DNP 840 DPI Project Budget and Timeline

Paper Instructions

Assessment Description

Creating a timeline and budget for your project is an often underestimated core skill. Projects often have hidden time commitments and costs that lead to unexpected expenses, which creates unintended barriers to project completion and sustainability. In collaboration with your mentor and senior leadership at your project site, create a timeline and budget for your DPI Project. This timeline and budget will be embedded in your final manuscript.

General Requirements

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment

Review the attached resource, “DPI Project Management Timeline and Budget Template,” which will be used to complete this assignment.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Upload both parts of the assignment to the assignment dropbox.

Learners will submit this assignment using the assignment dropbox in the digital classroom. In addition, learners must upload this deliverable to the Learner Dissertation Page (LDP) in the DNP PI Workspace for later use.


Part 1
Create a detailed project timeline using the “DPI Project Management Timeline” section of the “DPI Project Management Timeline and Budget Template.”Review each activity in the timeline.

Identify the course that each activity was completed.

Document the start date, the number of days required to complete the activity, and the end date.

For activities that have not yet been achieved, document an estimated start date, number of days required to complete the activity, and the end date.

Part 2

Create a detailed project budget using the “DPI Project Budget” section of the “DPI Project Management Timeline and Budget Template.”

Include anticipated costs for direct and indirect costs, fixed and variable costs, labor and materials, travel, equipment and space, and license and miscellaneous expense.

Justify the total anticipated costs in 50-150 words per section.

Each section must be answered. If one section does not apply to your DPI Project, include an explanation as to why.

Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours

It may be possible to earn portfolio practice immersion hours for this assignment. Enter the following after the References section of your paper

Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-840A

I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed and logged (NUMBER OF) clock minutes/hours in association with the goals and objectives for this assignment. I also have tracked said practice immersion hours in the Lopes Activity Tracker for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice immersion preceptor/mentor before the end of the course.

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DPI Project Management Timeline and Budget Template
DPI Project Management Timeline
Learner Name

Instructions Review each activity in the timeline. Identify the course that each activity was completed. Document the start date, the number of days required to complete the activity, and the end date. For activities that have not yet been achieved, document an estimated start date, the number of days required to complete the activity, and the end date.
PICOT-D Question For cardiopulmonary patients admitted in a long-term care facility, will the translation of Macchio et al.’s research on follow-up with a cardiologist or primary caregiver, compared to current practice at the site, decrease the rates of readmission by 25% within 30 Days?

Activity Course Start Date Number of Days Required End Date Comments EBP Question

Conceptual Review of PICOT-D Question DNP 840 Date Reviewed 8/3/2023
N/A N/A Adequately reviewed
PICOT-D Question Approved DNP 840 Date Approved 8/3/2023
N/A N/A Well formulated

EvidencePrimary Quantitative Research of the Intervention DNP 840 9/3/2023 2 days 10/3/2023
Additional Primary and Secondary Quantitative Research DNP 840 11/3/2023 3 days 13/3/2023
Connecting Nursing Theory and Evidence-Based Change Model DNP 840 13/3/2023 1 day 13/3/2023
Literature Synthesis for Proposed Intervention DNP 840 14/3/2023 2 days 15/3/2023
Create a project implementation plan (10 Strategic Points) DNP 840 16/3/2023 2 days 17/3/2023
Determine fit, feasibility, and appropriateness of the intervention for translation path (DPI Project Budget and Timeline) DNP 840 18/3/2023 1 day 18/3/2023
Project Planning
Attend Virtual Nurse Residency DNP 840 Date Attended
Create a Data Collection Sheet and Data Dictionary DNP 840 19/3/2023 1 day 19/3/2023
DPI Project Proposal (Chapters 1-3) DNP 840 20/3/2023 1 day 20/3/2023
Proposal (Chapters 1-3) Defense DNP 840 21/3/2023 1 day 21/3/2023
IRB Site Authorization for the Project (not MOU) DNP 840 22/3/2023 2 days 23/3/2023
Permissions for Tools, Instruments, Surveys, or Guidelines DNP 840 24/3/2023 2 days 25/3/2023
Project Site IRB Approval/
Determination (if applicable) DNP 840 26/3/2023 2 days 27/3/2023
GCU IRB Approval DNP 840 28/3/2023 1 day 28/3/2023

Project Implementation

Implement Project Plan (Training of Staff) DNP 840 29/3/2023 2 days 30/3/2023
Collect Data DNP 840 31/3/2023 2 days 1/4/2023

Project Evaluation

Evaluate Outcomes (Data Analysis and Results) DNP 840 2/4/2023 2 days 3/4/2023
DPI Completed Project (Chapters 1-5) DNP 840 4/4/2023 1 day 4/4/2023
Project Dissemination
Report Outcomes to Stakeholders (DPI Final Project Defense) DNP 840 5/4/2023 1 day 5/4/2023
Department Review DNP 840 6/4/2023 1 day 6/4/2023
Dean’s Signature DNP 840 7/4/2023 1 day 7/4/2023
Publish in ProQuest DNP 840 8/4/2023 2 days 9/4/2023

DPI Project Budget
Directions Complete the following table for your DPI Project Budget. Each portion much be answered. If one portion does not apply to your project, an explanation needs to be given as to why. Expenses may fit into more than one category. If you find this is the case, add additional rows to account for all possible combinations.
Expenses Direct or Indirect Cost Fixed or Variable Cost Total Anticipated Cost The rationale for Total Anticipated Cost (50-150 words each)

Labor $15,000 $10,000 $25,000 One of the project’s most important resources is labor. The project would not be able to run without manpower. As workers will be required to execute tasks, both expert and unskilled labor are necessary. Labor has the biggest budget allocation, as mentioned in the total projected cost column, as they occupy center stage in job completion.

Materials $10,000 $8,000 $18,000 Moreover, the material will be required to support project execution. As the project would only last months, a projector is the most crucial component of the materials. We have set aside around half of the cost for materials for the few days we will require the projector and its operator.

Travel $5,000 $4,000 $9,000 The initiative does not anticipate a stagnating labor market. Tasks will change as the project develops, necessitating the transportation of project participants and equipment from one location to another. The project must plan for the flow of resources and personnel. This indicates that the project must subsidize project-related transportation. The estimated cost is remarkably low to deter pointless transit between locations.

Equipment $10,000 $9,000 $19,000 To complete the project’s tasks, equipment will be required. A collection of tools that will be utilized to accomplish particular goals is referred to as equipment. A tool can also be non-mechanical. But, when anything is described as equipment, there is a mechanical component to it that cannot be disregarded. The budget includes both mechanical and non-mechanical tools.
Space $8,000 $6,000 $14,000 The project will require a workspace to encourage task completion. It’s crucial to pick a location that is appropriate for the project’s nature, where the person may work freely, and that is also reasonably priced. There are a few techniques that may be used to assist select a location that is ideal for the project while renting a workspace.

License $3,000 $3,000 $6,000 The most frequent use of licensing may be in the field of healthcare research, where strict regulations are in place to guarantee both individual competence and public safety. Every clinical trial conducted in the United States must have the approval of an Institutional Review Board, or IRB, at each research location. The IRB is made up of medical professionals, researchers, and laypeople like you who are committed to ensuring that study participants are not subjected to unwarranted risks.

Miscellaneous Expense $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 Miscellaneous Costs is intended to be used to bill the project for previously estimated overhead expenditures (like phone service and postal fees). We can lower our overhead rate and present a more accurate picture of the profitability of the project thanks to this reclassification procedure. Clothes and unforeseen equipment will be included in the category of miscellaneous costs. This estimated cost must be accounted for in the project because it could not go as planned and could wind up costing more money than originally anticipated.

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