Get Buy-In to Make a Change in Practice

Paper Instructions

To make a change in practice, nurses must get buy-in from other stakeholders. By presenting a compelling argument with information each audience will care about, you are more likely to get people to listen. This assignment is designed to get you thinking about how what you present can and should vary depending on who you’re talking to.

Think about the following stakeholder groups:

  • Organization administrators, e.g., CEO, CNO, supervisors
  • Peer professionals, e.g., other nurses and interdisciplinary team members
  • Patients and families

If you wanted to implement your suggested change in practice:

  • How would you convince these groups of people?
  • What data would you present? Why?
  • What information from the literature would each of these groups find important or interesting? Why?
  • How would you convey your plans to evaluate your proposed intervention and validate or dismiss its effectiveness to influence practice?
  • How much improvement would you suggest the organization see before the suggested intervention would be worth the expense of doing something differently?

Provide APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources cited.

Prepare your answers in a 700- to 1,050-word Microsoft® Word document.

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Getting Buy-In for Change in Practice

Success of health organizations depends largely on the manner in which evidence-based interventions are implemented. It is important that implementers of evidence-based practice interventions receive optimum support in their organizations. The support can be obtained with a consideration of factors such as active stakeholder involvement and alignment of the intervention with the goals of the organization. The support is also obtained if the adopters have the right knowledge and skills that are needed for successful implementation of the intervention. Therefore, this section of the research paper explores ways of obtaining buy-in for the intervention from administrative audience, peer audience, and patient and family audience.

Administrative Audience

The administrative audience is important in facilitating the adoption of the proposed intervention. They must support the intervention for it to be a success. The administrative audience that would be approached to support the intervention includes the chief nursing officer, nurse managers, hospital administrator, and the chief executive officer of the hospital. The ability of these audiences to be influenced to support the proposed intervention depends on the data that will be provided to them. It would be important to present these audiences with data that includes the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of the proposed intervention.

The audience will be interested in learning about the efficacy of the intervention in their setting. They will be interested in determining whether the intervention results in the improvement in the costs incurred as well as the use of resources such as staff and time. They will also be interested in information related to the safety and applicability to the organization. Therefore, it is important that the intervention promote these aspects for it to be accepted for use in the organization.

There is also the need to utilize information from literature to get buy-in from this audience. Accordingly, it is important to present to them with information related with patient, family, and provider satisfaction with the intervention. A high score of satisfaction from the adopters of the intervention is likely to influence them to adopt the proposed intervention. Information on comparative effectiveness with pharmacological and other non-pharmacological interventions also needs to be provided (Joel, 2017). They are likely to be influenced to adopt the intervention if literature reveals the intervention more effective than those currently utilized in the hospital do.

The administrative audience is also likely to embrace the intervention based on the manner in which it will be evaluated and the manner in which improvements will be determined. The proposed intervention will be evaluated based on process and outcome measures. Process measures will determine if the intervention was implemented according the pre-developed plan. The outcome measures will focus on whether the goals of the intervention were achieved or not. This will include the determination of aspects such as pain score, fear and anxiety levels, staff and caregivers satisfaction with the intervention, and the manner in which resources were used in implementing the intervention.

A number of improvements must be met prior to implementing the change. One of them is ensuring that the staffs are ready to adopt the intervention. This will minimize resistance to change. The other improvement is organizational readiness in terms of available resources. Lastly, the appropriateness of the developed goals should be examined collaboratively with the adopters to allow for the determination of their effectiveness in meeting organizational needs.

Peer Audience

There must also be buy-in from the peer audience. This includes professionals such as clinical nurse researchers, quality assurance personnel, and policymakers in the organization. This audience is interested in some data for them to support the intervention. One of them is the determination of whether the intervention will cause harm to the participants or not. The intervention should not subject the participants to any form of harm. They are also interested in determining the applicability of the adopted study design to the research topic.

Peer audience is interested in determining whether the proposed study design will answer the objectives of the research. Therefore, a focus will placed on aligning the intervention with an appropriate study design. This audience is also interested in determining if the intervention bridges gap in knowledge. The intervention should bring new aspects that add evidence to practice. Therefore, the intervention will determine the effectiveness of audiovisual distraction in managing pain among pediatric patients.

The peer audience is also interested in utilizing information from literature to support the intervention. A number of information from literature will be presented as a way of influencing them. One of them is knowledge gaps in previous studies. This will make them understand the need for the intervention. The other information is the influence of the intervention on performance scores such as safety, quality, and patient satisfaction. The last aspect of information is the ethical and legal aspects of the intervention. It must be authorized by ethics review committee for it to be implemented in the organization.

The intervention will be evaluated the same way it was done for the administrative audience. The focus will be placed on process and outcome measures. The process measures will include whether the ethics governing scientific studies were adhered to or not. Similarly, the outcome measures will focus on making it clear whether the intended outcomes of the interventions were met or not. It will also focus on the recommendations for future studies on the topic (Hayes, 2018).

Through it, the peer audience will get the sense of implementing the intervention. Some of the improvements that must be met prior to implementing the intervention include approval of the intervention by the ethics committee and alignment of the proposal with guidelines of scientific research.

Getting Buy-In from Patient and Family Audience

The parents or caregivers of the children to receive the intervention must also support the intervention. They have to consent the utilization of the intervention in promoting relaxation of their children when procedures are being undertaken on them. Therefore, it is important to present them with specific data that will ensure their buy-in. One of the data is the benefit of the intervention. The parents and guardians will be informed about the benefits of the intervention. The other type of data is on the safety of the intervention. They must be assured that the intervention will not cause any harm to their children. The information from literature that will be presented include on the safety, efficacy, and benefits of the intervention. They will also be taught on the ways of utilizing the intervention when giving medications to their children.

The evaluation approach that will be utilized prior to the implementation will include determining the understanding of the parents and caregivers about the importance and ways of administering the intervention. The amount of improvement that is needed prior to implementing the intervention includes the parents and caregivers understanding the intervention and consenting on behalf of their children (Weiss, Tappen & Grimley, 2019). Therefore, it is anticipated that the use of these interventions will influence the patient and family audience to support the implementation of the intervention.


In summary, buy-in will be obtained from a number of stakeholders. They will include the administration, peer audience, and parents and family audience. It will be important for them to understand the importance of the intervention to them and the target population. Information from literature sources such as safety, benefits, efficacy, and effectiveness of the intervention will also be provided to them. Evaluation approach that would be utilized will focus on the process and outcome measures of the intervention. Therefore, it is anticipated that the use of the above approaches will result in successful adoption of the intervention by the target stakeholders.


  • Joel, L. A. (2017). Advanced practice nursing Essentials for role development. FA Davis.
  • Hayes, J. (2018). The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave.
  • Weiss, S. A., Tappen, R. M., & Grimley, K. (2019). Essentials of nursing leadership & management. FA Davis.

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