HUMN 303 Week 8 Essay – Interrelationships Reflection

Paper Instructions


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity;

  • Textbook Chapter 15
  • Lesson Week 1, 8
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source


As we learned in Week 1, there is a difference between being educated and simply trained. The purpose of education is not only to determine what someone can do, but also what kind of person they become as a result of their education. Studies in the humanities will advance the communication skills, empathy, self-awareness, judgment, and professionalism of students, and they help students with becoming skilled at the social and cultural context of working with people.

In addition, studying the humanities can help students in the following ways;

  • Literature can introduce students to life situations with which they may not be familiar.
  • Drama can teach oral communication.
  • Philosophy can teach skills of analysis and argument.
  • Art, literature, drama. and music are expressions of human creativity, and taking part in some form of artistic activity, either as reader or viewer, is part of what makes us human.

For this assignment, choose a work of art that made an impression on you during this course. Then, address the following;

  • Include an image of or link to the work.
  • Identify the artist, the title, date completed, and the medium.
  • Explain how learning about the work will help you in your life and career. Consider the context in which the work was created and the meaning of the work.
  • Explain how one or more specific disciplines (literature, drama, philosophy, art, music) influenced you.
  • Examine the effect that you think this class could have on your career and personal life.

Writing Requirements (APA format)


  • 2-2.5 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 1 scholarly source)


  • CO 2 Analyze the content, forms, and/or techniques of a work of art (e.g., architecture, fine art, literature, and/or drama).
  • CO 4 Classify works of art using different approaches (by discipline, genre, style, period, etc.) in order to contextualize the works and relate them to a variety of influences.
  • CO 6 Examine the relationship between aesthetics, art, and life.

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Interrelationships Reflection Essay on the Impact of Art and Humanities

Over this course, we have examined several kinds of artistic expression and their importance in forming our perspective of the world. Of the several pieces I looked through, Vincent van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” really spoke to me. Created in 1889 using oil on canvas, this famous painting enthralls spectators with its whirling night sky and energetic brushstrokes. It is ideal for contemplating the interrelationships of art, life, and professional growth.

Figure 1 Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh

The Impact of “The Starry Night” on Personal and Professional Life

Reading “The Starry Night” has given me insightful analysis that will help both now in my personal life and my future nursing career. Van Gogh’s battle with mental illness while imprisoned in an asylum provides potent evidence of human resiliency and inventiveness in the painting’s production setting (Albright & Huybers, 2023). This viewpoint is especially pertinent in nursing, where knowing patients’ emotional states and coping techniques is vital.

The painting’s ability to express strong emotions through vivid colors and energetic brushstrokes highlights the need for nonverbal communication. This knowledge will be helpful when dealing with patients who might find it difficult to communicate orally (Voskuil, 2020). It has also helped me improve my ability to see and decipher nonverbal cues for more all-encompassing treatment.

Moreover, van Gogh’s original portrayal of the night sky questions accepted ideas of reality and promoted critical thinking and the capacity to see past appearances. In the medical field, where diagnosis sometimes calls for going past visible symptoms to find underlying reasons, these are vital abilities (Lin, 2019). The dreamy character of the picture reminds medical practitioners to always probe more and explore several points of view since it reflects the complicated, often hidden aspects of human health and psychology.

Influence of Specific Humanities Disciplines

Several humanities disciplines have greatly affected my respect for “The Starry Night” and the learning process. Understanding the context and relevance of the painting depends on art history, which has taught me to consider the larger background of any scenario and developed my ability to consider socio-cultural aspects influencing healthcare. Through various humanities in understanding the picture, I have learned the importance of analyzing things thoroughly before making judgments.

Philosophical investigation has provided a structure for analyzing the picture’s surreal character and investigating more fundamental concerns of perception and reality. This analytical approach has sharpened my critical thinking abilities, which are vital in evidence-based nursing practice (Atkinson, 2020). It has also motivated me to challenge presumptions and consider ethical issues in healthcare decisions.

Reading has expanded my grasp of communication approaches by contrasting van Gogh’s visual storytelling with narrative devices in textual works. Writing patient care reports and presenting difficult medical knowledge will benefit greatly from this realization (Jain et al., 2022). Reading other literary works has improved my empathy, awareness of many points of view, and critical abilities for delivering culturally competent treatment.

The Effect of Humanities Studies on Career and Personal Life

This course has greatly enhanced my personal growth and professional opportunities. Studying several artistic forms will help me develop the empathy and cultural knowledge needed in my nursing profession, improving my capacity to deliver patient-centered care. The established critical analytical abilities will benefit clinical decision-making and problem-solving.
On a personal level, this course has inspired a desire for lifetime study and appreciation of the arts, offering fresh approaches to finding purpose and beauty in the world.

Schoch (2023) points out that the multidisciplinary character of humanities studies has strengthened the need for holistic thinking, which in healthcare refers to evaluating a patient’s medical symptoms and their emotional, cultural, and social settings. This all-encompassing viewpoint will help me address the patients’ demands and support general well-being, enabling more efficient and sympathetic treatment.


Examining “The Starry Night” and learning many humanities has been a transforming event. It has given me useful skills and viewpoints that will improve my personal life and nursing career. The knowledge acquired has given me a special toolkit for negotiating the complexity of life and healthcare, guaranteeing that I approach my profession and personal development with inventiveness, sensitivity, and a wide, multidisciplinary view.


  • Albright, A. L., & Huybers, P. (2023). Paintings by Turner and Monet depict trends in 19th-century air pollution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(6). https //
  • Atkinson, W. (2020). The sociogenesis of Vincent van Gogh’s fundamental artistic disposition. Cultural Sociology, 14(2), 123–138. https //
  • Jain, V., Zaydfudim, V., & Podboy, A. (2022). Vincent van Gogh’s “The Starry Abdomen.” Gastroenterology. https //
    Lin, H. (2019). Starry Nights Whitman, Epilepsy, and Van Gogh. Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, 36(2/3), 189–201. https //
  • Schoch, H. (2023). Grasping the complicity and multiplicity of Hamilton An American Musical Genre circulation and the politics of pop culture pedagogy. European Journal of American Studies, 18(1). https //
  • Voskuil, P. (2020). Vincent van Gogh and his illness. A reflection on a posthumous diagnostic exercise. Epilepsy & Behavior, 111, 107258. https //

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