HCA 545 Organization Structure Analysis

Paper Instructions


1. Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that addresses the following:

  • Describe an effective organization’s management structure according to the content provided.
  • Compare this structure with that of your organization.
  • Identify change management structures and procedures in place to face challenges that inevitably
  • What procedures would your organization follow if, for instance, a key figure such as the CEO,
    CFO, etc. should announce his/her resignation? What would you do differently?
  • Identify at least three challenges presented by the 2010 Health Reform Bill and how your
    organization has or should address them.

2. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

3. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment;therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

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Effective management of the existing organizational resources is one of the drivers of organizational success. Often, managers strive to ensure that the existing resources are utilized efficiently to optimize the expected goals of care. This entails the utilization of effective organizational structures that are responsive to both internal and external factors influencing the performance of health organizations.

Therefore, this discussion question examines the various aspects of organization structure analysis including effective organizational management structures, their comparison with that of my organization, change management structures and procedures, and challenges presented by the 2010 Health Reform Bill and its influence on my organization.

Effective Organization’s Management Structure

Effective organization’s management structures have several characteristics. One of them is the existence of high performance culture in them. These organizations have a culture of high performance that is deeply embedded in its processes. The culture can be seen in various organizational aspects such as values, beliefs, policies, and assumptions that guide the execution of various organizational tasks. The strong focus of the organizational stakeholders on high performance implies that they have learned the different ways in which they can respond to internal and external influences.

The organizations with high performance cultures also have uniform ways in which organizational tasks are undertaken. The uniformity implies that all the employees in the organization know the manner in which issues are solved, hence, minimal time wastage in getting things done (Kaliprasad, 2011). Consequently, expected high performance exists in these organizations.

Moreover, an effective organization management structure is also characterized by a strong focus on competence, control, and active stakeholder collaboration. The organizations exercising it are highly focused on ensuring that the employees have the right knowledge, skills, and experience that would drive the needed success. They are also driven by achievements rather than competition. As a result, their employees are oriented towards achieving the set organizational goals.

There is also a significant level of control in these organizations. Effective systems, processes, as well as procedures have been developed to guide the execution of tasks in such organizations. Further, there is also a strong focus on collaboration rather than individuality (Romano, 2017). The organizational goals are achieved collectively rather than through independent efforts of the employees.

An effective organization’s management structure is also characterized by significant flexibility. The managers do not assume the authoritative responsibility of making organizational decisions. Instead, inputs from employees are incorporated into the decisions that are embraced in the organization.

The employees are also free to express their ideas and concerns and can challenge unsupported actions in the organization (Tetteh & Chapman, 2018). These aspects make these organizations highly flexible, thereby, their effective response to internal and external influences in their markets.

Comparison with My Organization

There exist significant similarities between the above characteristics of effective organization’s management structure with those of the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center where I work. One of the similarities is the fact that our organization has a high performing organizational culture. The employees have been made to understand that they are part of the success of the organization. The management has embraced structures that focus on continuous quality improvement.

The aims of the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center have been communicated in its mission and vision statements. As a result, there is a significant alignment between the roles and responsibilities of the employees with the mission and vision of the organization. There is also a strong focus on promoting competence and active collaboration in the hospital. The management is dedicated towards ensuring that the right opportunities for professional growth and development are provided to the employees.

For instance, we are provided with regular training opportunities that have improved our knowledge, skills and competencies in the provision of healthcare. Therefore, safety, quality, and efficiency in healthcare have been enhanced significantly. There is also active stakeholder collaboration in our organization. Most of the organization’s activities are undertaken in teams. This has improved the efficiency in which organizational tasks are done (Tetteh & Chapman, 2018).

Therefore, there are significant similarities between the above characteristics of effective organization’s management with the one for the organization I work with. There exists one difference between an effective organization’s management structures with that of Mat-Su Regional Medical Center. There is little focus placed on the contribution of the employees in the decisions made in the latter. Generally, most of the organizational decisions are made by the management.

Hence, there is minimal involvement of the other organizational stakeholders who implement the decisions. This approach to management often results in undesired organizational outcomes such as poor execution of organizational strategy and resistance to change among the implementers (Moretti, 2017). Therefore, this aspect should be addressed for effective management of organization’s structure in my hospital.

Change Management Structures and Procedures

Changes are inevitable in organizations. Therefore, organizations must come up with structures and policies that are utilized to respond to unexpected changes in their markets. One of the change management structures that are utilized to respond to unexpected change in our organization is training of employees. Employees are provided up-to-date training on the ways to address the changes in healthcare.

The management also constantly seeks for new opportunities for addressing to not only the current issues in healthcare but also future needs of the diverse population (Tang, Yin, & Ullah, 2018). Through training, the employees have the competence that is needed to respond to unplanned change.

The other change management structure that has been put in place is the utilization of transformational leadership. According to Moretti (2017), transformational leadership focuses on ensuring that the organization does not resist changes in its environment but embrace and grow with them. The leadership of an organization focuses on ensuring that the long-term goals of the organization are achieved with the adoption of strategic interventions that align with the vision and mission of the organization.

There is also a strong focus on ensuring that new ways of doing things are explored for flexibility. Over time, the organizational stakeholders learn about ways of responding to change, hence, the use of this leadership style to address unplanned changes in the organization.

Procedures that are utilized in responding to unexpected change also exist in the organization. Firstly, the management of the organization must determine the change and aligning with the goals of the organization. The second step entails determining the impacts of the change on the existing organizational processes. This aids in the determination of the resources that would be needed in addressing the change. The third step entails the creation of a communication approach.

The organizational stakeholders must be made aware about the change, its impacts, and the need for responsive strategies. The fourth step entails providing the employees with the right training to respond to the change. The fifth step entails the implementation of a structure that will address the change. Lastly, the support structure is monitored and evaluated to determine its effectiveness in responding to the unplanned change (Tang et al., 2018). Therefore, combining these procedures and management structures enhance the capabilities of the organization in responding to the change.

Steps on Resignation

There exist steps that are followed if the CEO of our organization resigns. Firstly, the board of management must convene a meeting to decide on the way forward after the resignation. This is followed by the board members announcing to the public the resignation of the CEO. The planning of the communication often takes time since the outgoing CEO must be consulted in the process.

The content of the announcement may consist of aspects such as announcing the departure of the CEO, recognizing the contributions of the CEO to the organization, and the steps that would follow. The second step that is followed in our organization is the board members working with the human resources department to come up with the search process for a new CEO.

They develop various aspects related to the search process such as the profile of the organization, profile of the candidate, screening procedure, and ways of conducting the interview. The search will be compiled and communicated to the public to attract suitable candidates. Interviews will then be conducted and best-fit candidate hired. Orientation will be provided to the selected candidate upon their confirmation of the letter of offer (BUCKLEY, 2016).

One of the things I would do differently is trying obtaining feedback from the outgoing CEO on the ways in which the incoming CEO can be supported to improve his or her performance better.

Challenges of 2010 Health Reform Bill

One of the challenges of 2010 Health Reform Bill is the issue of regulating healthcare costs. The adoption of the bill implied that health organizations were required to embrace strategies such as health information records to safeguard the privacy of patients’ data. Our hospital has addressed the issue of healthcare costs by focusing on interventions such as training its employees and rewarding them to reduce unnecessary costs attributed to high turnover rates.

The other challenge is the increasing patient population utilizing healthcare services. The implementation of the bill resulted in an expansion of the population under medical insurance scheme. While this increase might be beneficial to hospitals, it mounted significant pressure on them to improve the quality of care irrespective of patient population. Therefore, our hospital intends to address this challenge by opening subsidiary branches across the US to meet the needs of the increasing population utilizing its services.

The last challenge is ensuring that care that meets the set standards of care for it to receive reimbursement from insurance firms (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2017). The hospital is addressing this challenge by hiring highly qualified personnel and training its employees on modern ways of addressing the healthcare needs of different populations.


  • BUCKLEY, J. (2016). EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE GUIDE 2017 edition. Place of publication not identified WOLTERS KLUWER LAW & BUS.
  • Kaliprasad, M. (2011). The human factor II Creating a high performance culture in an organization. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 39(1), 25-35.
  • Moretti, A. (2017). The Network Organization A Governance Perspective on Structure, Dynamics and Performance. Cham Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Romano, L. (2017). Project portfolio management strategies for effective organizational operations. Pennsylvania Hershey, IGI Global.
  • Tang, D., Yin, L., & Ullah, I. (2018). Matrix-based Product Design and Change Management. Singapore Springer Singapore.
  • Teitelbaum, J. B., & Wilensky, S. E. (2017). Essentials of health policy and law Includes the 2018 annual health reform update. Burlington, MA Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Tetteh, E. G., & Chapman, H. (2018). Lean six sigma for optimal system performance in manufacturing and service organizations Emerging research and opportunities. Hershey, PA, USA IGI Global, Business Science Reference.

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