HCA 205 Week 4 Discussion 1 Role Playing Case Study

Paper Instructions

Review the Health Care Roles Gallery Tour from Week Two, taking note of the information under your assigned role for this discussion. Your role is assigned below according to the first initial of your last name. See the table below.
In this discussion, imagine that your organization or facility is changing from paper medical records to electronic health records. While staying within your assigned role;

  • Demonstrate how you would participate in this change (e.g., identify your needs, state your concerns and complaints, and describe your specific role in the transformation).
  • Examine the ethical and legal issues that you would identify from the perspective of your role.
  • Describe how you would approach at least one of your identified ethical or legal concerns during this transfer to EHRs.

Put your assigned role in the subject line of your discussion post.

Assigned roles according to first initial of last name

First Initial of Last Name   Health Care Role 
A-B   Medical and health services manager
C-D Receptionist
E-F  Physician and surgeon
G-H  Physician assistant
I-J  Registered nurse
K-L  Nurse practitioner
M-N  Medical assistant
O-P Health educator
Q-S  Information technologist
T-V  Medical records and health technician
W-X  Medical coding
Y-Z  Medical billing

Guided Response

Respond to at least two classmates who were assigned different roles than you were, discuss an alternative solution to their identified ethical or legal concerns. Examine how EHRs would either help or hinder their concern.

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As a Nurse Practitioner, my participation in changing paper medical records to electronic health records would be crucial for the success of the conversion. I would participate in this change by presenting the importance of communication between, me, the patients and other people that I work with ( Doctors, Nurses, CMA, etc.).

NPs provide primary health care to a variety of population(children, adults and old patients) and the team care should be able to contact one another and share some information about patients. It could be dangerous if for some reasons one of the team care members is not able to access patients information. One of my concerns that I will mention will be the safety of patients information.

Since many people are used to paper medical records, some will forget to lock their computers before leaving their desks, and a malicious person, for example, may access the patient’s information. My role in this transformation will be to learn more about the EHC and educated my team so that patients information do not fall into wrong hands.

The ethical and legal issues that I would identify would be some colleagues accessing patients chart for personal reasons. It would be easy for a coworker to access a patient chart from his/her desk, and it would be unethical and illegal if he/she accesses the chart of his/her neighbor or friend that came to seek medical care.

Another unethical and illegal issue would be people not charting patient information accurately. I would approach the ethical or legal concerns that I mentioned by reminding everybody that patients are our priority and by taking the time to evaluate patients’ charts to see how medical results have been documented and I would look for unusual trends.


  • Batnitzky, A., Hayes, D., & Vinall, P.E. (2018). The U.S. healthcare system An introduction [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https //content.ashford.edu/Links to an external site.Links to an external site.

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