NR 351 Week 2 Discussion iCARE Self-Assessment 1 (Graded)

Paper Instructions


As you embark on your BSN journey, self-assessment of your knowledge, skills, and abilities is essential. Download this iCARE Self-Assessment 1Links to an external site., save it to your computer or device, and type directly on the saved document. Carefully consider each area and mark appropriately. Save this document on your computer in a location where you can retrieve it for a future course.

After completed and saved, consider your areas of strength and areas for improvement. You do not need to submit or share the iCARE Self-Assessment 1 document in this discussion, but you do need to support your discussion with the required resources outlined each week in the discussion rubric (See below).

For this discussion, please do the following.

  1. Share details about one area from the iCARE Self-Assessment 1 where you have significant opportunity for improvement during your BSN program. How will you work to improve your own professionalism in this area?
  2. Share details about how you would like your instructors to demonstrate care for students while you are in your BSN program.

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In taking the iCARE Self-Assessment, I came to recognize that I have area to improve in taking time to care for myself in the work, home and school settings. In nursing professionalism, it is on that individual to understand the duties and responsibilities that come with being a nurse and one of these duties is to understand and acknowledge the relationship between self-care and taking care of one’s self in order to be able to provide quality care consistently and at its best (Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies, 2016).

A study was done which involved nursing students being tested to evaluate the correlation between having a developed self-care identity and level of care which they were providing. Conclusions to this study showed that nurses who valued their own health and met their self-care needs were 1, able to provide quality care to their patients on a consistent basis, and 2, were able to develop good coping skills or were less likely to develop negative coping skills when placed in stressful situations (Meadows, 1998).

I will work to plan time management ahead versus week-by-week now that I have added school into the mix. I also think this week’s assignment on time management will help me see clearer my dedicated time for school and work that time into my work schedules, family’s schedules, and time I make for myself.

I would like my instructors to show they care by encouraging me, guiding me and always being available to help if needed or as suggested in our text, “caring as an interpersonal interaction” (Hood, p. 24). I already have consistently felt that that my instructors encourage me and give me positive feedback and respect my thoughts in discussion boards.

  • Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies Registered Nurse. (Revised March 2016). Retrieved from https //
  • Meadows, Lois Casden. (May 1998). Integrating self-care into nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 37, 225-227. https //
  • Hood, Lucy. (2017). Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing, 9th Edition. [Vitalsource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from https //!/4/2/462/4/4@0 94.6

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