leaders and professional organizations. Computers Informatics Nursing, 40(1), 8-20. DOI 10.1097/CIN0000000000000827. Retrieved on 03/12/2023 from https // to an external site.
  • Brown, J. & Hewner, S. (2022). The role of telehealth and clinical informatics in data driven primary care redesign. Journal of Informatics Nursing, 6(4). Retrieved on 03/12/2023 from https // to an external site.
  • Miller, B. & Szymusiak, J. (2021). Recognizing and seizing the teachable moment. Academic Pediatrics, 21(5), 767-771. Retrieved on 03/12/2023 from https // to an external site.

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