NR 510 Week 5 Conflict Resolution Strategies Discussion

Paper Instructions

Leadership is not random. It is multifaceted and must be communicated as a stated plan to effect a change. Organizational leaders provide a vision and move others toward a common goal. This vision also reinforces the importance of teamwork in the workplace.

According to Buppert (2015), quality improvement and patient safety are inextricably intertwined. A work environment that supports teamwork and respect for other people is essential to promote patient safety and quality of care. Unprofessional behavior is disruptive and adversely impacts patient and staff satisfaction, the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals, communication, teamwork and undermines a culture of safety. Unprofessional behavior is therefore unacceptable.

Discussion Question

  • In this scenario, what evidence-based organizational strategies and management skills might you employ to resolve co-worker conflict? Reflect on conflict resolution strategies specifically for healthcare. How does teamwork increase patient safety? Provide evidence and rationales to support your decisions. Provide evidence and rationale to support your decisions.

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The purpose of this posting is to address an organizational strategy that would help to address the issue put forth in the scenario. I will also look at management skills which may help to resolve some of the conflicts that are causing the distractions and compromising patient care. The foundational strategy for any healthcare providing organization is to provide the best quality care to their patients. Anything that prevents the organization from striving toward that goal is an issue which needs to be addressed.

In the situation we are discussing, there are interpersonal conflicts which are inhibiting the organization and these must be stopped. As a manager it is not my desire to get involved in the personal issues of the employees. I would make this point clear to the MA and try to make it understood that when these events take place at work they are forcing my hand. I would try to suggest ways in which they situation could be deescalated before it gets to yelling (Thomas, 2015).

I would also attempt to find ways for workers who do not function well together to not be placed in close proximity if that is possible. I would also make it clear that patient safety is first and that the situation with the low BP will not be tolerated for any reason. We are a team and there is potential conflict within all teams. Regardless of the issues, it is important to understand that we win or lose as a team and not individuals. A mistake by one can reflect on all and that is why we must all function as professionals at all times.

Close teams look out for the best interest of each other. When we are all on the same page we mind not only our obligations, but we look for opportunities to help other team members reach their full potential. Interpersonal conflict which festers can destroy this cohesion and eat at the fabric which holds the unit together. This is among the greatest lessons one can learn from the military and is applicable in any organization.

  • Thomas, C. (2015). Identify Conflict Resolution Styles used by Nursing Professionals working in Clinical and Academic settings of selected Hospitals and Nursing Colleges of Southwestern Rajasthan. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, 3(3), 273. doi 10.5958/2454-2652.2015.00015.3

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