NR 500NP Week 3 Person-Centred Care

Paper Instructions

Discussion Criteria

I. Application of Course Knowledge

The student post contributes unique perspectives or insights gleaned from personal experience or examples from the healthcare field. The student must accurately and fully discuss the topic for the week in addition to providing personal or professional examples. The student must completely answer the entire initial question.

II. Engagement in Meaningful Dialogue

The student responds to a student peer and course faculty to further dialogue.

a. Peer Response

The student responds substantively to at least one topic-related post by a student peer. A substantive post adds content or insights or asks a question that will add to the learning experience and/or generate discussion.

  • A post of “I agree” with a repeat of the other student’s post does not count as a substantive post. A collection of shallow posts does not equal a substantive post.
  • The peer response must occur on a separate day from the initial posting.
  • The peer response must occur before Sunday, 11 59 p.m. MT.
  • The peer response does not require a scholarly citation and reference unless the information is paraphrased and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards then apply.

b. Faculty Response

The student responds substantively to at least one question by course faculty. The faculty question may be directed to the student, to another student, or to the entire class.

  • A post of “I agree” with a repeat of the faculty’s post does not count as a substantive post. A collection of shallow posts does not equal a substantive post.
  • The faculty response must occur on a separate day from the initial posting.
  • Responses to the faculty member must occur by Sunday, 11 59 p.m. MT.
  • This response does not require a scholarly citation and reference unless the information is paraphrased and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards then apply.

III. Integration of Evidence

The student post provides support from a minimum of one scholarly in-text citation with a matching reference AND assigned readings OR online lessons, per discussion topic per week.

a. What is a scholarly resource?

A scholarly resource is one that comes from a professional, peer-reviewed publication (e.g., journals and government reports such as those from the FDA or CDC).

  • Contains references for sources cited
  • Written by a professional or scholar in the field and indicates credentials of the author(s)
  • Is no more than 5 years old for clinical or research article

b. What is not considered a scholarly resource?

  • Newspaper articles and layperson literature (e.g., Readers Digest, Healthy Life Magazine, Food, and Fitness)
  • Information from Wikipedia or any wiki
  • Textbooks
  • Website homepages
  • The weekly lesson
  • Articles in healthcare and nursing-oriented trade magazines, such as Nursing Made Incredibly Easy and RNMagazine (Source What is a scholarly article.docx; Created 06/09 CK/CL Revised 02/17/11, 09/02/11 nlh/clm)

c. Can the lesson for the week be used as a scholarly source?

  • Information from the weekly lesson can be cited in a posting; however, it is not to be the sole source used in the post.

d. Are resources provided from CU acceptable sources (e.g., the readings for the week)?

  • Not as a sole source within the post. The textbook and/or assigned (required) articles for the week can be used, but another outside source must be cited for full credit. Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources for the purpose of discussions.

e. Are websites acceptable as scholarly resources for discussions?

  • Yes, if they are documents or data cited from credible websites. Credible websites usually end in .gov or .edu; however, some .org sites that belong to professional associations (e.g., American Heart Association, National League for Nursing, American Diabetes Association) are also considered credible websites. Websites ending with .com are not to be used as scholarly resources

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This week’s topic focused on caring and reflective practice in contemporary nursing. In your initial response, provide a definition of what person-centered care means to you.

  • Describe how you will apply principles holistic nursing, cultural humility, and self-reflection in your future role as a nurse practitioner.

Person-centered care means the care should evolve solely around the individual. Each patient has their own beliefs, goals of care, and preferences of treatment. The role of the CNP is to individualize approaches based off the patient’s preferences and goals of care. Healthcare is transitioning to provider-driven care to person-centered care as patients become more involved in the decision-making process of their healthcare (Chamberlain, 2022). McCormack and McCance developed the framework for person-centered nursing (PCN) that consists of five main concepts providing holistic care, working with patient’s beliefs and values, engaging authentically, sharing decision making, and being sympathetically present (McCormack & McCance, 2017).

A holistic approach to care allows the advanced practice nurse to address all aspects of the person, their health and environment. The CNP will look at the psychological, sociological, developmental, spiritual, and cultural aspects rather than just the diagnosis (Chamberlain, 2022). Treating the person as a whole individual promotes PCN, will improve patient outcomes and overall satisfaction with their treatment.
Cultural humility involves self-reflection and recognizing cultural differences in patient care (Chamberlain, 2022).

Cultural humility encourages personal growth and enhances one’s knowledge on variations on health care among different cultures and how it may affect the individual’s care. A provider must accept and seek to identify differences in cultural humility to be able to provide effective PCN. Communication, personal space, time, social organization, environmental control, and biological variations are described as the six phenomena in cultural groups (Engebreston, 2016). Nolan et al., (2021) describes how it is the nurse’s priority to be an anti-biased, active listener of their patients thoughts, beliefs, life experiences and preferences of care.

Self-reflecting encourages personal growth and encouragement of the understanding of one’s own personal strengths, limitations, cultural beliefs, and personal values (Chamberlain, 2022). Reflecting on personal or clinical experiences encourages understanding which promotes both personal and professional growth. Self-reflecting helps clarify your beliefs and values which can change over time with education and experience. Its important for the masters prepared nurse to be able to distinguish between beliefs and values, both in which can influence one’s thoughts, decisions, and actions.

Beliefs are assumptions that one believes to be true whether there is evidence to support their stance or not. Values are born from beliefs and are what one would consider to be vital in life (Chamberlain, 2022). Self-reflection also allows one to be aware of their personal biases and work on addressing these biases. Eliminating biases will stop prejudice and stereotypes which in turn promotes cultural humility and human dignity in a diverse population (Chamberlain, 2022).

In my future role as a nurse practitioner, I will apply cultural humility and a holistic approach by completing a thorough comprehensive assessment of my patient. I will inquire about their socioeconomic status, living environment, health, and wellness goals. I will hold myself accountable by abiding by ethical practices that value diversity and promotes PCN. As a nurse practitioner I will individualize my care to be patient-specific and encourage the involvement of my patient in decision making processes.

Recognizing that that the patient’s goals of care may challenge your personal values is important while self-reflecting on experiences. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with your patient’s cultural background if one is not well experienced with the cultural beliefs. When faced with ethical dilemmas as a nurse practitioner I will revert to my education on cultural humility and PCN. I will advocate for my patients wishes for their health care and ensure I am providing thorough education on the risks and benefits of their goals or decisions for their health care. To reduce barriers and promote healthcare equality the nurse must promote a nonbiased and culturally diverse practice (Nolan et al., 2021).


  • Engebretson, J. C. (2016). Cultural diversity and care. In Barrere, C. C, Blaszko Helming, M. A., Shields, D. A., & Avino, K. M. (Eds.). Holistic Nursing (7th ed.), 439-464. Jones and Bartlett.
  • McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2017). Person-centred practice in nursing and health care. Theory and practice (2nd ed.). Wiley Blackwell.
  • Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2022). Week 3 Reflective Practice. https //
  • Nolan, Alston, A., Choto, R., & Moss, K. O. (2021). Cultural Humility Retraining and Retooling Nurses to Provide Equitable Cancer Care. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 25(5), 3–9. https //

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