HIST 405 Week 2 Discussion 2 Confederation and Constitution

Paper Instructions

Initial Post

For the initial post, address the following;

  • Pick two (2) issues of the Articles of Confederation and describe the main problems that the United States was faced with under the Federation government.
  • Analyze two major debates (see textbook Section 7.4) by which the Constitution was created in the summer of 1787.

Then, address one (1) of the following to your initial post;

  • Discuss the ratification process of the Constitution of 1787.
  • How did ratification lead to the formation of America’s first two political parties, the Federalists and Anti-Federalist?
  • What were the major differences between the Federalist and Anti-Federalist, and who were the best-known members of each party?

Follow-Up Posts

Compare your selections and analysis of those selections with those of your peers. If they chose a different perspective, examine how yours are similar and/or different. If they chose the same perspective, build on their posts by providing additional information about the events that you have not already noted in your own post.

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The articles of the Confederation had several issues including in inability to impose a tax or regulate foreign commerce and each state had one representative or vote regardless of the size or population. Any issue required to be settled needed 9 out of 13 majority votes to pass leaving it almost impossible to get anything done.

This led to two ideals or parties emerging as the need for a balanced government was recognized the people did not want to be under the same conditions as having a King. This led to the ratification of the Constitution. U.S History (2014)

Alexander Hamilton was a well-known federalist that lobbied for more government power and oversight over the states. Samuel Adams was an anti-federalist who believed the government the federalist wanted would be too strong and not consider the needs of the people such as the farmers.

  • https //www.constitutionfacts.com/us-articles-of-confederation/the-great-debate Links to an external site.
  • U.S History (2014) Retrieved from https //openstax.org/books/us-history/Links to an external site.

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