HCA 205 Week 3 Discussion Healthcare Delivery

Paper Instructions

This week we discuss the levels of care in the U.S. healthcare system. There are three delivery mode options. The delivery mode you will be discussing depends on the first initial of your last name. See the table below.

Guided Responses

Those who are assigned to Delivery Mode 1 will respond to those who responded to Delivery Modes 2 and 3, Delivery Mode 2 will respond to those in Delivery Mode 1 and 3, and Delivery Mode 3 will respond to those in Delivery Modes 1 and 2.

Review the six concerns listed in each of your classmates’ discussions.

  • Select two concerns within each post and examine how stakeholders in their specific delivery mode might address two of them.

Students with last names starting with A–H are assigned to Delivery Mode 1—long-term care—throughout this discussion; submit rebuttals to each of the other modes.

Students with last names starting with I–P are assigned to Delivery Mode 2—mental health—throughout this discussion; submit rebuttals to each of the other modes.

Students with the last names starting with Q–Z are assigned to Delivery Mode 3—integrative care—throughout this discussion; submit rebuttals to each of the other modes.

Delivery Mode 1 Long-Term Care (last names A-H)

Examine this mode of delivery and address the following elements in your discussion.

Describe the type of care this option provides. Consider the following:

  • Who is the target client?
  • What professionals work within that mode?
  • What does this mode offer in terms of care?
  • What are the expected outcomes?

Discuss at least two specific issues or concerns that affect the delivery of care for each of the following categories listed below (a total of six concerns):

  • Legal and regulatory
  • Ethical
  • Social

Guided Responses

Those who are assigned to Delivery Mode 1 will respond to those responding to Delivery Modes 2 and 3, Delivery Mode 2 will respond to those in Delivery Modes 1 and 3, and Delivery Mode 3 will respond to those in Delivery Modes 1 and 2.

Review the six concerns listed in each of your classmates’ discussions. Select two concerns within each post and examine how stakeholders in their specific delivery mode might address two of them.

Delivery Mode 2 Mental Health (last names I-P)

Examine this mode of delivery and address the following elements in your discussion

Describe the type of care this option provides. Consider the following;

  • Who is the target client?
  • What professionals work within that mode?
  • What does this mode offer in terms of care?
  • What are the expected outcomes?

Discuss at least two specific issues or concerns that affect the delivery of care for each of the following categories listed below (a total of six concerns)

  • Legal and regulatory
  • Ethical
  • Social

Guided Responses

Those who are assigned to Delivery Mode 1 will respond to those responding to Delivery Modes 2 and 3, Delivery Mode 2 will respond to those in Delivery Modes 1 and 3, and Delivery Mode 3 will respond to those in Delivery Modes 1 and 2.

Review the six concerns listed in each of your classmates’ discussions. Select two concerns within each post and examine how stakeholders in their specific delivery mode might address two of them.

Delivery Mode 3 Integrative Care (last names Q-Z)

Examine this mode of delivery and address the following elements in your discussion

Describe the type of care this option provides. Consider the following;

  • Who is the target client?
  • What professionals work within that mode?
  • What does this mode offer in terms of care?
  • What are the expected outcomes?

Discuss at least two specific issues or concerns that affect the delivery of care for each of the following categories listed below (a total of six concerns)

  • Legal and regulatory
  • Ethical
  • Social

Guided Responses

Those who are assigned to Delivery Mode 1 will respond to those responding to Delivery Modes 2 and 3, Delivery Mode 2 will respond to those in Delivery Modes 1 and 3, and Delivery Mode 3 will respond to those in Delivery Modes 1 and 2.

Review the six concerns listed in each of your classmates’ discussions. Select two concerns within each post and examine how stakeholders in their specific delivery mode might address two of them.

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Delivery Mode 2 Mental Health (Kemayou)

The target client

Mental illnesses affect individuals of any age, race, and religion, but it is more prevalent amount adults aged 18-25.

What Professionals work that work within that mode?

  • Psychiatrist ( Diagnoses and treats mentally ill patients)
  • Psychologist ( Diagnoses and provide group therapy to an individual)
  • Licensed counselor ( Diagnoses and proves group counseling to an individual)

What does this mode offer in terms of care?

  • Pharmacologic care.
  • Individual, group, family and cognitive behavioral.
  • Marriage and family therapists and mental Health Counselors care

These two types of care play a significant role in mental health and help patients, couples, and families to control emotional disorders and issues.

Expected outcomes

  • Increased risk of severe mental illness.
  • A significant rate of high school dropout among student with a mental health illness (14 and older ).
  • Increase the suicide rate ( 15 to 24 years of age).
  • The number of young adults with mental illness is expected to increase to about 12 million by 2020.
  • The number of persons aged 65 or older with mental illness is likely to grow to 11 million by 2020.

Specific issues or concerns that affect the delivery of care

Legal and regulatory

Making health care mandatory for someone can change the delivery of care for that individual. I heard a story about a lady that showed signs of mental health issues, and her family( Husband, parents, friends) tried without success to convince her to go to the hospital. When the situation reached a certain level, her husband got a court notice that gave him the right to take his wife to the hospital against her will.

The delivery of care in this situation was affected because the lady was not cooperating with the care team. I heard she did not want to take her medicines or talk to anybody because she believed that people are trying to hurt her.

Sharing patients information is one more concern that affects the delivery of care. When I got hired at a clinic as a medical assistant, one of the stories that they told us at the orientation about patients record was about a football player that went to the hospital and one nurse took a selfie with him in his hospital bed and posted that picture on social media.

This action affected the delivery of care because the patient did not want anybody to know that he had a health issue, and everybody knew about his condition because of that nurse. He was shocked, agitated, angry, and he requested to be transferred to another hospital.


Overprescribed medication is unethical, and some doctors do that because they want to help pharmacies sell their products. This affects the delivery of care because money is the primary concern, not the patient. Using patients to test new medications without them knowing is another issue that affects the delivery of care. This situation affects the delivery of care in the way that patients are not the priority, but a tool of tests.


Lack of money is one of the specific issues that affect the delivery of care. If you do not have money, it means you cannot afford to get health insurance; therefore, it will be difficult to continue receiving medical care.
Stigmatization is another concern that affects the delivery of care.

In some communities, getting some types of health issues can be seen as a curse and can be the reason why some people lose their friendships. This situation affects the delivery of care in the sense that patients do not have a lot of moral support from their friends and family because they do not want other people to find out about their situations.


  • Batnitzky, A., Hayes, D., & Vinall, P.E. (2018). The U.S. healthcare system An introduction [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https //content.ashford.edu/Links to an external site.

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