Health Promotion Plan Nursing Care Plan

Paper Instructions

This assignment assesses intended course outcome(s):

Use information found in Tina’s health histories, genograms, and assessments to formulate an individualized plan of nursing care that focuses on the Tina’s individual health promotion and disease prevention needs

Students will use the information found in Tina’s history, physical exam, and problem list to formulate an individualized health promotion and disease prevention plan of care.

Recommendations should be evidence-based and from credible sources. The readings in module eight contains some suggested sources for obtaining health and screening recommendations for your patient.

The plan for addressing the health promotion and disease prevention needs for your patient should include:


  • Age, gender and race of patient
  • Education level (health literacy)
  • Access to health care

Insurance/Financial status

  • Is the patient able to afford medications and health diet, and other out-of-pocket expenses?

Screening/Risk Assessment

  • Identified health concerns based on screening assessments and demographic information


  • What is the patients activity level, is the environment where the patient lives safe for activity
  • Nutrition recommendations based on age, race gender and pre-existing medical conditions
  • Activity recommendations

Social Support

  • Support systems, family members, community resources

Health Maintenance

  • Recommended health screening based on age, race, gender and pre-existing medical conditions

Patient Education

  • Identified knowledge deficit areas/patient education needs (medication teaching etc).
  • Self-care needs/ Activities of daily living

The paper should be written and referenced.

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The patient, Tina Jones, is 28 years of age. She is an African-American female patient who presents to the facility for a physical assessment owing to a job that she has been offered. Ms. Jones has a college degree that she is currently pursuing. As such, the patient is literate based on her education level. Given her level of education, Tina Jones has the capacity to explain the information given to her in an easier manner, which is a fundamental component of health literacy (Hersh, Salzman, & Snyderman, 2015).

Tina Jones reports that she received her meningococcal vaccine while in college, which is a testament to her health literacy. The patient is also currently undertaking a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, which supports her literacy credentials. Further, she has engaged in complex healthy activities such as limiting the amount of fizzy drinks that she takes while also undertaking exercises, which are fundamental to living a healthy lifestyle.

All these are manifestations of her education level, which points to the fact the she is literate when it comes to her health.

Tina Jones has limited access to health care as seen by her visit to the Shadow Health Clinic. Moreover, she had visited some gynecologist some months before, which also points to her capacity to access health care. Further, Tina Jones is literate, which phenomenon positively influences one’s ability to access important facets of health care.

Insurance/ Financial Status

Tina Jones should have the capacity to afford medications, and health diet as well as additional out of pocket expenses. Her comprehensive assessment revealed that Tina Jones is already exercising healthy eating habits as demonstrated by her breakfast, lunch and supper behaviors. The subjective data from her questioning revealed that she is ideally capable of other expenses owing to her position as a supervisor at Mid-American Copy and Ship.

Moreover, the information reveals that Tina Jones receives insurance from her company, albeit in basic terms. However, she cannot manage the out of pocket expenses since she reports that the costs therein are deterrent. Therefore, Tina Jones insurance status implies that she is able to partially afford healthcare.

Screening/ Risk Assessment

The comprehensive assessment of the patient revealed certain screening/ risks that she has to handle carefully. It was discovered that the patient failed to attend regular diabetic clinic checkups. These clinics are fundamental to the assessment of associated complications to diabetes such as retinopathy as well as neuropathy. The assessments also uncovered that the patient has a high intake of the diet Coke as demonstrated by the fact that she takes 2 of them per day.

The drink possesses a high level of caffeine as well as artificial sweeteners. These contents create a health risk for the diabetic patient since it increases the levels of sugar in their blood. Moreover, Tins Jones smokes pot for recreation purposes. The behavior might occasion a worsening of her asthmatic attacks, raise her blood pressure, and also lead to poor perfusion within the lower extremities of the patient. Therefore, all these are risk factors caused by her behaviors and they should be examined.

Nutrition/ Activity

Tina Jones engages in physical activities that includes swimming as well as walking for 30-40 minutes. The frequency of these activities is 4-5 times weekly. The patient also stays in a single home with her mother and other family members after the death of her father. The environment may not be conducive for supporting exercise due to the fact that the house may be overpopulated.

The age, female gender, and the existence of diabetes and allergic reactions may influence the nutritional requirements of the patient. Given that she is diabetic; the patient is required to eat food with low calories (Powers et al., 2017). To this end, Tina Jones is expected to consume a healthy diet consisting of vegetables and fruits. The elimination of junk foods and the diet sodas from her diet alongside the introduction of healthy snacks are important in maintaining her blood glucose levels.

The patient is already undertaking swimming and walking exercises at least five times per week (Wittink & Oosterhaven, 2018). However, given her condition, she should increase the frequency of these exercise to daily. The duration of the exercises should be 30 minutes to one hour so that she does not suffer from hypoglycemia as a result of over exercising.

Social Support

Tina Jones has an impressive social support system. Due to the death of her father, she moved back to stay with her family. She reports that she has a string family support system. Moreover, the patient has a string social support system. She spends most of her time with friends while also attending Bible studies. Moreover, Tina Jones reported that she volunteers and dances in her church. Her being active in church is thus indicative of a string social support system.

The presence of these systems is also supported by her assertion that they aid her in coping with stress, which is fundamental for her mental health status.

Health Maintenance

Tina Jones is diabetic, reacts to certain allergens and has a family history of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Given her diabetic condition, Tina Jones is at risk of cerebrovascular disease due to high blood pressure. Thus, checking her on the presence of the two conditions is important. Further, Tina Jones should be screened for neuropathy and lymphadenopathy, which are comorbidities to diabetes (Hersh, Salzman, & Snyderman, 2015).

Moreover, African-Americans of Tina Jones’ age are predisposed to certain types of cancers hence she should be screened for the HPV and high cholesterol.

Patient Education

Tina Jones is generally literate owing to her college level education. She understands most of the health aspects of her conditions and strives to follow instructions. This is manifested in her health-seeking behaviors such as going to gynecological examination and monitoring her diabetes well. However, Tina Jones still has limitations in certain health spheres. She is supposed to be taught on the need and benefits of smoking cessation.

She does not understand the impact of the phenomenon on asthma and other respiratory conditions. Moreover, she requires self-education on the management of asthma inclusive of demonstrating the usage of inhalers. Tina Jones should also be educated on the benefits of having regular high blood pressure screening since she has diabetes. Also, the prevention of foot ulcers and lowering future amputation risks need to be impressed upon Tina Jones.

This means that asking her to attend regular neurological examinations to examine for neurological complications of diabetes is critical to the patient (Bonner, Foster, & Spears-Lanoix, 2016). Therefore, whereas Tina Jones has demonstrated competence in managing the conditions that she has, she still has some educational needs that a nurse should consider important.


  • Bonner, T., Foster, M., & Spears-Lanoix, E. (2016). Type 2 diabetes-related foot care knowledge and foot self-care practice interventions in the United States a systematic review of the literature. Diabetic foot & ankle, 7(1), 29758.
  • Hersh, L., Salzman, B., & Snyderman, D. (2015). Health Literacy in Primary Care Practice. American family physician, 92(2).
  • Powers, M. A., Bardsley, J., Cypress, M., Duker, P., Funnell, M. M., Fischl, A. H., Maryniuk, M.D., Siminerio, L., & Vivian, E. (2017). Diabetes self-management education and support in type 2 diabetes a joint position statement of the American Diabetes Association, the American Association of Diabetes Educators, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Diabetes Educator, 43(1), 40-53.
  • Wittink, H., & Oosterhaven, J. (2018). Patient education and health literacy. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 38, 120-127.

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