NR 506 Week 8 Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes

Paper Instructions


  • Berwick, D., Snair, M., & Nishtar, S. (2018). Crossing the global health care quality chasm A key component of universal health coverage. Journal of American Medical Association, 320(13), 1317-1318.

Read the Berwick article and reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in NR506 on healthcare systems, politics, and health policy. Reflections should include the following

  1. How to make informed decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes on a global basis.  In addition, state how you will apply what you have learned in this course to your upcoming practicum experience.
  2. Describe how one will apply content from NR506NP to the upcoming clinical courses.

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The article by Berwick et al. (2018) focuses on the global issues of quality care. While low and middle-income countries have difficulty qualifying benefits to changes in healthcare due to lack of data, lack of metrics, and insufficient research; evidence-based studies in the US for healthcare reported, in the 2001 Institute of Medicine, six documented major defects. These defects included “safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equality (Berwick et al., 2018, p. 1317). This article also states that to maintain the commitment to universal healthcare, coverage needs to be parallel and equally important around the world with a redesign of health care systems and new thinking.

As an APRN, one way to assist in an advanced role is to make informed decisions on nursing practice by staying updated with evidenced-based practice (EBP), as it is important to the quality of care to improve health among the population (Melnyk, 2018). The APRN can also embrace and respect cultural diversity by understanding cultural beliefs, values, and practices from patients with different backgrounds as this is a useful approach in practice to improve healthcare and reduce disparities (Kumar et al., 2019).

When the APRN combines this practice while being a transformation leader, there can be inspiration for policy change within the US for better healthcare providing more EBP to inspire global change. Lastly, through ongoing professional development, the APRN can participate and attend international conferences, collaborate with healthcare providers, and participate in research to better understand global healthcare challenges.

As an APRN in a leadership role, I will continue to stay up to date with EVP while staying informed about current research and guidelines for best practice. I have learned in NR506NP that policies change locally and nationally often so to stay compliant I will need to review reputable resources regularly. I have learned that to be a good leader, transformational leadership is preferred and allows for growth and inspiration in the industry and community. I will apply transformational pillars including professionalism, inspirational motivation, and interpersonal relationships to my practicum experience as I display high ethical standards including integrity, honesty, and a strong sense of purpose.

As I apply myself in future clinical courses, I will remain focused on growing my knowledge through EVP and transformational leadership. I will understand the state of Oklahoma nurse practitioners’ restrictions while promoting quality comprehensive holistic healthcare in practicums and future settings. As I continue to learn, I will participate in nursing organizations, in hopes to advocate for our industry, create change in existing healthcare regulations, and advance our profession worldwide.

  • Berwick, D., Snair, M., & Nishtar, S. (2018). Crossing the global health care quality chasm A key component of universal health coverage. Journal of American Medical Association, 320(13), 1317-1318.
  • Kumar, R., Bhattacharya, S., Sharma, N., & Thiyagarajan, A. (2019). Cultural competence in family practice and primary care setting. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8(1), 1–4. https //
    Melnyk, B. (2018). Why choose evidence-based practice? American Association of Nurse Practitioners. https //

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