NR 500 Week 1 The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse

Paper Instructions

Consider the current healthcare delivery models and practice settings. Reflect on how nursing practice is transforming in response to the current demands of the healthcare system and answer one of the following questions:

  1. What differentiates the practice of a master’s-prepared nurse compared to that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse?
  2. What is the value of a master’s degree in nursing?
  3. What do you consider to be the most essential professional competency for a master’s-prepared nurse practicing in the 21st century?

Refer to AACN Essentials, NLN competencies, and CCN Nursing Conceptual Framework. Use at least one outside scholarly article to support your position. Provide an example to illustrate an application to professional practice.

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Nursing practice is transforming in response to the current demands of the healthcare system with shortage of healthcare providers. With high cost of healthcare, advance nursing is reducing the cost of healthcare, nurse practitioners are managing some clinics and urgent care centers. (Bisognano (2010). Leadership and management have also witness these transformation.

This question is so important and mind searching, it helps to know and understand where a master’s degree in nursing is all about and leading the student. I do believe the every nurse going for MSN degree should and must know where the are heading.
There is evidence that nurses who acquire more nursing degree are more likely to improve in clinical judgement, better ability to make decisions, challenge poor practice with good leadership skills with advancement in clinical practice role. Clark et la (2015)

According to Clark et la (2015) the article stated that “there is increasing evidence that nurses who undertake degrees are more likely to have greater competence than non-graduates, and that learning experiences further develop these enhanced competencies” ( Clark, L., Casey, D., & Morris, S. page 328 (2015)

The article further stated that the value of master’s degree in nursing includes but not limited to:

  • Economic
  • Changing organisation of health service delivery
  • Consumer demand and approval for nursing role development
  • Better educated workforce
  • Patients have increasingly complex healthcare needs ( Clark, L., Casey, D., & Morris, S. page 330 (2015)

In conclusion, There is some evidence that master’s degree improves patient outcomes but further research is still required. Evidence exists suggesting that critical thinking development, empowerment to challenge poor practice and improved decision making are outcomes of Master’s in nurses. Further work is needed to develop measurable criteria that demonstrate the value of master’s degree in nursing clinical outcomes.


  • Clark, L., Casey, D., & Morris, S. (2015). The value of Master’s degrees for registered nurses. British Journal Of Nursing, 24(6), 328-334. doi 10.12968/bjon.2015.24.6.328.
  • Bisognano, M. (2010). Nursing’s role in transforming healthcare. Nurses are rucial to closingquality-of-care gaps. Healthcare Executive, 25(2), 84.

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