NR 500 Week 8 Reflection on Learning

Paper Instructions

Upon reading this week’s assignments the most predominant piece of information that caught my attention was how master’s level education was perceived in the last decades. MSN will provide us a better understanding of leadership, quality of care, critical thinking, and problem-solving for improved patient care delivery. Providing patient care for 18 years, I never knew how higher education in nursing was valued and perceived. Master degree nursing is crucial for educators, leaders, and specialized nursing practitioners. Master’s degree program is vital to nursing leadership skills and complex problem solving which will help us at the forefront of care coordination in the community.

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What I am looking forward to as a new role in NP is having independence with patient care and having a direct impact on my patient. The continued education will give me the opportunity to provide preventive care support, provide holistic care, diagnose and treat illnesses in families. It will allow us to collaborate with other team members to develop continuity of care for my patients.

The concern I have about transitioning is diagnosing and treating patients. Another concern includes my daily work with difficult patients and the physical and emotions demanding nature of the job.

Nothing surprised me with the APN roles, the major difference of an Advanced Practice Nurse is that the post-graduate educational qualifications will lead me with proper self-training and on-the-job learning, and clinical experience to provide proper care to the patients.

Week 4 Reflection 09/26/2021

I feel that I relay most closely to transformational leadership style because I am a listener. I feel that listening to what people have to say, no matter what the problem it’s very important. While transformational leaders do try to listen to employees and practice ethical behaviors, they tend to try to find a negotiation between organizational and personal goals. I would want my patients to have reliability as I will have reliability myself.

Over the 18 years in the nursing profession, I always try to find a balance between organizational and personal goals. I also try to guide others and show reliability, empathy, and consideration. I hope to be able to use these characteristics in my NP role to impact variation when needed. Most organizations value employees who work towards their goals and are ready to listen to those who are exemplary employees. I want to use my power to impact change in a positive way and educate others on the reasons and significance of why it is that we are doing what we do in hopes to advance patient care and patient health outcomes.


Complex adaptive systems are a vital theory system for Advanced Practice Nurses to know. Understanding systems theory and complexity science will help the NP make critical decisions impacting patient care, by being skilled to multi-task and prioritize. I feel our level of interprofessional collaboration still needs work. Health care is constantly changing, so understanding this system theory will impact the NP role by keeping them assured and informed during times of change. I feel as if the role of a Nurse Practitioner has evolved, and therefore so has the professional collaboration with others.

When Nurse Practitioners first came about, they were acknowledged as just being nursing leaders, without the practitioner title that they earned. Over the years it is my belief and understanding that physicians, and the community has accepted the value of Nurse Practitioners more and have treated them properly. In California, the NP must have protocols in place with a supervising physician in order to practice. Even though NPs educate and diagnose and assess, they want the MD’s validation when making visits. As a future NP, I feel education of our community will assist our patients understand our roles, our skills, and our qualifications.


Evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to a meticulous, problem-solving approach to nursing practice that integrates the best existing evidence obtained from well-designed research studies, clinician’s expertise, and patient preferences and values in health care decision making (Drisko & Grady, 2019). As a nurse contemplating the future role as a nurse practitioner practice, my role in EBP implementation includes the provision of health care services that are validated by scientific research. Future NPs will also lead and partner with interprofessional teams to implement EBP across diverse patient groups.

The implementation of EBP also entails engaging patients in their care plans. This will enable patients to take an active role in their care process since they can share their values and preferences, concerns, and suggestions about their care process. Future NPs also need to be advocates and leaders to champion for EBP implementation at the managerial levels (Drisko & Grady, 2019).

Scholarship in nursing is defined as the activities that systematically promotes the research, teaching, and practice of nursing through thorough analysis that is relevant to the nursing profession, can be documented, creative can be imitated or elaborated, and are capable of peer-reviewed bay different methods. Therefore, I will engage in scholarship in my role as NP by application of the knowledge of my specialty area in the clinical process, creating innovative methods of health care delivery, practice outcome evaluation, program development, and role modeling of the profession.

According to McArthu et al. (2021), the implementation of EBP is likely to face potential barriers such as lack of knowledge by nurses on how to conduct research, lack of ability to get evidence resources, lack of knowledge in reading and interpreting research finding, challenges in adapting to the guidelines. Other barriers include lack of human resources, heavy workload, poor internet access, lack of time, lack of management support, restrictive organizational policies and cultures, and lack of access to good library containing nursing journals.


Incivility in the nursing workplace leads to low employee morale and even performance and productivity. The American Nurses Association (ANA) is categorical that incivility projects a negative image of the profession and contributes to high nurse turnover as nurses who experience such events are more likely to leave the profession. Incivility affects my view of the nursing profession as it shows that individual nurses do not respect one another (Abdollahzadeh et al., 2017).

Those outside healthcare may consider such acts as insubordination and not professional conduct for effective care delivery. While studies show that incivility is a longstanding and significant issue in healthcare, those outside the profession may be surprised to see that it is such a serious issue and it happens, yet nurses are frontline care providers and respected because of their roles and responsibilities in the sector.

Nurse practitioners (NPs) need healthful work environment that is devoid of incivility. Such an environment leads to enhanced performance and allows nurses to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes. Incivility affects patient safety as nurses get demoralized and forget their roles leading to adverse events (Bambi et al., 2017). Therefore, to support a healthful work environment, I would encourage nurses to speak about incivility.

I would also emphasize the need for self-respect and respect for others in the profession and working collaboratively to attain a common goal in care delivery.
The use of social media is essential for both personal and professional life. Therefore, I would make changes that entail reducing my exposure on social media and creating limits between my professional and personal life. I will also focus on using social media as an effective tool to enhance care by sharing important information with fellow nurses on the need to improve interaction with patients.

Nurses need self-care to enhance the delivery of quality care and outcomes. In this case, the self-care practices that I would integrate include promoting my health and safety through exercise and relaxation for mental health, maintaining cultural competence due to diversity, preserving my wholeness of character and integrity.


  • Abdollahzadeh, F., Asghari, E., Ebrahimi, H., Rahmani, A., & Vahidi, M. (2017). How to prevent workplace incivility? Nurses’ perspective. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 22(2), 157. doi 10.4103/1735-9066.205966
  • Bambi, S., Guazzini, A., De Felippis, C., Lucchini, A., & Rasero, L. (2017). Preventing
    workplace incivility, lateral violence and bullying between nurses. A narrative literature review. Acta Bio Medica Atenei Parmensis, 88(Suppl 5), 39. doi 10.23750/abm.v88i5-S.6838

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