NR 503 Week 7 Discussion Global and Environmental Health

Paper Instructions

Assignment Requirements

1. Locate a lay press article from a national newspaper, for example, from The New York Times, The Washington Post, or other national publication. The article should be no more than three (3) years old.

Locate an article on one of the following topics:

A. Sex trafficking
B. Environmental global health issue For example, but not limited to Safe water, sanitation, disasters, or oral health.

2. Read over your chosen article and respond to the following:

  • Provide a summary of your article. Include the name of the newspaper and author, as well as date of publication.
  • Include data that supports the significance of the topic. For example, related deaths, health care costs, demographic information.
  • During NR503, we have discussed the determinants of health, at-risk groups, social justice theory, outcomes, inter-professional collaboration, advocacy, and other concepts related to epidemiology and population health. How do the concepts addressed in NR503 relate to your article’s topic? Provide definitions and examples in your writing.
  • Integrate information from the World Health Organization and the SDG’s.

3. Your initial post should be a minimum of two (2) paragraphs with 4-5 sentences per paragraph.

4. Your initial post should speak about your chosen article and use supporting scholarly evidence that supports your analysis. You may use your textbook to support your writing.

5. Reply posts should include a minimum of one scholarly reference and be a minimum of one (1) paragraph, 4-5 sentences. The reply post should build upon the post to which you are responding.

6. A scholarly tone should be maintained throughout all posts. For reply posts, this includes the name of the person to whom you are responding as well as closure with your name.

7. A link to the article should be included as well as a reference list using current APA.
Resources (If links do not work, please search using related terms/names below).
U.S. Office on Trafficking in Persons https // to an external site.

  • Partners for Vulnerable Youth Founded by National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners https // to an external site.
  • WHO and SDG https // to an external site.
  • Kaiser Global Health Policy https // to an external site.
  • CDC and Global Health https // to an external site.
  • List of Newspapers in the US https // to an external site.

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This article was published on October 9, 2022, by Lisa Rathke from USA Today, and It is called “Employee of Vermont Town quietly lowered fluoride in water for years, shocking residents” (Rathke, 2022).

The article concerns residents about their officials lowering the fluoride amount in their water. A mother was upset, stating she did not give informed consent. Furthermore, she related this event to her children developing their first cavity. On the other hand, officials claimed that some children got too much of it and developed white splotches on their teeth. Officials also claimed that the benefits of fluoride in water are questionable.

An example is a study conducted in Ireland to decrease their fluoride levels from 2002 to 2007 and compare the difference in cavity rate in children eight years old. The study found no statistical significance in cavity prevalence or severity. (James et al., 2020)
Another study compared 73 kindergarten children of both sexes aged 4-7 from two cities in Poland with different fluoride levels, with one city having a much lower rate of fluoride in the water. The study concluded no difference in cavities, but that dental hygiene and diet was the main factor in developing cavities (Opydo-Szymaczek et al., 2021).

The concept of epidemiology and population health relates to the article in relation to social justice theory. According to the articles, there was no real difference in fluoride and cavity, but dental hygiene. Most children born in a stable home with both parents are likelier to meet all their needs, including regular tooth brushing and a healthier diet -The two main reasons for dental health, according to the study. A privilege that children born in poverty and hunger do not have.

Fortunately, the World Health Organization has this topic as one of its priorities through the “17 sustainable development goals,” and its vision is for “a world free of poverty, hunger, disease and want” (“World health statistics,” 2022)


  • James, P., Harding, M., Beecher, T., Browne, D., Cronin, M., Guiney, H., O’Mullane, D., & Whelton, H. (2020). Impact of reducing water fluoride on dental caries and fluorosis. Journal of Dental Research, 100(5), 507-514. https // to an external site.
  • Opydo-Szymaczek, J., Ogińska, M., & Wyrwas, B. (2021). Fluoride exposure and factors affecting dental caries in preschool children living in two areas with different natural levels of fluorides. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 65, 126726. https // to an external site.
  • Rathke, L. (2022, October 9). Employee of Vermont town quietly lowered fluoride in water for years, shocking residents. USA Today. World health statistics. (2022). World Health Organization
    (WHO). https // to an external site.

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