Health Care Agendas

Paper Instructions

Consider the following scenario You are a campaign manager or the advisor on health care for a political candidate. The candidate has different views than you do about what should be on the agenda.

Respond to the following questions:

  • How would you strategize a health care agenda for the future?
  • How will this agenda impact health care policy?
  • How would you gather the support needed?
  • What data would you need to support this agenda?
  • What is your target population?
  • What strategy would your use to communicate this agenda on the Internet or social media?
  • How will you advocate for nursing?

Submit your overview in this method

  • 12-15 slide presentation

Cite at least three scholarly articles, one of which can be Health Policy and Politics, to support your findings.

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The current healthcare landscape in America is characterized by the challenges of inadequate access to high quality and affordable care. A majority of the citizens experience challenges in accessing the care they need due to high costs of care. There is also the evidence that most of the citizens from the ethnic minority groups are uninsured. These issues hinder the realization of healthcare equity and equality for the American citizens. It is therefore important that an approach to increasing access to care and affordability be adopted.

One of the anticipated effective strategies is the creation of permanent and sustainable Federal reinsurance program. The program would ensure that the number of citizens who are insured increases significantly. It will also lower the costs of healthcare that the citizens experience. My political candidate however does not support this view. As a result, strategies to increase its relevance should be adopted.

How to Strategize Healthcare Agendas for the Future

Creation of healthcare agendas for the future requires that the strategic goals align with the mission of health organizations in the state. The focus of almost all health organizations in America is on ensuring that services meet the diverse needs of their populations. The needs of the target populations differ based on factors such as socio-demographic, political, and economic factors. The goals of the strategies that are embraced should therefore encapsulate the future needs of health organizations for it to be successful. The second approach is focusing on strategy sustainability.

The agendas should not only target short and medium term goals. They should be long-term in nature. They should also stand the test of time as evidenced by their ability to address unforeseen needs in the healthcare market. The other aspect is understanding the market needs (Alvinius, 2017). The agendas should ensure that the actual as well as the perceived needs of the healthcare markets are met. The adopted agendas should enable flexibility, as a way of fitting into unexpected changes in healthcare markets.

The healthcare agendas should also focus on creating high value system for healthcare delivery. Healthcare agenda for the future should be supported by elements such as compliance, cost accounting, and value driven service delivery in health organizations. The system delivery in health organization should focus on optimizing the health outcomes with minimal use of the existing resources for healthcare. The other approach to strategize health agendas of the future is through structuring of the service provision in healthcare around consumers of health and health needs.

The consumers of health services drive the agenda that need to be embraced in any system of healthcare delivery. Similarly, healthcare agendas should focus on addressing the critical healthcare needs in a population. It is therefore important that the discrete organization of health services be centered around consumers of healthcare alongside their health-related needs. The last approach to strategizing health agendas of the future is focusing on the promotion of efficiency in healthcare (Alvinius, 2017). The efficiency should be transferred up to the consumers of healthcare as evidenced by the minimal costs incurred in seeking healthcare.

Impact of Healthcare Agendas on Health Care Policy

The proposed agenda will influence health care policy in a number of ways. Firstly, it will increase the need for the adoption of strategies that will minimize resource use in health organizations. The change will imply that the spending in health organizations and public health issues will be regulated due to efficiency in resource utilization. The agenda will also create incentives for the healthcare providers to ensure accountability in patient care. This change is attributed to the anticipated increased utilization of healthcare services by the population.

As a result, the need for professional accountability for patient care, resource use and outcomes will increase significantly. The proposed agenda will also strengthen the creation of effective infrastructure for health organizations. Since the agenda strives for the creation of value driven systems of health delivery, health organizations will be forced to adopt effective approaches of service delivery that are efficient in nature.

Strategies for Gathering Support

One of the strategies that can be used to gather support for the proposed health agenda is creating awareness. The target populations should be made to understand the significance and need for the agenda. This objective can be achieved by providing them with facts on the current situation of the problem, impact on healthcare, and ways in which the agenda solves the identified issues. Creating awareness increases the possibility of the support for the agenda by the target audience. The other strategy is providing the target populations with incentives.

The adopters or target population should be motivated to adopt the health agenda. Incentives such as the provision of reading materials for the target population is important in increasing the support for the agenda. The target populations should also be invited for paid conferences where the issues related to the health agenda are discussed. The other strategy to gather support is through aligning the goals and objectives of the agenda with the expectations of the target populations. As identified earlier, the health agenda should address the prioritized needs of the target audience (Mason et al., 2020). The alignment with the identified needs is important since it increases the relevance and the need for the agenda, hence, optimum support from the adopters.

The other strategy that can be used to gather support is the promotion of transparency. The processes that are utilized to adopt the health agendas should be transparent. The target populations should be made aware of the decision-making processes that were utilized alongside resource utilization and need. Leadership transparency is therefore important in obtaining optimum support from the target audience. The other strategy is focusing on addressing the needs of the target audience in all the stages of adopting the healthcare agenda.

The key players of the health agenda should ensure that the strategies that are embraced target the specific needs of the target populations. For example, it would be important to train them on the importance of the healthcare agenda prior to its introduction. The other strategy is active collaboration. The target populations should be actively involved in the exploration of the policy and its effectiveness. The views of the target populations should be taken into consideration in the decision-making processes. Therefore, active collaboration empowers them to take responsibility for the success of the health agenda.

The other strategy that is effective in gathering the support needed for the healthcare agenda is open communication. The key players and stakeholders to be affected by the agenda should be provided with opportunities to share their experiences, needs, and concerns. There should be open communication channels where the senior officials in the agenda share their insights with the other members. The communication approach should encourage open-sharing of ideas among the adopters.

Open communication builds trust among the participants, hence, strong support for the agenda. The target population should also be provided with feedback on a regular basis. The feedback should focus on their achievements, weakness, threats, and opportunities for the agenda. Regular feedback informs the needed improvement strategies, hence, optimal support. There is also the need to encourage local discussions for the agenda. Public participation forums can be used to increase awareness and support for the agenda (Mason et al., 2020). It also builds the base for the agenda, hence, the increased possibility of its support.

Data Needed to Support the Agenda

Facts should be presented to the target audience for it to get the support it needs. There is therefore the need to provide a wide range of data to support it. One of the is vital statistics. Vital statistics such as morbidity, mortality, and incidence rate about health problems that the agenda targets can be provided to support it. The data clarifies the urgency of the agenda, hence, optimum stakeholder support. The other data is that related to disease burden. The agenda should aim at eliminating the burden of disease to not only the vulnerable populations but also the general population too. For example, it is important that the agenda addresses the disease burden due to the influence of factors such as ethnicity, level of education, and employment status.

The other data that is needed to support the agenda is financial costs of care. The information on the cost implications of the current policies on healthcare organizations and patients should be provided. This information is needed to support the urgency in the need for the adoption of the health agenda. The other information to support the agenda is recommendations from experts in the field or policies related to the agenda. Experts provide insights into the effectiveness and the need of the agenda in addressing identified health issues. They also provide recommendations on the manner in which the agenda might be implemented.

Data from local, federal, and national guidelines on health agenda can also be used. The data from the guidelines can be used to align the aims of the agenda with the critical needs of the population. The last data that is needed relates to the readiness of the stakeholders for the agenda. The targeted stakeholders should understand the need and effectiveness of the agenda. They should understand the mechanisms that should be placed to ensure the success of the agenda. Therefore, data on their readiness can be used to support the agenda.

Target Population

The target population for the agenda include the healthcare providers. The healthcare providers will be needed to create awareness about the agenda and its significance to the population. They will also provide expert information on the manner in which the goals of the agenda can be achieved effectively. Politicians is the other target group for the agenda. They are the critical personnel involved in making policies that relate to healthcare. The general population is the other target for the agenda. The agenda aims at improving the health and wellbeing of the population by minimizing the costs of care while optimizing on the outcomes of care.

Strategy for Communicating Agenda

The internet will be used for communicating the agenda. This will include the use of blogs to create public awareness. Social media sites will also be used to reach a wider population. These sites will be used to also obtain feedback from the target populations concerning the agenda. Print media will also be used to communicate the agenda. This will include the use of magazines and newspapers to reach a wider population. Therefore, a combination of these methods will increase the size population that is informed about the need for the agenda.

Approaches to Advocating for Nursing

One of the advocacy approaches that will be utilized in nursing is case advocacy. Case advocacy focuses on empowering the patients or clients served by the nurses. The nurses play an active role in involving their populations about the need for the agenda and ways in which it can be implemented successfully in their settings. The second advocacy approach is class advocacy. This type of advocacy adopts a political approach to advocacy in nursing. The nurses move beyond empowering the patients to changing their healthcare systems to promote the effective adoption of the agenda. They transform their existing institutional policies, laws, and patterns of resource use as a way of aligning them with the agenda.

There is also the use of evidence-based data to advocate the agenda in nursing. Facts about the need and effectiveness of the agenda based on studies are presented to the relevant stakeholders. This influences the adoption of the health agenda (Stanhope et al., 2019).  Locality development is another advocacy approach in nursing. It entails the nurses working together with the communities to safeguard their interest. This approach works by ensuring that the agenda addresses the unique needs of the communities. Through it, community-centered health agendas are developed. The other advocacy approach is social planning. The use of social planning approach takes the resource allocation in diverse communities into consideration.

The nurses utilize this approach by ensuring that resources are distributed according to need in the agenda. It therefore implies that communities with high disease burden benefit more from the agenda than those with minimal burden of the disease. The last advocacy approach is social action. In this strategy, the nurses assist the target audiences in expressing their views. They also guide them in the analysis of the agenda and reframing it to address their needs. Through these methods, healthcare agenda get the support it needs from the diverse populations due to the roles played by the nurses.


  • Alvinius, A. (Ed.). (2017). Contemporary Leadership Challenges. BoD–Books on Demand.
  • Mason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H., & O’Grady, E. T. (2020). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Stanhope, M., Faan, R. D., Lancaster, J., & Faan, R. P. (2019). Public Health Nursing E-Book Population-Centered Health Care in the Community. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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