Human Research Protection

Paper Instructions

During this course, you will learn the components required for a research study. Each week you will learn components of the research process through your readings and application of the knowledge gained to published research articles.

During this week, you are expected to examine the protection of human subjects in research from early research studies, through the development of research codes to current research standards. The aim is to familiarize you with the ethical issues associated with research and gain firsthand information of the processes used to protect research participants.


View each of the You Tube clips listed below

  • https // Caring Corrupted The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich
  • https // Research Ethics
  • https // Belmont Report Part 1
  • https // Belmont Report Part 2
  • https // IRB (Institutional Review Board)

After viewing each video, write two paragraphs about each video describing the purpose of the video and discussed one point from each video that you think is important regarding protecting human subjects in research and provided rationale. Your submission should be 400-500 words, using APA style.

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Cizik School of Nursing. (2017).

Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich. Retrieved from Youtube website https //

Researchers are expected to conform to the highest ethical standards when conducting medical experiments on human subjects. However, this documentary casts inhuman nurses who committed horrifying ethical violations in their practice by killing the vulnerable subject who were disabled, mentally ill, and infirm at the Third Reich’s behest, with an intention of creating a eugenic society (Cizik School of Nursing, 2017).

The key point here is that nurses should never lose bearings of professional compassion and responsibility. As a nurse, it is imperative to always strive ease suffering of the vulnerable people, maintaining moral order, and ethical compasses while dealing with human subjects (Cizik School of Nursing, 2017).

Daigle, D. (2014). Dr. delton daigle research ethics [Video file]. Retrieved from Youtube website https //
This video is centered on the research ethics. It highlights history of ethical research, cases that need regulations, and ensuing code of ethics that researchers need to follow. Some of the unethical behaviors in the history of ethical research started with the Nazi experiments and the Nuremberg Trails, which did not involve informed consent and the Tuskegee Syphilis study where African-American male were subjected to syphilis disease and forced or denied getting treatment despite the invention of the medication.

The outcry of the public due to these two incidences compelled to federal government to create regulatory principles. The Nazi experiment resulted in the Nuremberg Code, which requires seeking of participants’ voluntary consent and ensuring that the benefits of research outweigh the risks. Moreover, the National Research Act (NRA) of 1974 was created to address the unethical treatment of the study subjects (Daigle, 2014).

The key points derived here include ensuring voluntary consent of participants and ensuring that the benefits of research outweigh the risks. The NRA also proposed three principles of ethical treatment of human subjects that researchers should always remember while conducting researches.

They include respect for persons by ensuring informed consent and volunteerism, justice by ensuring fair distribution of benefits and risks, and beneficence by ensuring no harm to human subjects (Daigle, 2014). This information is critical in furthering the essence of ethical behaviors in performing research. The University of Michigan Medical School. (2011a). The Belmont Report Part One Basic Ethical Principles. Retrieved from Youtube website https //

This video is concerned with Belmont report, which responds to the Tuskegee syphilis study performed for a period of more than 40 by the US. In this study, African-American many males were subjected to syphilis disease and forced or denied getting treatment despite the invention of the medication (The University of Michigan Medical School, 2011a).

The important point regarding protection of human subjects derived from this video include respect for human subjects by treating them as autonomous and capable of making responsible choices. Researchers should also ensure beneficence to the human subjects by avoiding any harm to them, thus, ensuring their wellbeing.

Lastly, researchers should ensure justice through fair distribution of risks and benefits of research without creating differences based on ethnicity, race, sex, age, race, or class. The University of Michigan Medical School. (2011b). The Belmont Report Part Two Applying the Principles. Retrieved from Youtube website https //

This video is also about Belmont report on the Tuskegee syphilis study. However, it is concerned with application of general principles of research performance.
The key point here concerning protection of human subjects is that research should consider three major requirements including seeking informed consent by giving participants opportunity to choose what will and will not happen to them.

The other requirements include evaluation of risks and benefits, and selection of subjects based on fair procedures and outcomes (The University of Michigan Medical School, 2011b). ohns Hopkins. (2015). Guiding Principles of Institutional Review Boards (IRB). Retrieved from Youtube website https //
In this video, Johns Hopkins experts delves into the history of IRB, which was initiated in the year 1974 after signing of the National Research Act into law.

The crucial role of IRB is to ensure human subjects of research (Johns Hopkins, 2015). The key points on protection of human subjects that can be derived here include respect for persons by seeking their informed consent, risk and benefits analysis, and justice and fairness.


  • Cizik School of Nursing. (2017). Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich. Retrieved from Youtube website https //
  • Daigle, D. (2014). Dr. delton daigle research ethics [Video file]. Retrieved from Youtube website https //
    Johns Hopkins. (2015). Guiding Principles of Institutional Review Boards (IRB). Retrieved from Youtube website https //
  • The University of Michigan Medical School. (2011a). The Belmont Report Part One Basic Ethical Principles. Retrieved from Youtube website https //
  • The University of Michigan Medical School. (2011b). The Belmont Report Part Two Applying the Principles. Retrieved from Youtube website https //

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